
  • 网络University of VIENNA;Vienna University;Universitaet Wien
  1. 维也纳大学(UniversityofVienna)英语与应用语言学教授芭芭拉?赛德尔霍弗(BarbaraSeidlhofer)表示,人们通常感觉没有英语母语人士在场会更轻松。

    Barbara Seidlhofer , professor of English and applied linguistics at the University of Vienna , says relief at the absence of native speakers is common .

  2. 维也纳大学神经生物学系FriederikeRange博士人演示了,狗认为同其他狗相比受到不公平待遇会表现出激烈的妒忌情绪。

    Dr Friederike Range , of the University of Vienna 's neurobiology department , has shown that dogs feel intense jealously when they spot that they are unfairly treated compared with other dogs .

  3. 维也纳大学是欧洲管理学院共同体(CEMS)的一部分。这是一个学校与企业的联盟,旨在通过国际管理教学计划(这是对教育和专业经历的一种组合)培养欧洲的硕士人才。

    Vienna University is part of the Community of European Management Schools ( CEMS ), an alliance of schools and businesses that offer a pan-European Master 's in International Management programme , a combination of education and professional experience .

  4. 我在维也纳大学注册上课。

    I enrolled at the University of vienna .

  5. 他刚从奥地利的维也纳大学完成建筑设计专业的深造。

    He had recently completed advanced studies in building design at the University of Vienna in Austria .

  6. 1945年当他从维也纳大学法律专业毕业后便进入了奥地利外交部工作。

    He joined the Austrian diplomatic service in1945 , after finishing his studies in law at the University of Vienna .

  7. 她毕业于维也纳大学艺术史专业,之后作为一个自由职业的艺术家在斯图加特和德国柏林居住及工作过。

    She studied art history at the University of Vienna and has also lived and worked in Stuttgart and Berlin , Germany .

  8. 维也纳大学的这个研究小组由杰哈德•克罗奇教授担任组长,共招募了8对20多岁的未婚无子女情侣作为研究对象。

    A team led by Professor Gerhard Kloesch at the University of Vienna recruited eight unmarried , childless couples in their twenties for their study .

  9. 最后,论文为维也纳大学汉学系将来的教材本土化工作提出若干建议。

    The thesis finally suggests a guideline for future efforts regarding materials localization / adaption at the Department of East Asian Studies-Sinology at the University of Vienna .

  10. 在他的最新著作中,有一章冠以失败哲学家自传,还有一次,他将在维也纳大学的讲座取名为失败的哲学家再次尝试。

    He titled one chapter in his latest book Autobiography of a Failed Philosopher , and once delivered a lecture at the University of Vienna called A Failed Philosopher Tries Again .

  11. 奥地利维也纳大学教授理查德•特拉普尔说,这场音乐会非常棒,是一个有益的尝试,能够帮助欧洲人更好地理解中国的历史和文化。

    Richard Trappl , a professor of the University of Vienna , gave a thumbs-up sign , saying the concert was a worthwhile effort to help Europeans better understand Chinese history and culture .

  12. 由来自维也纳大学的生物学家约翰内斯.弗里茨率领的团队正在着手饲养这些鸟类并教它们如何从位于德国阿尔卑斯山北部的出生地迁徙至意大利进行过冬。

    A team led by biologist Johannes Fritz from the University of Vienna has been hand-raising the birds and teaching them how to migrate from breeding areas north of the Alps in Germany and Austria to wintering grounds in Italy .

  13. 在德语区的汉学界中,维也纳大学汉学系的本科专业当前是规模最大的、汉语课程较为全面的本科项目,维也纳大学汉学系也是奥地利唯一的开设汉语作为外语教学硕士专业的教学单位。

    The Department of East Asian Studies-Sinology at the University of Vienna currently provides the largest China specific BA program in the German-speaking world and is the only institution in Austria offering a MA program in teaching Chinese as a foreign language .

  14. 维也纳科技大学(ViennaUniversityofTechnology)的一个研究小组最近宣布了一种看待树木的睡眠的新角度。

    A team of researchers from the Vienna University of Technology recently announced another perspective on arboreal repose .

  15. 奥地利维也纳经济大学是一所世界著名的经济类大学。

    Vienna University of Economics and Business Administration is a world famous university of its kind .

  16. 现在,通过奥地利维也纳兽医大学的研究,我们终于找到了一些确凿证据。

    Now thanks to some researchers at the University of Veterinary Medicine in Vienna , Austria , we finally have some tangible evidence .

  17. 澳大利亚航空公司也将在维也纳航空大学开设一个全新的培训中心,计划于2008年8月投入使用。

    For instance , Austrian Airlines broke ground for a new training center at the Vienna Aviation Campus that will accommodate all of its training in one facility scheduled to open next August .

  18. 维也纳兽医大学梅瑟利研究所负责人、也是合著者之一的路德维希休伯说,这是第一个完全表明狗对我们的面部表情很敏感的研究。

    It 's the first research to show definitively that dogs are sensitive to our facial expressions , says coauthor Ludwig Huber , head of comparative cognition at Messerli Research Institute at the University of Veterinary Medicine , Vienna .

  19. 本周初,维也纳医药大学的研究者为纪念全国拥抱日公布了这个好消息,研究指出拥抱你关心的人能减轻压力和焦虑,降低血压甚至提高记忆力。

    Earlier this week , a researcher at the Medical University of Vienna spread some good news in honor of National Hug Day . He pointed out that hugging someone you care about can ease stress and anxiety , lower blood pressure and even boost memory .

  20. 他毕业于维也纳著名的大学,在奥地利完成了许多的建筑作品。

    He graduated from the prestigious University of Vienna . In Austria , he completed a large number of architectural works .