
  • wiki;Vicky
  1. 以任意非root用户登录,并按照developerWorks维基所示进行安装。

    Login as any user other than root and install it as shown in the developerWorks wiki .

  2. 维基(Wiki)网站在物理实验教学中的作用

    A teaching lab website based on Wiki

  3. 他不耐烦地瞥了维基一眼。

    He darted Vicky an impatient look .

  4. 维基摇晃着倒下了。

    Vicky swayed and fell .

  5. 我知道维基不喜欢这工作,但我也许并不觉得它很差。

    I know Vicky doesn 't like the job , but I mightn 't find it too bad .

  6. 维基的摄影作品运用了丰富的艺术手段和技巧。

    Weegee 's photographs are full of artfulness , and artifice .

  7. 大多数维基网站属于协同工作网站。

    Most wikis are collaborative websites .

  8. 最近一项调查显示,极客和网友发明的“blog(博客)”、“folksonomy(分众分类法)”、“wiki(维基)”等词都是最令人讨厌的“网络英语”词汇。

    Example : Blog , folksonomy , wiki and other words coined by geeks and netizens are among the most irritating new " Weblish " words , according to a recent poll .

  9. 不过这种假设也许也有一定的道理,目前绝大多数维基涂鸦者使用的都是临时ID名。

    That may be a safe assumption-the overwhelming majority of vandalism to Wikipedia comes from shadowy sources .

  10. 比起静态的Word文档,维基的出错几率更小,因为它们是公开的,任何人都可以修改它们。

    Wikis are much less prone to errors than static Word documents , because they are out there in the open , and people can fix them .

  11. 毫无疑问,这听起来就像博客(blog)和维基(wiki),以及信息社会所有其它精妙协同工具的宣言。

    That certainly sounds like a manifesto for blogs and wikis and all the other smart collaborative tools of the information society .

  12. 它应用包括以用户为中心的发布和知识管理平台,如:维基(Wikis),博客(Blogs),和社会资源共享系统。

    These include user-centric publishing and knowledge management platforms likes Wikis , Blogs , and social sharing systems .

  13. Ubuntu开源文化展示维基

    The Ubuntu Free Culture Showcase wiki

  14. JPA:访问Sun的JPA维基,了解提供持久性的JavaPersistenceAPI和JavaEE平台的对象/关系映射的更多信息。

    JPA : Visit Sun 's JPA wiki to learn more about the Java Persistence API for persistence and object / relational mapping for the Java EE platform .

  15. 例如,专门用于项目需求的维基(Wiki)或邮件列表在这方面会非常有效。

    For instance , a wiki or mailing list dedicated to the project 's requirements can be effective in this regard .

  16. JayWalsh是运行维基百科的维基基金会通讯部负责人。

    Wednesday , Wikipedia , the online encyclopedia , Jay Walsh is head of communications for the Wikimedia Foundation which operates Wikipedia .

  17. 加入developerWorks中文社区。查看开发人员推动的博客、论坛、组和维基,并与其他developerWorks用户交流。

    My developerWorks : Connect with other developerWorks users while exploring the developer-driven blogs , forums , groups , and wikis .

  18. 我们将重新查看我在xCAT维基中撰写的一篇文章。

    We will revisit the one I wrote on the xCAT wiki .

  19. 因此皇家学会在寻求能wi-fi上网,稍懂维基的志愿者,帮忙创建或者丰富有关女科学家的词条。

    So the Royal Society is looking for volunteers with wi-fi and a bit of Wiki knowhow to create or enhance entries on female scientists .

  20. 以维基(Wiki)为代表的社会性软件所具有的参与性、自组织性、协同性、聚合性、开放性等特性,使其成为了知识协同的有力工具之一。

    The social software represented by Wiki which its participation , self-organization , cooperation , polymerization , openness and other characteristics makes itself becomes a powerful tool for knowledge collaboration .

  21. 指示还存放和安装软件上可以找到的Mandriva维基。

    Instructions on adding repositories and installing software can be found on the Mandriva Wiki .

  22. 一个TF2维基繁体中文翻译者。

    One of the TF2 wiki Traditional Chinese translator .

  23. 这不是蒂姆·伯尔尼·李为科学家们分享研究成果所研发的那个因特网(15年前,类似现在的维基),也不是上世纪90代末那个大肆渲染的点COM。

    Not the Web that Tim Berners-Lee hacked together ( 15 years ago , according to Wikipedia ) as a way for scientists to share research . It 's not even the overhyped dotcom Web of the late1990s .

  24. developerWorks中国网站Ajax资源中心:查阅关于Ajax编程模型的一站式信息库,其中包括文章和教程、论坛、博客、维基、事件和新闻。

    DeveloperWorks Ajax Resource Center : Check out your one-stop shop for information on the Ajax programming model , including articles and tutorials , discussion forums , blogs , wikis , events , and news .

  25. DavidSmith就职于Potomac政策研究所,他说这两项法案会损害维基等网站,因为它们依靠网络用户提供的资料而生存。

    David Smith is with the Potomac Institute for Policy Studies . He says the proposed laws would hurt Wikipedia and other sites that depend on material provided by people who use the sites .

  26. 您无需做太多的选择,不过您如果想知道自己在做什么,可以参考OCAPRI项目的维基页面(参见参考资料)。

    You don 't need to make many choices , but if you are wondering what to do , consult the OCAP RI project Wiki page ( see Resources ) .

  27. 随着维基(Wiki)技术的发展,越来越多的学者们就维基是否能产生可靠的信息,高质量的文章,以及是否能得到高价值的用户贡献是有所争论的。

    Along with the development of Wiki technology , its capability of generating reliable information , high quality articles , or high value user contributions have been debated by an increasing number of scholars .

  28. 为比尔•盖茨(BillGates)和其他组织培训行政助理、使她们掌握微软(Microsoft)技术的维基•索科尔•埃文斯(VickieSokolEvans)表示,各类组织都面临着巨大压力,要求它们“用更少的资源办更多的事”。

    Vickie Sokol Evans , who trains Bill Gates " executive assistants , and those in other organisations , in Microsoft technology , says there is great pressure in all organisations to " do more with less . "

  29. 维基媒体基金会执行董事苏珊•加德纳(SueGardner)表示她想打破横亘在阅读和编辑之间的“心理障碍”,读者参与编辑完善一篇文章就像是阅读后自然而然的拓展活动了。

    Sue Gardner , executive director of the Wikimedia Foundation , says she wants to break down the " psychological barrier " between reading and editing , so that improving an article feels like a natural extension of reading it .

  30. 维基和Reddit都呼吁用户与他们的国会代表联系抗议这项法案,甚至网络搜索领航者谷歌也表示抗议,尽管谷歌还会继续运行。

    Both Wikipedia and Reddit urged users to contact their Congressional representative to oppose the law . Even Internet search leader Google protested , although it continued to provide service .