
  • 网络Family and Genus;Lauraceae
  1. 四川省珍稀濒危植物区成分复杂,特有、孑遗、单种科属植物以及高山植物较多。

    The compositions of the rare and endangered plants in Sichuan are complex .

  2. 四川分布的中国种子植物特有科属研究

    On the Genera and Families of Spermatophyte Endemic to China in Sichuan Region

  3. 红色系观花植物的科属统计及其园林应用

    The Statistics of Families and Classes for Red Flower Plants and the Application in Landscape Architecture

  4. 世界水生植物科属检索系统的设计与建立

    Design and Establishment of a Query System for the Families and Genera of Aquatic Plants in the World

  5. 不同科属植物叶片的脂肪酸组分相同,但其含量配比存在着差异。

    The fatty acid component part in different landscape plants is the same , but its content has differences .

  6. 对秦岭中国种子植物区系中的特有科属的数量特征、生物学习性、地理分布特点进行了分析。

    The quantity component , biology characteristic and geographic distribution of the endemic families and genera are studied in this paper .

  7. 在北京市一零一中学校园内2004年3月1日-4月26日共收集花粉22个科属。

    In No.101 middle school of Beijing , We identified 22 plant families and genera from Mar. 1 , 2004 to Apr. 26 , 2004 .

  8. 采用常规杂交育种的方法,在木兰科属内和属间进行了62个杂交试验。

    Crossing experiment of 62 combinations within and between genus of Magnoliaceae were made in the Kunming Botanical Garden based on the conventional methods of crossbreeding .

  9. 庭院变成了非同寻常的植物园,里面有槭属植物、罕见的圆柏,以及超大苗圃目录里的几乎所有科属。

    The grounds have become an exceptional arboretum , which include excellent acers , rare Chinese junipers and almost every family in a grand nursery 's catalogue .

  10. 在科属种组成结构上表现为优势科和优势属十分明显,非优势科和非优势属的多样性也相当突出。

    The characteristics of composition structure of families , genera and species is that dominant families and dominant genera are significant , and diversity of non-dominant families and non-dominant genera is notable .

  11. 其它科属乔木的香气成分(如八角枫中的丁香酚甲醚、1,8-桉叶素、侧柏中的雪松醇等)的气味强度远不及松科类植物。

    While the odor strength of aroma components in other families , such as methyl eugenol and 1 , 8-cineole from Alangium chinense and cedrol from Arborvitae , is quite lower than pinaceae .

  12. 通过对黄山松群落特征及物种多样性进行分析,结果表明,古田山自然保护区黄山松群落植物种类较丰富,科属组成分散,区系成分较复杂。

    The study on the characteristics of Pinus taiwanensis community and species diversity showed that there are various plants in the community of Pinus taiwanensis , and its family and genus are of scattered composition .

  13. 在科属大小组成方面,该植物区系含寡种科最多,其次为单种科,分别占总科数的53.28%和29.51%,共计101科,是构成宝华山植物区系的主体。

    According to the composition of the this flora , its main body was composed of families with less species and single species , respectively accounted for 53.28 % and 29.51 % of the total 101 families .

  14. 中国楝科属的分布区类型可归为5类:1.热带亚洲、非洲和中南美洲间断分布(1属);2.旧世界热带分布(3属);

    The 15 genera of chinese Meliaceae may be divided into 5 distribution patterns : 1.Tropical Asia , Africa and Central to South America disjunction ( 1 genus ), 2 . Old World tropics ( 3 genera );

  15. 人工接种其它科属植物试验结果表明,甜瓜枯萎病尖孢镰刀菌具有严格的寄主专化性。

    Artificial inoculating other plants showed that Fusarium oxysporum f. sp melons has strict host specialization . The results which investigated the occurrence of Fusarium wilt of melon in Gansu province indicated that this disease occurred in all areas .

  16. 结果表明:虽然甘草和伪品刺果甘草都是来源于同一科属,但两者所含化学组分的含量不同,其红外光谱图既有一定的差异,又有一定的相似。

    The result shows that although the two kinds of Gancao belong to one genius , there are some certain differences in their chemical components that are reflected in the IR spectra , but with some similarity and dissimilarity in the IR spectra .

