
  • 网络post-Impressionist;Post-impressionism;post impressionism;postimpressionist
  1. 后印象派的艺术特征和产生原因简论

    An Analysis of the Artistic Features and the Causes of Post-impressionism

  2. 后印象派将形式主义艺术发挥到极致,几乎不顾及任何题材和内容。

    Post-Impressionism perfectly exerted the formalist art for almost any subjects and contents .

  3. 作家、史学爱好者贝尔纳黛特·墨菲(BernadetteMurphy)为写新书研究了这位荷兰后印象派画家人生的最后一个时期。她在美国的一个档案馆发现了一份文件,可能有助于解开这个谜团。

    The author and amateur historian Bernadette Murphy , while researching the last period of that Dutch Post Impressionist 's life for a new book , discovered a document in an American archive that may help resolve the issue .

  4. 除了他的很多后印象派绘画作品外,他的招贴画也深受世人瞩目。

    Except for his paintings of poster-impressionism , his posters have attracted our attention .

  5. 塞尚是后印象派的重要画家,现代绘画之父。

    Paul Cezanne was an important postimpressionist painter and the father of modern painting .

  6. 可见,后印象派绘画对现代诸流派的发展有着重要的历史意义。

    Therefore , the postimpressionist paintings had great historical significance for the development of modern art styles .

  7. 艺术作品更应是内心的独白&比较印象派与后印象派大师的绘画心理

    Works of Art , More of the Soliloquy of Inner Heart & The Painting Psychology of Impressionism vs Post-impressionism

  8. 本文论述之印象主义运动包括印象派、新印象派和后印象派的活动及创作。

    The movement of Impressionism in this article includes the activities and productions of Impressionism , Neo-impressionism and Post-impressionism .

  9. 印象派风景画的勃兴,后印象派静物画的独立,在题材上都受到东洋画的感化。

    Impressionism impressionism contribute , landscape after independence , still lifes in topics are subject to the Oriental humanizes painting .

  10. 它是以梵高、塞尚等后印象派的反对再现为出发点发展而来的。

    It is based on the opposition of Van Gogh , Cezanne and other Post-Impressionist reproduction evolved as a starting point .

  11. 卫天霖的绘画语言是在学习印象派与后印象派的基础上,加上隐于其心中的古代文人所提倡的纯粹的审美态度而形成的。

    Wei 's painting language is based on impressionism and post - impressionism , and ancient scholars ' pure aesthetic attitudes .

  12. 他的早期作品说明他是一名后印象派画家。

    He was a post-impressionist painter whose early works , like The Potato Eaters , portray peasant life in somber , dark colors .

  13. 宋代文人画与西方后印象派绘画在东西方绘画体系中均占有承上启下的重要地位。

    Song literati painting and Western painting in the post-impressionist painting system in both the East and West occupy an important position nexus .

  14. 后印象派在艺术观念上注重绘画的表现性意识和创新意识,强调艺术个性;

    Post-Impressionism , which emphasizes individuality of art on the art conception , focuses on the expressional consciousness and creational consciousness of painting ;

  15. 在世界绘画史上,作为后印象派画家的凡.高被誉为表现主义绘画的先驱。

    In the history of world painting , the postimpressionist painter Van Gogh was honored as the forerunner of " expressionist " painting .

  16. 在描写人物心理活动以及他们对生命意义的探寻过程中,伍尔夫巧妙地运用了众多印象派、后印象派的绘画技巧,通过色彩与光影刻画人物内在心理及思想活动。

    Woolf skillfully employs a number of Impressionist and Post-Impressionist painting techniques in portraying characters ' psychological activities and their inquiry into the meaning of life .

  17. 文森特·梵高:荷兰后印象派画家,作品以色彩之绚烂、情感之丰沛影响深远。

    Vincent : A Dutch post-Impressionist painter whose work had a far-reaching influence on20th century art as a result of its vivid colors and emotional impact .

  18. 尽管米勒是现实主义画家,梵高是后印象派画家,这两幅画中有很多共同点,不只是名字。

    Although Millet was a realist painter , and Van Gogh a post-impressionist , the two paintings still share lots of features , not just the name .

  19. 文森特•梵高:荷兰后印象派画家,作品以色彩之绚烂、情感之丰沛影响深远。

    Vincent : A Dutch post-Impressionist painter whose work had a far-reaching influence on 20th century art as a result of its vivid colors and emotional impact .

  20. 后印象派和和野兽派的表现性色彩语言给了我极大的启发,并在自己的创作中将其更好地展现出来。

    The expressive language of color in post-impressionism and fauvism has given the painter great inspiration and it has also been better presented by the painter in the painting .

  21. 随着后印象派、立体主义等新兴艺术流派的出现,再现性的艺术作品失去了市场,从而引发了一场现代艺术的革命。

    With the emergence of Post-impressionism , Cubism and other new art schools , Representationalist artistic works have been out of the market , which triggers a modern art revolution .

  22. 此外它是世界上拥有最多印象派、后印象派艺术家作品的博物馆,这些艺术家包括包括莫奈、马奈、修拉以及梵高。

    It houses the largest collection of impressionist and post-impressionist art pieces in the world , with an extensive collection by Monet , Manet , Seurat , and Van Gogh .

  23. 布鲁斯伯里团体的成员都是艺术家或艺术评论家,因此伍尔夫受到了印象派、后印象派或其他画家的影响。

    The members of the Bloomsbury Group are artists and art theorists , so Woolf is , in a large extent , influenced by those Impressionists and Post-Impressionists and other painters .

  24. 后印象派艺术家们秉持不同的艺术理念,形成了各自独特的艺术风格,为现代艺术指明了前进的方向,在美术史上起到了举足轻重的作用。

    Post-impressionist artists who uphold different ideas of art create their own unique artistic style and point the way forward to modern art , they play decisive role in the art history .

  25. 科陶德倾心的对象是法国印象派和后印象派画家,马内、雷诺瓦、德加、高更和梵高等大师的代表作构成了他知名艺术收藏的核心。

    He was devoted to the French Impressionists and Post-Impressionists , and masterpieces by Manet , Renoir , Degas , Gauguin and Van Gogh formed the core of his renowned art collection .

  26. 19世纪末20世纪初,西方艺术处于一个激烈的转折时期,艺术突破了其追求逼真和写实的悠久传统,后印象派作为一种新型流派逐渐兴起。

    The period from the late 19th century to the early 20th century sees an intense turn of Western art . The long art tradition of pursuit of lifelike portrait and Realism is broken through , replaced by the emerging Post-impressionism .

  27. 后印象派反对以逼真为传统的写实主义,不再以复制或摹仿客观事物为标准,而是在线条与色彩等形式结构关系的和谐中表现情感,从客观再现走向主观表现,从形象走向抽象。

    The Realism which highlights on lifelike portrait is sided against by Post-impressionism , which expresses emotions following the order from an objective representation to a subjective expression and from visually to abstractly through harmonious structural relations between lines and colors instead of merely copying or imitating objective things .

  28. 在文艺复兴已后至印象派兴起之前的古典大师身上(拉斐尔,安格尔,普桑等人的素描手稿中)我们能够在那些以线为主的一整套造型语言中,看到线条的作用。

    After the Renaissance to Impressionism had been before the rise of the classical masters who ( Raphael , Ingres , Poussin and others sketch manuscript ) we can set those lines based modeling language , see the lines effect .