
wéi ɡuǎn xì tǒnɡ
  • vascular system
  1. 利用酸性品红和14C标记光合同化物,分析了在维管系统上的资源运输。

    Transport of resources in the vascular system was analysed using acid fuchsin dye and 14 C-labelled photoassimilate .

  2. 辽藁本(Ligusticumjeholense)幼苗初生维管系统的发育

    Studies on the primary vascular system of the seedling of Ligusticum jeholense

  3. 根据子叶节区理论对向日葵(Helianthusannuus)幼苗初生维管系统进行了解剖学研究。

    Based on the cotyledon node zone theory , the seedling of primary vascular system of Helianthus annuus was studied .

  4. PAL活力与刺槐胚轴或幼茎的维管系统即导管分子的数量和木质化程度增长趋势相一致。

    And the activity of PAL coincided with the increasing tendency of the numbers of vessel element in the plumular axis or juvenile stem of robinia and its degree of lignification as well .

  5. 次生维管系统发育的分子基础研究

    Molecular Approaches on Understanding the Development of the Secondary Vascular Systems

  6. 高等植物的命脉&维管系统之谜

    Riddle of the Vascular System & the Life Vein of Higher Plants

  7. 向日葵幼苗初生维管系统的解剖学研究

    Anatomical Studies of Primary Vascular System of Helianthus Annuus

  8. 至此构成了该幼苗完整、连续的初生维管系统。此外,银杏幼苗的子叶为双迹单隙。

    In addition , two-trace and unilacunar cotyledonary node in Ginkgo seedling was observed .

  9. 观察幼苗的解剖学结构,发现根颈由子叶节区和下胚轴组成,初生维管系统在根和茎之间的转变发生在胚轴上很短的子叶节区。

    The convertion of primary vascular system occurs in the Cotyledon Node Zone between root and stem .

  10. 局部灼伤水田芥引起的电波传递以维管系统为主要通道

    Vascular System is the Main Route of Electrical Wave Transmission Elicited by Localized Wounding in Nasturtium Officinale

  11. 木榄根、茎、叶的维管系统对淹水胁迫的响应有所不同。

    The different anatomical response of vascular systems to waterlogging exists among leaf , stem and root of B.gymnorrhiza .

  12. 根&茎过渡区的研究对于双子叶植物的结构(初生维管系统)是极具证明力的。

    The study of the root-stem transition region is very important for the structure of the double cotyledons plants .

  13. 木本植物次生维管系统形态建成的基因调控与信号转导研究进展

    Progress in Study on the Gene Regulation and the Signal Transduction in the Morphogenesis of Secondary Vascular System in Woody Plants

  14. 其初生维管系统的解剖学研究表明:子叶节区明显长于毛茛科植物幼苗,属顶枝伸长型。

    The anatomical structure of its primary vascular system was studied and its cotyledon node zone is longer than that of Ranonculaceae .

  15. 冬小麦短缩茎的维管系统与叶蘖同伸规律

    Relation ship Between the Vascular System of Shortening Stem and the Regularity of Concurrent Emergence of Leaf - tiller in Winter Wheat Plant

  16. 其幼苗初生维管系统的解剖学研究表明,它与毛莨科的其它属同样,存在一个以子叶节区为中心的两个过渡区。

    Other genera of the Ranunculaceae in that there were two transition regi-ons with the cotyledon node zone ( CNZ ) being the centre .

  17. 到雌雄蕊分化期,穗、茎维管系统依靠原形成层束达到初步联络;

    By the time of differentiation of the primordia of stamen and pistil , the bundles of the ear and the stem were connected through procambium .

  18. 本文还就穗-茎维管系统的形成过程对小穗小花分化、结实的可能影响作了讨论。

    The effect of the formation process of the ear-stem vascular system on the differentiation and development of the spikelets , florets and seed set was also discussed .

  19. 根部典型症状是在根颈中心处出现楔形黑褐色坏死斑,并由根颈处通过维管系统向根尖扩散,严重时根颈全部死亡,腐烂、中空。

    The disease is characterized by the presence of dark brown to black , wedge shaped necrotic lesions that spread from the affected crowns downward into root top .

  20. 为了实现树木的重要产品-木材材性改良,木材形成即次生维管系统的发育分子生物学基础研究至关重要。

    To modify the wood quality , it is important to understand the molecular mechanisms of wood formation ( i.e . , development of the secondary vascular system ) .

  21. 它在基部与植物维管系统联成一体,在本质上是由植物侧根原基衍生而来。

    The tree-shaped structure of nodular vascular framework is connected with the vascular system of plant in the base , It was derived originally from the plant lateral root primordium .

  22. 植物维管系统对于植物响应环境逆境变化也起着举足轻重的作用,深入了解植物韧皮部长距离信号物质及其作用可提供提高农作物生产率的手段。

    Plant vascular system is also important for plants in response to environmental changes , thus understanding phloem long-distance substances and their functions would help us in improving agricultural productivity .

  23. 多维液相色谱-质谱联用技术在蛋白质组学中的应用多维色谱法分析毛白杨次生维管系统再生过程的蛋白质表达谱

    Application of Multidimensional Chromatography and Mass Spectrometry in Proteomic Research Proteomic Analysis of the Regeneration of Secondary Vascular System in Poplar ( Populus Tomentosa Carr . ) Using a Multidimensional Chromatography Platform

  24. 本文系统研究了冬小麦穗-茎维管系统的联络特点及其形成过程,分析了其在小麦幼穗发育中所起的作用。

    The formation of the vascular connection system between the ear and the stem and its influence on the growth and development of the young ear of winter wheat were studied by serial anatomical investigation .