
  • 网络plotinus
  1. 奥古斯丁从普罗提诺的哲学中获得表达信仰规范的神学言说方式。

    From Plotinus ' philosophy , Augustine created special theological way to express Latin faith norm .

  2. 论普罗提诺的回归方法

    On Plotinus ' Method of Return

  3. 受到新柏拉图主义者普罗提诺的影响,奥古斯丁提出了爱的秩序。

    Being influenced by he Neo-Platonism of Plotinus , Augustine proposed the theory of order of law .

  4. 大序善恶&普罗提诺哲学与古典价值

    Plotinus and Classical Value

  5. 在很长的时间内,拉丁基督教除了德尔图良之外几无思辨性的神学可言。奥古斯丁从普罗提诺的哲学中获得表达信仰规范的神学言说方式。

    During a long time , except Tertullian , there are almost no speculative theologies in Latin Christian tradition .

  6. 第五章论述了斐洛和普罗提诺的神性和人性文艺创作论。

    Chapter five elaborates the theory of the creation of literature and art of the human and divine nature of them .

  7. 普罗提诺思想体系的根本问题即对终极神圣本体的渴望。它即内在于自我又客观存在。

    The fundamental theme of his ideology is the desire for one ultimate holy noumenon . It exists internally and objectively as well .

  8. 普罗提诺是晚期希腊最重要的哲学大师,但在国内长期处于被忽视的地位。

    Plotinus , the most important philosopher in ancient Greek , has been neglected for a long time in the field of philosophy in China .

  9. 普罗提诺是古希腊与中世纪之交的一位重要思想家。

    As we all know , Plotinus is one of the eminent philosophers during the transitional period between the ancient Greece and the Middle Ages .

  10. 普罗提诺的灵魂学说就是要在这两者的紧张冲突中寻找新的路径,以便综合前人成果,解决他们各自所遗留下来的难题。

    Plotinus tries to find a new route between these two tense theories in order to sum up their fruits and solve the problems of each .

  11. 普罗提诺的神学是对柏拉图的理念与神的关系的进一步推进,又是对奥古斯丁上帝的位格的回避。

    Plotinus ' theology further promotes the relationship of Plato ' ideas and gods , meanwhile , it evades the Person of God mentioned by Augustine .

  12. 普罗提诺太一说:古希腊文论神化的阶梯

    The Theory of ' the Grandest One ' : The ladder With Which Plotinus Led the Ancient Greek Artistic Theories to the Altar of the Middle Ages

  13. 通过分析普罗提诺哲学的原创性,我们可以把握古代晚期基督教神学典范的特殊脉络及它所根基的普罗提诺的哲学基础。

    By the analysis of Plotinus ' philosophical originality , we can hold the special skeleton of Christian paradigms in Late Antiquity and its relationship with Neo-Platonism .

  14. 古代晚期的希腊基督教和拉丁基督教神学典范与普罗提诺的新柏拉图主义都有密切的关系,他们以普罗提诺的哲学为神学基础。

    Both Greek Christian and Latin Christian theological paradigms in Late Antiquity are related closely with Plotinus ' Neo-Platonism , their theologies are based on Plotinus ' philosophy .

  15. 一所学校的理念,蓬勃发展,从第二届到第五届百年专案,它是由普罗提诺和影响力,为明年5000年。

    A school of philosophy that flourished from the second to the fifth centuries AD It was founded by Plotinus and was influential for the next thousand years .

  16. 他的三位一体说和普罗提诺的说法极其类似,他在这一点上虽试图维护自己,但他的说法却未能保持三位的同等性。

    His Trinity , which closely resembles that of Plotinus , fails to preserve the equality of the Three Persons , although he tries to safeguard himself on this point .

  17. 除了普罗提诺及其追随者以外,古典美学认为个体间以及个体与整体间的和谐才是美的原则。

    With the sole exception of Plotinus and his followers , classical aesthetics identified the principle of beauty with the consonance of the parts with each other and the whole .

  18. 普罗提诺是一位生活在古罗马的希腊哲学家,同时他也是古代与中世纪之间的承上启下者。

    Plotinus is a ' Greek philosopher ' who lives in the ancient Rome , and he is also a connecting link between the ancient world and the middle ages .

  19. 为了进一步论证卡帕多西亚教父和奥古斯丁的神学典范的哲学基础来自于普罗提诺哲学,本文第一章的第2节阐释了普罗提诺哲学的原创性。

    In order to make further argumentation the Cappadocian Fathers and Augustine 's theologies on the base of Plotinus ' philosophy , we expound the originality of Plotinus ' philosophy in the second part of Chapter One .

  20. 而本文的第二章则立足于主体论,揭示在普罗提诺美学中,审美主体如何是如何通过对审美内视觉的运用,从而实现自身的上升,最后回归太一的。

    The second chapter focuses on Plotinus ' subjectivity of aesthetics . In this chapter , it is revealed that how aesthetics subject realizes its rising and finally returns to the ' one ' by an inner vision .

  21. 第一章主要论述普罗提诺美学本体论上的下降结构,以太一的流溢为线索,探究美是如何一步步退化的。

    The first chapter focuses on Plotinus ' beauty ontology and discusses the ' fall ' structure . This chapter is based on the clue of the emanation of the ' one ' and then explores how the ' beauty ' degenerates step by step .

  22. 普罗提诺的生平和所处的生活世界、宗教世界、思想世界决定了其宗教思想的核心问题是我们的灵魂如何走向上帝以达到灵魂与太一、人与上帝的合一。

    Plotinus ' life experiences , his times , and the religious and thought world he lived in , had decided the core question of his religious thought : how our soul moves towards God so that our soul and the One , the human and God could achieve oneness .