  17. 葫芦科作物属种间RAPD多态性分析

    Analysis of Genomic DNA Polymorphism in the Species and Genuses of Cucurbitaceae by RAPD Technique

  18. 鸢尾科鸢尾属(Iris)植物约有300种,广泛分布于世界各地。

    The Iris belong to the family Iridaceae consists of about 300 species around world .

  19. 中华水韭(IsoetessinensisPalmer)为水韭科水韭属多年生沼泽植物,现分布范围急剧缩小,种群数量稀少,处于濒危状态。

    Isoetes sinensis Palmer ( Isoetaceae ) is an endangered swampy perennial .

  20. 黄连提取工艺的研究中药材黄连为毛茛科黄连属植物黄连Coptischinensisfranch。

    Study on the Extraction Process of Root of Chinese Goldthread ( Coptis chinensis ) Coptis chinensis Franch .

  21. 在LM和SEM下对河北省丛藓科13属28种植物的孢蒴、蒴齿和孢子的形态及孢子和蒴齿的超微结构作了观察。

    The capsules , peristome and spores of 28 species of Pottiaceae in Hebei province have been observed under LM and SEM .

  22. 目的研究葫芦科苦瓜属植物苦瓜Momordicacharantia的未成熟果实的化学成分。

    Objective To study the chemical constituents in the immature fruits of Momordica charantia .

  23. 白木香(Aquilariasinensis(Lour.)Gilg)为瑞香科沉香属植物,具有重要的经济、观赏、生态价值,具有广阔的市场前景。

    Aquilaria sinensis classified as Thymelaeaceae , has of significance in economy , ornamental purpose , ecological value , together with broad market prospect .

  24. 苘麻,为锦葵科苘麻属苘麻AbutilontheophrastiMedic.,又名白麻、青麻、野苎麻等,在全国分布广,其天然资源极为丰富。

    The natural resource of Abutilon theophrasti Medic , is rich , distributed in all of China .

  25. 板栗壳斗为壳斗科栗属坚果类植物板栗(CastaneamollissimaBlume)的带刺毛壳,板栗果实收获后其壳斗常作为废弃物被丢弃,这造成资源的极大浪费。

    Spiny burs of Castanea mollissima Blume ( Chinese chestnut ) are usually discarded as industrial byproduct during post-harvesting processing which cause a great waste of resource .

  26. 西尼罗河病毒(Westnilevirus,WNV)属黄病毒科黄病毒属成员,是一种通过蚊子传播的嗜神经病原体。该病毒常常可引起人和大量动物的发病和死亡。

    West Nile Virus , a member of the genus Flavivirus , family Flaviviridae , is a mosquito-borne , neurotropic pathogen that has caused substantial morbidity and mortality in animals , often including birds , horses and humans .

  27. 三七(panaxnotoginseng(Burk)F.H.Chen)是五加科人参属多年生草本植物,是我国传统的名贵中药材之一。

    Panax notoginseng ( Burk ) F. H. Chen is one of the most famous Chinese traditional medicinal plants , which belongs to Panax genus under Araliaceae family .

  28. 实验目的:昆明山海棠[Tripterygiumhypoglaucum(Levl.)Hutch,THH]为卫矛科雷公藤属植物,是一种民间传统中药,具有消炎、解毒、祛风湿等作用。

    Objective : Tripterygium Hypoglaucum ( Levl . ) Hutch ( THH ) is a traditional Chinese medicine with anti-inflammatory , detoxification , and rheumatism effects .

  29. 经过3a调查研究,最后确定长白山区共有珍稀濒危野生食用植物30科43属53种,其中濒危种7科7属9种;渐危种16科19属21种;

    Research for three years , it was known that Changbai Mountain area was rich in rare and endangered wild food plants There are 30 families , 43 genera and 53 species in all .

  30. 番茄(Solanumlycopersicum)原产中南美洲,属茄科番茄属,广泛栽培于世界各地,可鲜食,也可加工成不同类型的番茄制品。

    Tomato ( Solanum lycopersicum ) originated from middle-south America , it was grown around the world , and can be used as fresh and processing products marketing .