
xiàn xiànɡ lùn
  • phenomenalism
  1. 从CUBA现象论高校体育发展的前景

    Prospect Developed from CUBA Phenomenon in Terms of University Sports

  2. 16至18世纪中国婢女现象论析

    An Analysis of the Servant Women Phenomenon in 16th-18th Century China

  3. 延安文学批评与文学创作悖逆现象论

    On the Phenomenon of Literary Criticism Going against Literary Creation in Yan'an

  4. 中国早期新诗中的留学生海外写作现象论

    On the Writing Phenomenon of Overseas Students in Early Chinese New Poetry

  5. 解放区文学大团圆结局现象论析

    Ending of " Happy Reunion " in Liberated Area Literature

  6. 武侠小说及言情小说阅读现象论析

    Analysis on the Phenomenon of Martial Arts Novels and Romantic Fictions Reading

  7. 近代日本华侨华人的同化现象论析

    A Study of the Acculturation of the Overseas Chinese in Modern Japan

  8. 后现代主义设计艺术化现象论析

    On the Art - oriented Post - modernistic Design

  9. 从水稻和苎麻的光周期敏感现象论植物的发育阶段

    Analysis of Plant Development Stage Based on the Photoperiod-sensitivity of Rice and Ramie

  10. 改革文学现象论

    An Analysis of " Reform Literature " Phenomenon

  11. 会话不合作现象论析

    On Non - co operation in Conversation

  12. 从浙江现象论经济转型与团险转轨

    On Economic Restructuring and Group Insurance Transformation

  13. 根据这个结构,我们提出了一个关于意识涌现的现象论。

    In terms of the structure , we put forward a phenomenalism of conscious emergence .

  14. 如果副现象论是正确的,那么现象状态对我们的物理地解释的行为就没有任何作用。

    If epiphenomenalism is correct , then phenomenal states have no effect on our behaviour .

  15. 声乐演唱与发声训练中模糊现象论析

    An Analysis on the Vague Phenomenon in the Training of Vocal Singing and Sound Production

  16. 70后现象论

    On Post - 70 Phenomena

  17. 副现象论是一种自洽的理论,至少目前没有什么致命的问题,因而应该得到认真的对待。

    Epiphenomenalism is a kind of coherent theory without fatal problem at least so as to be treated carefully .

  18. 副现象论的提出,通常既尊重了意识又尊重了科学:它同时容纳了关于意识的反唯物主义论证和物理的因果封闭性。

    Epiphenomenalism is usually put forward as respecting both consciousness and science : it simultaneously accommodates the anti-materialist arguments about consciousness and the causal closure of the physical .

  19. 与上述物理主义派别相对应,对于这一问题的研究,当代心灵哲学还存在着二元论派别,其主要形式有:实体二元论、属性二元论和副现象论。

    Corresponding to the physical faction above , for the study of this issue , there is still a dualism faction in the contemporary philosophy mind . Its main form includes entity dualism , property dualism and epiphenomenalism .

  20. 唐代女冠诗人现象略论

    About the Phenomenon of Nun Poets in Tang Dynasty

  21. 周代政治中的族姓有别现象述论

    Clan Names in the Politics of the Zhou Dynasty

  22. 旅游现象矛盾论

    The Theory of Contradiction upon the Tourism Phenomenon

  23. 透过理论敞开现象:论钱钟书文学解释的有效性

    To Open Phenomenon by Penetrating Theory : On Validity of Qian Zhong shu 's Literary Hermeneutics

  24. 汉语语言歧视现象散论

    Language Discrimination in Chinese

  25. 论中华民族现实的精神现象略论中华民族的传统美德及其当代意义

    On the contemporary spiritual phenomena of the Chinese Nation Traditional Virtues of the Chinese People and Their Present Significance

  26. 构块语法力图解释语言中的所有现象,论元结构研究和有标记构块的研究是其成果最突出的两个领域。

    Construction Grammar intends to illustrate all the linguistic phenomena with argument structure and marked constructions as the two most outstanding achievements .

  27. 由于语境不同,中西方对程序的理解有较大的差异,国内学者对法律程序进行解释时存在误读现象。论法律程序价值观之中西差异

    Because of the difference of legal context , Chinese scholars maybe misread legal process . On the Value of the Law Procedure Between China and the West

  28. 《大学》行政伦理思想及其现代价值舍勒的现象学价值论与伦理相对主义

    The administrative and ethical thinking in great learning and its modern values

  29. 灵感和直觉心理现象的协同论阐释

    New Interpretation of the Synergism Between Psychological Inspiration and Intuition

  30. 银行惜贷现象的博弈论解释

    Games Analysis On Credit Squeeze of Bank