
  1. 8月份的双人间价格为80欧元起。在阿维尼翁,RueduPortailBoquier地区有两处物有所值的下榻地可供选择。

    Doubles in August from 80 euros . In Avignon , Rue du Portail Boquier contains two worthy lodging options .

  2. 由于和TGV(巴黎至里昂间的城际特快)轻松对接,欧洲之星列车甚至提供了2个季节性的站点:在夏季可以送你到阳光遍地的阿维尼翁,在冬季可以送你到法国阿尔卑斯山领略雪山美景。

    Thanks to easy connections with GTV , Eurostar trains even offer two seasonal destinations : sunny Avignon during summertime and the French Alps in winter where you could enjoy the snowy slopes .

  3. 记得我二十多岁时的一个春天,我乘坐巴黎至里昂的高速火车从阿维尼翁到尼斯。

    I remember that one spring , in my early 20s , I took the TGV from Avignon to Nice .

  4. 建于罗马时期的小镇阿尔勒与中世纪城墙环绕下的城都阿维尼翁之间相距不远,乘坐火车仅需20分钟便可抵达,两地均集结了大量的壮丽建筑、顶级艺术、沐浴在阳光中的普罗旺斯美食和联合国教科文组织世界遗产。

    Just 20 minutes apart by train , the Roman-era town of Arles and the medieval walled city of Avignon enfold a dense mix of architectural beauty , world-class art , sun-soaked Proven gastronomy and Unesco World Heritage sites .