
kē xué jiào yù
  • science education
  1. 他对用java技术推动科学教育和研究感兴趣。

    He is interested in using Java technology to facilitate science education and research .

  2. 加入WTO后航海院校人文社会科学教育探索

    Humanities and social science education exploration in navigation colleges and universities in China after accession to WTO

  3. STS教育为传统科学教育提供了全新的教学理念。

    STS education provides brand-new educational concepts for traditional science education .

  4. 大学普通科学教育中STS课程的设置

    STS Curricula in the General Science Education of Universities

  5. STS与基础科学教育

    STS and Elementary Science Education

  6. STS教育是我国当代社会对科学教育的迫切要求,也是生物学新课程重点关注的内容。

    STS education is an urgent requirement for science education in contemporary society , and is also the focus of the new curriculum of biology .

  7. 尽管目前我国的科学教育界已经意识到STS教育运动将对科学教育改革产生重大的影响,但却缺少对STS教育深层次研究和探讨。

    Although some science educators have recognized that STS education movement will make great influences on science , education reform in China , they has not made more deeply study and exploration on it .

  8. 最后,本文描述了STS教育产生和发展的主要社会和科学教育背景,从历史发展的角度呈现了STS教育运动在科学教育领域中所采取的一系列战略转变行动。

    Third , the author described the social and science educational context of the emergence and development of STS education , presented the strategic action of STS taken in science education from the perspectives of historical development .

  9. 然而,STS教育并不是一种科学教育的简单模式或者一种非常清晰的科学教育理论;它是一种具有不同目的、不同视角、不同出发点以及不同的历史背景的科学教育改革运动。

    However , STS is not a simple model or distinct theory of science education , but it is a science education reform movement with many different purposes , many different perspectives , many different starting points and different historical context .

  10. 第一章,笔者从三个方面着手对STS教育产生和发展的背景进行了论述,首先,较为深入的论述了科学教育危机产生的根源和形式,试图从中揭示STS教育产生的认识论背景;

    In chapter one , the author started with three parts on the context of STS education : First , the author discussed the foot and form of the emergent science education crisis , tried to announce the epistemological context of STS education ;

  11. STS教育是对传统科学教育的超越,它体现了素质教育的要求,为高中生物教学的改革指明了方向,在高中生物教学中渗透STS教育是值得予以关注和研究的问题。

    STS Education is the orientation of senior middle school biology teaching . It has transcended traditional science teaching , indicating the demands of quality education . In senior middle school biology teaching , STS Education infiltration is a problem that is worth both attention and research .

  12. 斯宾塞教育思想的产生及其科学教育课程观

    Science Curriculum Sense and the Forming For Education Thought of Spence

  13. 以往的物理教学忽视了物理学前沿知识,造成科学教育的片断化。前沿物理知识在物理教学中扮演着重要的作用。

    Traditional instruction places little emphasis on the frontiers of physics .

  14. 颠覆与重构:由科学教育的人性价值引发的思考

    Undermine and Re-construct : Thinking from Human Value of Science Education

  15. 二十世纪八十年代后国际基础科学教育改革

    The Reform of International Basic Science Education since the 1980 's

  16. 人文教育与科学教育课程整合纲要

    Unified Outline on the Courses of Humanity Education and Science Education

  17. 19世纪英国科学教育与古典教育的论争及其影响

    Debates of science education and classic education in the 19th century

  18. 中国科学教育评估指标体系的研究

    The Research on the Evaluation System of China 's Scientific Education

  19. 在并校改革中推进大学人文教育与科学教育的融合

    Combining Humanistic and Scientific Education in the Reform of Amalgamated Universities

  20. 现代科学教育和人文素养关系之简析

    Analysis on Relationship between Modern Science Education and Humanity Quality

  21. 科学教育与人文教育的误读与反思

    Reflections over the Misunderstanding of Science Education and Humanity Education

  22. 我们需要什么样的人文教育与科学教育?

    What education of humanism and scientism do we need ?

  23. 从分裂到融合:科学教育与人文教育的走向

    Toward Excellence Fundamental Trend of Scientific Education and Humane Education

  24. 中国科学教育的问题、困境与发展策略

    Science Education in China & Problems , Difficulties and Strategy of Development

  25. 概念转变理论及其对当代科学教育的启示

    The Theories of Conceptual Change and its Inspiration for Contemporary Science Education

  26. 介绍科学教育学习领域的最新发展;

    To introduce the latest development in science education key learning area ;

  27. 浅谈高校科学教育与艺术教育的互补性

    On the Mutual Benefit of Science Education and Art Education in University

  28. 20世纪中国科学教育的文化批评

    Cultural Critique on Chinese Science Education in the 20th Century

  29. 现代科学教育中护理教师的能力要求

    Teaching Capability of Instructor of Nursing in Modern Scientific Education

  30. 建构主义理论与我国基础科学教育改革的若干问题

    Some Issues in China 's School Science Education Reform : A Constructivist Perspective