
  • 网络scientific explanation;scientific interpretation
  1. 进一步翻阅医学文献后我发现,这些都是有科学解释的。

    Digging further into the medical literature , I found out there was a scientific explanation for all this

  2. 在他《在奥斯卡身边:一只平凡猫的超凡能力》一书中,Dosa医生没有为奥斯卡的行为提供任何合理的科学解释。

    In his book , " Making rounds with Oscar : the extraordinary gift of an ordinary cat ", Dr Dosa offers no solid scientific explanation for Oscar 's behaviour .

  3. 某种程度上,布鲁克试图用科学解释故事的行为导致了这些问题。

    These problems partly involve Brooks 's attempt to translate his tale into science .

  4. 论西方科学解释理论的困境及出路

    On the Puzzlement and Way of Western Theory of Scientific Explanation

  5. 科技新闻的科学解释、舆论引导、稳定社会功能;

    Its explaining , opinion - leading , and society-stabling function ;

  6. 创造性才能的科学解释及其培养

    On the Scientific Interpretation of Creativity and Cultivation of Innovative Talents

  7. 刚才发生的事有合理的科学解释。

    There 's a perfectly scientific explanation for what just happened .

  8. 在正常的或科学解释范围以外的。

    Beyond the range of the normal or scientifically explainable .

  9. 科学解释不了的就交给上帝。

    Science only goes so far then comes to God .

  10. 对比度计能减小判读差异的科学解释

    A scientific interpretation of reducing judge difference by contrast meter

  11. 论科学解释语境与语境分析法

    On Context of Scientific Explanation and Analysis of Context

  12. 三是结果的科学解释。

    Finally , the scientific explanation of the result .

  13. 但很多“丹方”是可以用科学解释的。

    But many tech home remedies can be explained by a little science .

  14. 也就是说,编一些科学解释出来搪塞他一下?

    In other words , make up some science-y stuff to throw him off ?

  15. 亨普尔科学解释理论研究

    Research on Hempel 's Theory of Scientific Explanation

  16. 隐喻的语境分析与科学解释

    The Contextual Analysis and Scientific Explanation of Metaphor

  17. 这一题的科学解释。有人知道吗?

    Now for the scientific explanation . anybody ?

  18. 科学解释的语义结构分析

    Analysis of Semantic Structure in Scientific Explanation

  19. 科学解释在知识创新中的作用

    Roles of scientific interpretation in knowledge innovation

  20. 对宇宙的科学解释。

    A scientific explanation of the universe .

  21. Why-问题与科学解释

    Why - Question and Scientific Explanation

  22. 研究学生科学解释情况在科学教育研究中是一个的重要课题。

    It is an important research topic of scientific education to study on scientific explanation ability .

  23. 然而,有时动物诊断人类病变的才能却无法进行科学解释。

    Sometimes , however , animals ' aptitude for detecting changes in humans defies scientific explanation .

  24. 科学解释和人文理解

    Sciences Explanation and Humanities Understanding

  25. 科学解释的语境:意向模型

    Contextual-intentionality theory of scientific explanation

  26. 因此,需要对正常警务活动中职业暴露的相关知识以及职业防护情形和技能作出科学解释。

    Therefore , it is essential to definite the occupation exposure , preventive conditions and skills scientifically .

  27. 科学解释说它只是向另一个方向倾斜一段时间而已。

    The scientific explanation involves your ruling planet , tilting in a different direction for a while .

  28. 本文用期权理论对封闭式基金进行定价,从而得到了新基金折价交易的科学解释。

    Moreover , getting scientific explanation about why close fund discount bargain in the help of option theory .

  29. 科学解释的方法、特点、标准和评价等问题是科学哲学的重要内容之一。

    One of important theses is the methods , features , standards , and evaluation of scientific explanation .

  30. 阿欣斯坦以全新的视角推进了科学解释理论的研究。

    In a word , be has promoted the study of the scientific explanation theory with a fresh viewpoint .