
  • 网络scientific realism
  1. 科学实在论和社会建构论共同的形而上学根基

    The Common Metaphysical Ground of Scientific Realism and Social Constructivism

  2. 麦克道威尔认为,彻底的自然主义的方案说到底是一种科学实在论。

    McDowell believes that the program of the bald naturalism is a scientific realism .

  3. 美国当代著名哲学家H·普特南作为科学实在论的主要代表人物之一,其数学真理观对整个数学真理性问题的研究产生了重大的影响,对数学科学的发展具有积极的推动作用。

    As one of the exponents of scientific realism Hilary Putnam , a contemporary American famous philosopher , positively influences the research of the problem arising from the whole state of mathematical truth and has put the mathematical science forward with his view of mathematical truth .

  4. 实在和科学实在论弘扬科学精神促进自主创新的战略思考

    The Strategic Consideration on Advocating Scientific Spirit and Promoting Independent Innovation

  5. 其关系实在论与科学实在论是相容的。

    His realism about relations is compatible to the scientific realism .

  6. 关于科技翻译的等值可能性问题实在和科学实在论

    On possibility of equivalence in translation of scientific and technological literatures

  7. 本文揭示了为科学实在论辩护的论证策略的困难所在;

    Scientific realism is currently in difficulties and lacks a sound defense strategy .

  8. 科学实在论是现代科学主义重建形而上学的一种新形态。

    Scientific realism is a new form of metaphysics reestablished by modern scientism .

  9. 科学实在论是西方国际关系的认识论基础。

    The scientific realism is the epistemological foundation of the western international theory .

  10. 论爱因斯坦的科学实在论思想

    On Einstein ′ s Theory of Scientific Realism

  11. 隐喻与科学实在论

    Metaphor and Scientific Realism

  12. 语言指称问题广泛地涉及当代哲学的许多深层问题,在语言哲学和科学实在论的研究中尤其居于基础性地位。

    The problem of reference is a basic question in the field of philosophy of language and science .

  13. 仔细分辨这两个概念,那么就可以找到科学实在论和反实在论争论的症结所在。

    After the clear discrimination between this two conception , we can find out the crux of this argument .

  14. 法因指出,如果无奇迹论证是正确的,那么无奇迹论证的结论也是正确的,即科学实在论观点是正确的。

    Fine suggests , if we accept No-Miracle Argument as valid , then its conclusion scientific realism would be true .

  15. 这种强一元论特征的进一步升华,表现为语境论在科学实在论中渗透和发展的必然走势。

    The enhancement of the characteristics of " strong monism " is embodied in the permeation of contextualism in scientific realism .

  16. 基于此可以说,新的最佳解释推理为科学实在论进行了支持性辩护。

    Based on this we could say that the new inference to the best explanation has proposed supporting justification for scientific realism .

  17. 西方马克思主义哲学、语言哲学、解释学、结构主义、历史主义、科学实在论,都体现了三大哲学的融合。

    Western Marxist philosophy , language philosophy , hermeneutics , structuralism , historicism , scientific realism incarnate all the mergence of the three philosophies .

  18. 马里奥·邦格是19世纪末20世纪初西方著名的科学家和哲学家,科学实在论的主要代表之一。

    Mario Bong is the famous scientists and philosophers at the late 19th early 20th western , one of the main representative of science .

  19. 对实在概念的误用是当前科学实在论与反实在论争论不休的主要原因。

    It is a main reason , the misusing of the conception of reality brings about argument between scientific realism and anti-realism at present .

  20. 最后,面对21世纪的科学实在论的走向,科学地规划了科学实在论语境重建的原则。

    Finally , aiming at the direction of the realism in the21 st century , the principles of the contextual reconstruction was brought definitely forward .

  21. 本文通过深刻反思20世纪科学实在论的演进,指出科学实在论的语境重建是历史发展的重要抉择。

    The article pointed out that the contextual reconstruction of scientific realism is a historical choice , after resarching deeply its evolvement during the20 th century .

  22. 它迫使科学实在论者不断地修正自己的观点,从而达到某种较为温和的实在论。然而,悲观元归纳是有问题的。

    It forces scientific realism to confine their opinions so as to be more moderate . Nevertheless , we can find Pessimistic Meta-induction to be problematic .

  23. 有些哲学家甚至说,过去几十年的科学实在论之争,是无奇迹论证和悲观元归纳之间的拉锯战。

    Some philosophers once pointed out , the debate about scientific realism in last few decades can be seen as swinging between No-Miracle Argument and Pessimistic Meta-induction .

  24. 基于对科学实在论与反实在论各自的立场的分析,我们提出确认科学理论真理性的进步评价法观点,认为当我们拥有的假说为真时,这种方法会让我们渐渐确认这点;

    Based on an analysis of the standpoints of scientific Realism and anti realism respectively , we put forward the progressive evaluative method for affirming scientific truth .

  25. 他除了早年哲学论文中体现的科学实在论之外,发展了内在实在论思想,并且最终采取了类似于詹姆斯直接实在论的自然实在论立场。

    Except for the theory of scientific realism in his early papers , Putnam developed internal realism and natural realism which is similar to James ' direct realism .

  26. 传统科学实在论与科学的社会建构共享着表征主义的科学观。

    Both traditional science realism and social constructivism share the same representativism , that leads the debate of " realism vs antirealism " to the " rational crisis " .

  27. 经验适当性是在传统真理理论、当代科学实在论的意义理论与实在论的语义分析出现困境的背景下提出来的。

    After the traditional theory of truth , the meaning theory of contemporary scientific realism and semantic analysis of realism encountered all kinds of dilemmas , empirical adequacy occurs .

  28. 普特南在追求这一目标的过程中,经历了两次重大的思想转变,即由科学实在论向内在实在论转变,再由内在实在论向自然实在论转变。

    Putnam changed his way of thinking twice in seeking for this goal , i.e. from scientific realism to internal realism , and then from internal realism to natural realism .

  29. 科学实在论者还可以指出,过去成功的科学理论并不是所有理论组分都为真,其中既有正确的理论组分,也有错误的理论组分。

    Scientific realists can also suggest that not all the constituents in the past successful theories are true . The empirically successful theories can have both true constituents and false constituents .

  30. 但是,从不同的层次和不同的视角,为科学实在论的真实内涵给出一些具体的、有意义的分析却是可能的和必要的。

    As far as the true connotation of scientificrealism is concerned , however , it is possible and . necessary , from different angles of view , to make some concrete and meaningful analyses .