
hòu hàn
  • Later Han Dynasty;the Eastern Han Dynasty;the Posterior Han Dynasty
后汉 [hòu hàn]
  • (1) [the Eastern Han Dynasty]∶见东汉

  • 后汉所以倾颓也。-- 诸葛亮《出师表》

  • (2) [the Posterior Han Dynasty]∶五代之一,公元947-950,刘知远所建(参看五代)

后汉[hòu hàn]
  1. 其次,后汉是史学的蓬勃发展时期。

    Secondly , the Eastern Han Dynasty is a period of vigorous development of historiography .

  2. 首先,后汉是经学的昌明时期。

    First of all , the Eastern Han Dynasty is the flourishing period of classics .

  3. 加入WTO后汉语言教育的国际化、产业化

    Internationalization and Industrialization of the Chinese Language Education after China 's entry into WTO

  4. 最后,集部文献展示了后汉辉煌的文学面貌。

    Finally , part of literature shows Han brilliant literary outlook .

  5. 关于《后汉书》及后汉历史的评述

    Review of " Book of Later Han Dynasty " and History of Later Han Dynasty

  6. 后汉时,有一个有名的学者叫陈实。

    During the Later Han dynasty , there lived a very famous scholar named Chen Shr .

  7. 复次,子部文献在后汉呈现出新局面。

    Moreover , part of literature has taken on a new look in the Eastern Han dynasty .

  8. 名士渊源于后汉,汉末的社会环境、风尚对名士有较大的影响。

    The movement of striking groupings had great influence on the literature of the late Han Dynasty .

  9. 它在一本叫做《后汉时期的历史》的书里被描述为一个巨大的青铜器。

    It was later described in the History of the Later Han Dynasty as a giant bronze vessel .

  10. 后汉仅统治四年就灭亡了。

    Four years later , the Emperor was killed and the shortly existed Later Han came to an end .

  11. 《后汉纪》作为东汉时期的编年史展现了历史资料保存于编辑上的创新。

    Records of the Later Han Dynasty , annals of the Eastern Han , shows innovation in the preservation and compilation of historical material .

  12. “五代”指后梁、后唐、后晋、后汉与后周。

    By the Five Dynasties are meant the later Liang , the Later Tang , the Later Jin , the Later Han and the Later Zhou .

  13. 他们分别是后梁(907——923)、后唐(923——936)、后晋(936——946)、后汉(947——950)和后周(951——960)。

    They were the Later Liang ( 907 - 923 ) , Later Tang ( 923 - 936 ) , Later Jin ( 936 - 946 ) , Later Han ( 947 - 950 ) , and Later Zhou ( 951 - 960 ) .

  14. 大约同时,地质沉积物表明发生了大规模的洪灾,在后汉时期的文献《蜀王编年史》记录了来自一处山头的洪水,表明河流被改道了,范说。

    Around the same time , geological sediment ssuggest massive flooding occurred , and the later-Han dynasty document " The Chronicles of the Kings of Shu " records ancient floods pouring from amountain in a spot that suggests the flow being rerouted , Fan said .

  15. 北汉:北汉为后汉高祖之弟刘崇所建,是建国最晚的一个,成立后唐末期、后晋和后周之间。

    The State of Northern Han : The State of Northern Han by Liu Chong appeared somewhat later than the others , it was established towards the end of the Later Tang , during the period of the Later Jin , and the Later Zhou .

  16. 其中最著名的是陈寿(233——297)所著的《三国志》、司马彪(?——306)所著的《续汉书》和袁宏(328——376)所著的《后汉纪》。

    notably the History of the Three Kingdoms by Chen Shou ( 233 - 297 ) , An Extension of the History of the Han Dynasty by Sima Biao ( ? - 306 ) and Records of the Later Han Dynasty by Yuan Hong ( 328 - 376 ) .

  17. 后汉高祖做了11个月皇帝就死了,其侄刘承佑(隐帝)继位后,忌杀大臣,天雄节度使郭威被迫起兵反汉,隐帝被杀。

    Eleven months later , Emperor Gaozu of the Later Han passed away and his nephew Liu Chengyou ( Emperor of Ying ) carried out the line . The new emperor was always suspicious of and put his ministers to death which caused the garrison commander Guo Wei to lead an uprising .

  18. 后汉:辽兵攻入开封后,后晋河东节度使,刘知远(沙陀人)在晋阳(太原)称帝(高祖),仍用后晋天福年号以争取后晋旧臣归附。

    The Later Han : After Liao seized Kaifeng , the garrison commander of the Later Jin , Liu Zhiyuan ( Shatuo origin ) proclaimed to be Emperor of Gao Zu in Jinyang ( now Taiyuan ) . He still named his regime the Later Jin in order to win the from the former Jin ministers .