
  • 网络painting language;pictorial language
  1. 绘画语言是一种可以唤起想象力的语言。

    Painting language is the one that can arouse imagination .

  2. 浅谈水彩画技法中民族绘画语言的融汇

    A Study on Merging National Painting Language in Skills of Watercolor Painting

  3. 他正在创造一种全新的绘画语言。

    He 's creating a whole new language of painting .

  4. 墨点无多泪点多&论朱耷绘画语言的隐喻特征

    On the Metaphorical characteristics of Zhu Da 's Drawing Language

  5. 画家的个性化绘画语言决定着画家的艺术生命,画家的个性是画家个性化绘画语言形成的直接原因。

    The personalized drawing laguage of a painter determines his artistic life .

  6. 当代我国油画绘画语言浅析

    Simply analyse painting drawing language at present in china

  7. 绘画语言演变视角里的当代美术

    On the Modern Fine Arts in the Evolutional Visual Angle of Painting Language

  8. 严格意义上讲,我的绘画语言是强调观念和视觉。

    Strictly speaking , my painting language focuses on concepts and visual effects .

  9. 最后得出结论&绘画语言具有时代性。

    In conclusion & Painting language has era nature .

  10. 绘画语言是技巧、形式和内容的有机融合,是检验画家艺术水准的标准。

    Drawing language is an organic composition of artistry , form and contents .

  11. 影像所具有的记录生活功能被丝网版画很好地转换为绘画语言。

    Images of the records were Serigraphs life function well into painting language .

  12. 论痛苦在绘画语言中的主体性回归

    Try talking about the entity return of the agony in the painting language

  13. 我希望能通过具象绘画语言来描述那难以琢磨的生命世界。

    I wish to describe the elusive living world with the specific drawing language .

  14. 她以自己的绘画语言,表达自己看到的世界。

    Her own language of painting to express what they saw in the world .

  15. 在他独特的绘画语言背后,隐藏着复杂而又隐秘的根源。

    Behind his unique drawing language , is hiding complex and the secret root .

  16. 同时,也是艺术家的个性绘画语言的试验田。

    And sketching is also a test land for artists ' individualized painting language .

  17. 绘画语言是画家运用绘画的手段表达创作意图的一种语言模式。

    Painting language is used by means of painting artists to express creation ideas .

  18. 肖像素描教学与民族绘画语言

    Portrait Sketch Teaching and Nationality Drawing Language

  19. 论西方现代绘画语言的自觉

    On Consciousness of Western Contemporary Painting Language

  20. 绘画语言是画家传达思想与情感的独特方式。

    Painting language is a special way for painter to express his idea and emotion .

  21. 色彩作为绘画语言的重要组成部分,对作品的格调有着举足轻重的作用。

    Color as an important part of painting , work style has a pivotal role .

  22. 光线照射所产生的明暗对比,是写实绘画语言的基本要素之一。

    The chiaroscuro caused by light radiation is one of the basic element in realistic paintings .

  23. 因为有什么样的精神观念,就应该有什么样的绘画语言与之相匹配。

    Because what kind of spirit concepts , he should have what kind of painting matching .

  24. 尽管采用的是最传统的写实主义的绘画语言,但是他的作品却极其富有现代感。

    Albeit he employs the most traditional realism painting language , his works demonstrate the modern style .

  25. 绘画语言要素认识谈

    On Language Elements of Painting

  26. 本文力图从绘画语言层面去探讨水彩画的融合语言与本体语言问题。

    The discussion of this text is the fusion language and essence language of the water color .

  27. 因此他们用平实的传统写实绘画语言传述着非凡的作品精神品格。

    So they use plain traditional realistic painting language expresses how the extraordinary works of spiritual character .

  28. 对于油画自身的语言问题我不感兴趣,因为借助于绘画语言本身是乏味的。

    I did not use brushes . I was not interested in the problem of painting itself .

  29. 对绘画语言在表现内容与形式上的认识,随着时代的进步在不断地提高。

    With the development of times , the form and content of expression in paintings are steadily improved .

  30. 绘画语言、表现风格、造境手段等也因画家精神世界的不同而多样。

    Art language , and performance style and their means of a painter and the difference and variety .