
ā sī pǐ lín
  • aspirin;acetylsalicylic acid
阿司匹林 [ā sī pǐ lín]
  • [aspirin] 一种白色结晶状的水杨酸化合物CH3COOC6H4COOH,主要用于解热镇痛

阿司匹林[ā sī pǐ lín]
  1. 我服了一片阿司匹林,疼痛逐渐缓解了。

    I took an aspirin and the pain gradually subsided .

  2. 阿司匹林药片治疗方法简便,效果却非常显著。

    Aspirin is a simple but highly effective treatment .

  3. 什么是阿司匹林中的有效成分?

    What is the active ingredient in aspirin ?

  4. 头痛服两片阿司匹林。

    Take two aspirin for a headache .

  5. 阿司匹林能够退烧。

    Aspirin should help reduce the fever .

  6. 你有阿司匹林吗?

    Do you have any aspirin ?

  7. 阿司匹林是药性平和的止痛药。

    Aspirin is a mild analgesic .

  8. 她进了一家药店,买了些阿司匹林。

    She went into a chemist 's and bought some aspirin .

  9. 我家药柜里的压箱宝要算是那不起眼的阿司匹林。

    The star of my medicine cabinet is the humble aspirin

  10. 我什么药都不吃,除了感冒时吃阿司匹林。

    I don 't take any drugs whatsoever , except aspirin for colds

  11. 我们的医生诊断是喉部感染,并且开了一些抗生素和小剂量阿司匹林。

    Our doctor diagnosed a throat infection and prescribed antibiotic and junior aspirin

  12. 他会吃两片阿司匹林,然后摊开手脚躺在床上。

    He would take two aspirin and sprawl out on his bed .

  13. 阿司匹林能显著地稀释血液、抑制血液凝结。

    Aspirin apparently thins the blood and inhibits clotting .

  14. 医院每一片阿司匹林都要病人掏钱。

    The hospitals charge the patients for every aspirin

  15. 阿司匹林可以稀释血液,使其在变窄的血管里更顺畅地流动。

    Aspirin thins the blood , letting it flow more easily through narrowed blood vessels .

  16. 他立刻吃了两片阿司匹林,用3杯水送服下去。

    He took two aspirin immediately and washed them down with three cups of water .

  17. 医生用阿司匹林为她治疗。

    Doctors treated her with aspirin

  18. 阿司匹林似乎使头痛减轻了。

    The aspirin seems to quiet the headache .

  19. 阿司匹林能很快被人体吸收。

    The body quickly absorbs aspirin .

  20. 阿司匹林维生素C泡腾片的体内过程及生物等效性

    Relative bioavailability of effervescent tablet of aspirin-vitamin C in healthy volunteers

  21. 偏头痛患者超敏C反应蛋白的变化及阿司匹林疗效的观察

    The variance of C-reaction protein of patiens with migraine and the therapeutic effect of aspirin

  22. 阿司匹林维生素C分散片治疗急性上呼吸道感染的随机对照临床研究

    A Randomly Controlled Clinical Trial of Aspirin-vitamin C Dispersible Tablets in Patients with Acute Upper Respiratory Tract Infection

  23. HPLC用于复方单硝酸异山梨酯阿司匹林缓释片的质量分析

    Quality research of compound isosorbide mononitrate sustained release tablets by HPLC

  24. HPLC法同时测定阿司匹林咀嚼片中阿司匹林和水杨酸的含量

    Simultaneous determination of aspirin and salicylic acid in chewing aspirin tablets by HPLC

  25. HPLC法测定阿司匹林经皮给药贴剂中阿司匹林的含量

    Determination of Aspirin in transdermal delivery patch by HPLC

  26. 阿司匹林-维生素E酯的合成

    Synthesis of Aspirin-tocopherol Ester

  27. 尿激酶联合氯吡格雷阿司匹林治疗急性ST段抬高型心肌梗塞疗效

    Efficiency of urokinase combined clopidogrel and aspirin in the patients with ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction

  28. 通过加速试验考察了几种填充剂、pH调节剂以及润滑剂对阿司匹林片剂稳定性的影响。

    The effect of fillers , pH adjusters and lubricants on the stability of aspirin tablets was investigated by accelerated experiment .

  29. 复方双嘧达莫缓释片中双嘧达莫与阿司匹林含量的RP-HPLC测定

    RP-HPLC Determination for Extended Release Dipyridamole and Aspirin Compound

  30. CHF合并AF患者阿司匹林使用率为51.6%(227/440),华法林使用率为8.6%(38/440)。

    The usage rate of aspirin was 51.6 % , and warfarin was 8.6 % .