
huì tú
  • draw;plot;map;graphics;chart;sketch
绘图 [huì tú]
  • [draw;chart;map] 绘制图样或地图等

绘图[huì tú]
  1. 您还可以使用$n表示第n列,从而对二进制表达式进行绘图。

    You can also plot arbitrary expressions using $ n to refer to the nth column .

  2. 微软公司推出的可视化编程语言VISUALBASIC提供了强大的计算与绘图功能,作者利用它研制了一级连续反应动力学的模拟程序。

    The program to simulate the consecutive first-order reaction has been developed by the strong function of Visual Basic in calculation and plot .

  3. 计算机绘图将会使你的演示具有专业特色。

    Computer graphics will give your presentation the professional touch .

  4. 麦琪:你妹妹拿好了书本笔记本纸张铅笔讲义夹绘图仪器。

    Maggie : well your sister has her books , notebooks , paper , pencils , binders , course dividers .

  5. 用VISUALBASIC设计函数与坐标点绘图程序

    Use visual basic to design a drawing programm of funtion and coordinates

  6. 电机CAD中自动绘图与显示的研究

    The Study of Automatic Drawing and Display for Electric Machine CAD

  7. 捕沫箱分离伞部件CAD绘图软件开发

    Development of CAD drawing software for the catch basin and separator umbrella

  8. 基于道路集成CAD系统的小桥涵绘图

    Little Bridge and Culvert Drawing Based on the Road Integrated CAD System

  9. 六角头螺栓的系列化CAD绘图程序设计

    The Programming of Seriation CAD Drafting on Turret Bolt

  10. 利用CAD绘图软件模拟计算冶炼设备倾动力矩

    CAD Analogous Calculation of Tilting Moment for Melting Equipments

  11. V带轮设计与绘图一体化CAD系统的设计

    CAD System of Design and Parametric Drawing for V-belt Wheel

  12. CAD绘图功能在赤平投影中的应用

    Application of CAD Plotting Function in Stereographic Projection

  13. 三维实体建模是目前CAD绘图软件中一个较为先进的几何建模方法。

    Solid Modeling is an advanced geometry modeling method in the present CAD system .

  14. 应用CAD技巧提高绘图速度

    Using CAD Skill to Improve Drawing Speed

  15. AUTOCAD绘图技巧及常见的问题

    Auto CAD drawing skill and common problems

  16. 本文介绍了在AUTOCAD平台上开发船闸横拉门绘图软件的软件结构。

    The authors expounded software structure of ship lock horizontal pull gate on Auto CAD .

  17. 玻璃幕墙CAD系统包括分析计算和绘图两个模块,分析计算模块主要做一些前处理的工作。

    The system has two modules , they are design & calculation module and plotting module .

  18. 将VISUALBASIC和AutoCAD技术相结合,提出了以AutoCAD为支撑平台的开发参数化绘图程序的基本思想。

    This paper discusses a method to realize parametric drawing by combining Visual Basic with AutoCAD .

  19. 定义明确的UML交互图比非正式的绘图实际得多。

    Well-defined UML interaction diagrams are far more practical than informal drawings .

  20. SCREEN9的绘图功能

    Graphic Function of SCREEN 9

  21. 可以预见的是,2D绘图的命令是plot。

    The command for2D plots is , predictably , plot .

  22. RNA二级结构自动绘图系统的构建

    The Construction of RNA Secondary Structure Automatic Display System

  23. 参数绘图适用于开发某种专业机械CAD系统。

    Parametric drawing is a suitable style for developing the CAD system for a certain kind of machinery .

  24. 应用ADS技术构造干式变压器中绝缘垫块的参数化绘图系统

    An ADS Program for Parametric Drawing of Support Blocks in Dry-Type Transformer

  25. 巧用AutoCAD技术提高绘图效率

    Skillful Use of AutoCAD Technology to Improve Drawing Efficiency

  26. 在DCS中,对绘图数据不仅需要有矩形截幅功能,而且还常常碰到需要进行任意多边形截幅的情况。

    In DCS , both rectangle clipping and arbitary polygon clipping functions are needed .

  27. AutoCAD在植物分类学绘图中的应用

    Application of AutoCAD in drawing plant science figures

  28. 本文采用多进程技术来提高OpenGL多窗口绘图的质量。

    This paper improves the quality of OpenGL multiwindow by applying multiprogram .

  29. 浅析提高AutoCAD二维绘图的速度

    Simple analysis on how to improve the speed of two dimensional drawing based on AutoCAD

  30. 通过可视化编程工具VISUALBASIC6.0对三维绘图软件SolidWorks2006进行二次开发,软件实现膨胀节自动建模、自动装配、自动出工程图功能。

    The software realizes that products automatically modeling , automatically assembly and automatically creating engineering drawing by redeveloping of SolidWorks 2006 in Visual Basic 6.0 .