
  • Provence;Provencal;Aix-en-Provence
  1. 普罗旺斯一处山坡上的橄榄林呈现出一派浪漫风情。

    Olives look romantic on a hillside in Provence .

  2. 普罗旺斯是香水业的发源地。

    Provence is the home of perfumery .

  3. 普罗旺斯杂烩用其他任何油炒出来的味道都不正宗。

    Ratatouille doesn 't taste right with any other oil

  4. 伊丽莎白·戴维对普罗旺斯菜肴的色香味津津乐道。

    Elizabeth David enthuses about the taste , fragrance and character of Provencal cuisine

  5. 尼古拉斯在普罗旺斯买了一座条件简陋的大房子,8月份正在装修。

    Nicholas has bought a barn in Provence and is spending August doing it up .

  6. 在一栋建于18世纪的大厦内,酒店(HotelBoquier)(6号;33-4-90-82-34-43;hotel-boquier.com)的12间简式客房,展现出普罗旺斯的明亮色彩。

    Within an 18th-century edifice , the 12 simple rooms of Hotel Boquier ( No. 6 ; 33-4-90-82-34-43 ; hotel-boquier . com ) sport bright Proven colors .

  7. 在小小的安格拉东博物馆(MuséeAngladon)里,隐藏着一样珍贵的宝藏:普罗旺斯仅存的几幅梵高画作中的一幅。

    A rare treasure hides in the little Mus é e Angladon : one of the few van Gogh paintings in Provence .

  8. 在此“2013欧洲文化之都”(2013'sEuropeanCapitalofCulture),一家全新的洲际酒店(IntercontinentalHotel)现今正俯瞰着这个历史悠久的港口。在马赛,你能寻访到欧洲及地中海文化博物馆(MUCEM)和普罗旺斯博物馆(RegardsdeProvence)。

    In 2013 's European Capital of Culture , a new InterContinental Hotel now overlooks the historic port , where you can find the new MuCEM and Regards de Provence museums .

  9. 这家大型生活方式百货商场,是圣迪迪埃广场(PlaceSaint-Didier)附近的几家嘻哈时尚设计店的其中一间,在夏季向顾客出售普罗旺斯本地品牌RedSoul的超轻薄手染T恤(30欧元),还有Elevenparis的红色卷腿短裤。

    One of several hip fashion and design shops near Place St. - Didier , the lifestyle emporium outfits you for summer with ultralight , hand-dyed T-shirts ( 30 euros ) from the Proven brand Red Soul , and red rolled-up shorts ( 59 euros ) by Elevenparis .

  10. 位于普罗旺斯的国际热核聚变实验堆(简称为ITER)计划于2035年开始输送能源。

    Located in Provence , the International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor - or ITER , for short - is expected to start delivering energy in the year 2035 .

  11. 阿姆斯特丹——在法国普罗旺斯柔和清晰的阳光下,文森特·梵高(VincentvanGogh)看到了日本木刻版画中的清澈天空。

    Van Gogh Never Visited Japan , but He Saw It Everywhere AMSTERDAM - In the soft , clear light of Provence , France , Vincent van Gogh saw the crisp skies of Japanese woodcut prints .

  12. 我退休后到法国普罗旺斯地区艾克斯(Aix-en-Provence)居住的梦想破灭了,现在我退休后只好去纽约州波基普西市艾克斯(Aix-en-Poughkeepsie)了。

    My dreams of retiring to Aix-en-Provence are gone . Now I 'll have to retire to Aix-en-Poughkeepsie .

  13. 阿尔勒的梵高基金会(FondationVanGoghinArles)是一个宽敞的展览空间,顶棚是彩色玻璃的艺术设计,可以让普罗旺斯的阳光折射进来。这处2014年开设的场所是一个例外。

    The Fondation Van Gogh in Arles , an expansive exhibition space topped with an artwork of colored glass refracting Proven light through its roof , which opened in 2014 , is a notable exception .

  14. 因为要作一个普罗旺斯产品的市场开发推广项目,这两天便在MSN上不停地问来过或没有来过普罗旺斯的朋友:你心中的普罗旺斯是什么颜色的?

    Cause of a marketing project for a Provence local product , these few days I am asking all friends who have or have not been here a question – what is the color of Provence in your mind ?

  15. 莫索尔的圣保罗修道院(CheminSt.Paul,13210St.-Rémy-de-Provence;33-4-90-92-77-00)是梵高在普罗旺斯的圣雷米接受治疗的“精神病院”,你可以在这里参观他当时的病房,看到他在此治疗期间画过的茂盛的花园和风景。

    St. Paul de Mausole Monastery ( Chemin St. Paul , 13210 St. - R é my-de-Provence ; 33-4-90-92-77-00 ) is the " asylum " where van Gogh received treatment in St. - R é my-de-Provence , and where you can visit his former room and see the lush gardens and landscapes he painted during his time there .

  16. 你会在普罗旺斯和我肩并肩吗?

    Will you be side by side with me in provence ?

  17. 普罗旺斯以哪种葡萄酒闻名?

    The Provence region is most well-known for what type of wine ?

  18. 实际上,普罗旺斯地区全年的景致都美丽如画。

    In fact , Provence is a beautiful region all year long .

  19. 我想,生活在普罗旺斯的人一定是会很幸福的吧?

    I believe life in Provence must be incredibly happy .

  20. 每条路线都能让游客体会到普罗旺斯不同的风格。

    Each route can make visitors appreciate the different style of Provence .

  21. 欢迎来到普罗旺斯布兰奇四季度假村。

    Welcome to Four Seasons Resort Provence at Terre Blanche .

  22. 法国的普罗旺斯,就向你看到的样子。

    Provence in the France , as u can see .

  23. 普罗旺斯基金的查普曼先生在等�

    It 's Mr. Chapman already , from Provence Trust .

  24. 是国王的兄弟普罗旺斯伯爵

    was the king 's own brother , le Comte de Provence ,

  25. 普罗旺斯杂烩是一道蔬菜经煮制再加上普罗旺斯浓汁烧的菜。

    Ratatouille is a Provencal dish of stewed vegetable .

  26. 1839年1月19日,保罗塞尚出生在普罗旺斯省的艾克斯市。

    Paul Cezanne was born in Aix en Provence on January 19th , 1839 .

  27. 这不是那个普罗旺斯来的打手吗

    If it isn 't the Provence pugilist .

  28. 普罗旺斯位于法国南部。

    Provence is in the south of France .

  29. 探索普罗旺斯地区高低不平的广袤疆域,是令人兴奋的事情,但同时也令人生畏。

    Exploring Provence 's vast , rugged sprawl can be exhilarating - and daunting .

  30. 天气对普罗旺斯居民的影响是迅速和明显的。

    The effect of the weather on the inhabitants of Provence is immediate and obvious .