
hòu jìn
  • the Later Jin Dynasty;the Posterior Jin Dynasty
后晋 [hòu jìn]
  • [the Posterior Jin Dynasty] 五代的第三个朝代,石敬瑭所建立的。936年后唐河东节度使沙陀人石敬瑭,向契丹皇帝称儿皇帝,割云燕十六州给契丹,历二帝共十一年

后晋[hòu jìn]
  1. 后晋共存在12年。

    The Late Jin ended after 12 years of existence .

  2. 明宗死后,由于最高统治集团内部互相残杀,不久被后晋所灭。

    However , the rulers of the Later Tang waged war to murder each other after the death of Emperor of Ming .

  3. 在五代十国的后晋时期,曾把北方的燕云十六州割与契丹族所建立的辽国。

    The later Jin of the Five Dynasties and Ten States cec % l the sixteen cities of Youyun to Liao of Qidan .

  4. “五代”指后梁、后唐、后晋、后汉与后周。

    By the Five Dynasties are meant the later Liang , the Later Tang , the Later Jin , the Later Han and the Later Zhou .

  5. 它们分别被建立于后唐末期、后晋初期和后周早期。

    as they were established , respectively , towards the end of the Later Tang , early during the Later Jin , and early during the Later Zhou .

  6. 后晋以后,幽云十六州成为辽军南下攻掠中原的基地,致使北方地区的社会经济遭受严重破坏。

    After the Later Jin , the sixteen cities of Youyun was a base for Liao to attack and grab from the Central Plain , which brought havoc in north China .

  7. 会同元年(947),辽太宗灭后晋,改国号大辽。

    In the 1st year of Huitong ( 947 ) , Emperor Taizong of the Liao defeated the Later Jin and changed the name of his dynasty to the " Great Liao . "

  8. 他们分别是后梁(907——923)、后唐(923——936)、后晋(936——946)、后汉(947——950)和后周(951——960)。

    They were the Later Liang ( 907 - 923 ) , Later Tang ( 923 - 936 ) , Later Jin ( 936 - 946 ) , Later Han ( 947 - 950 ) , and Later Zhou ( 951 - 960 ) .

  9. 北汉:北汉为后汉高祖之弟刘崇所建,是建国最晚的一个,成立后唐末期、后晋和后周之间。

    The State of Northern Han : The State of Northern Han by Liu Chong appeared somewhat later than the others , it was established towards the end of the Later Tang , during the period of the Later Jin , and the Later Zhou .

  10. 在五个朝代中,后梁维持的时间最长,也只有17年,其次后唐14年,后晋11年,而后汉仅仅4年,后周9年,都不足十年。

    Of the five dynasties , the Later Liang , the longest one , lasted only 17 years . Then came the Later Tang which lasted 14 years and the Later Jin which lasted 11 years ; while the Later Han existed for only 4 years and the Later Zhou 9 years .

  11. 后汉:辽兵攻入开封后,后晋河东节度使,刘知远(沙陀人)在晋阳(太原)称帝(高祖),仍用后晋天福年号以争取后晋旧臣归附。

    The Later Han : After Liao seized Kaifeng , the garrison commander of the Later Jin , Liu Zhiyuan ( Shatuo origin ) proclaimed to be Emperor of Gao Zu in Jinyang ( now Taiyuan ) . He still named his regime the Later Jin in order to win the from the former Jin ministers .