
yīnɡ měi fǎ xì
  • Anglo-American law system
  1. 破产管理人制度是国际上通行的做法,是英美法系国家破产法中较为成熟的制度之一。

    Trustee in bankruptcy system is a common international practice , which is one of more mature systems in Anglo-American law system countries bankrupt law .

  2. 当然,面对实践中的挑战,英美法系国家也在自觉或不自觉地寻找应对措施。

    Of course , facing the practical challenges , the countries of the Anglo-American law system are looking for the countermeasures .

  3. 预期违约(Anticipatorybreachofcontract),又称为先期违约,源于英美法系。

    Anticipatory breach of contract , and also called to expect default first , derives from common law system .

  4. 本文对SPT参与资产证券化资制度运行进行了系统研究,结合英美法系与大陆法系资产证券化立法模式与信托相关法律制度,对我国SPT参与资产证券化的立法现状进行分析探讨。

    This article has conducted the system research to the SPT participating in asset-securitization capital system , unifying Anglo-American law system and continental law system 's legislative model of asset-securitization and the trust law system , discusses our country 's legal circumstances of SPT participating in asset-securitization .

  5. 那种认为我国财产保全和先予执行制度类似于英美法系中的临时禁令制度的观点,在理论上是站不住脚的。

    In China , there is no such injunction in law .

  6. 英美法系和大陆法系主要国家都规定了雇主替代责任制度。

    A lot of countries have stipulate employer vicarious liability system .

  7. 英美法系国家量刑指南制度的比较研究

    Comparative Studies on Sentencing Guidelines in Countries of Anglo-American Law System

  8. 后者亦系舶来品,源于英美法系法律推理理论。

    The latter is transplanted from the Anglo-American law system .

  9. 英美法系理论的法理基础包括必要行为说和两害择一说。

    Common law tradition consist of necessity and two choice of evils .

  10. 英美法系民事诉讼证明标准理论基础研究

    On the Theoretical Basis of Civil Procedural Proof Standard of Anglo-American Law

  11. 严格责任本是英美法系的概念,我国没有严格责任的提法。

    There is no strict liability in our country .

  12. 目前在英美法系国家中,反收购决策权的权利分配模式主要有两种。

    At present there are two main kinds of anti-takeover decision-making power pattern .

  13. 虽然在大陆法系国家在总体上对惩罚性赔偿制度持反对态度,但英美法系的惩罚性赔偿制度还是对大陆法系国家的学说、判例产生了影响。

    The system has influenced the doctrines and cases of civil law countries .

  14. 我国的董事会秘书制度移植于英美法系国家。

    Secretary of the Board system in China transplanted from common law countries .

  15. 第三部分,英美法系国家刑法因果关系。

    Part III , the criminal causality in the countries of common law .

  16. 大陆法系缔约过失责任与英美法系允诺禁反言原则之比较分析

    Comparison between the Liability of Faults and Promissory Estoppel

  17. 基于同样的原因,英美法系的国家也制定颁布了民事单行法。

    According to the some reasons , so do countries of Anglo-American law system .

  18. 正当程序原则是英美法系一个重要的基本原则。

    The Due Process of Law is an important fundamental in Anglo-American law system .

  19. 刑法中的严格责任是英美法系刑法学中特有的理论。

    Strict liability is a special theory in criminal law of common law system .

  20. 信托制度是英美法系的产物,特殊目的信托又有其独特的法律构造。

    Trust arises from the Common Law , and SPT is an unique conception .

  21. 行政判例制度不仅仅是英美法系的专利,大陆法系国家也都建立起了符合本国国情的判例制度。

    The system of administrative precedent is not owned by common legal family only .

  22. 建立陕西省农产品质量认证体系;英美法系的专家证人资格只采取鉴定人主义基本原则;

    The system just adopts the appraiser basic principle at the specialist witness qualification ;

  23. 考察的范围包括大陆法系、英美法系以及前苏联等社会主义法系,并从中得出了具有一般性意义的结论:(1)检察机关提起民事诉讼是世界上大多数国家的做法;

    Inspection ranges from common law nations , civil law nations to socialist legal systems .

  24. 在英美法系财产法上,财产被区分为具体物和抽象物。

    Under the property law , things are classified into abstract things and physical things .

  25. 国外关于因果关系理论的研究有大陆法系和英美法系。

    Foreign researches on the theory of causality separate to civil law and common law .

  26. 英美法系刑法中侵占罪构成条件之比较

    A Comparison of the Constitutive Requirements of the Crime of Embezzlement in Anglo-American Law System

  27. 英美法系研究公司董事的注意义务,集中于对其法律标准的探讨。

    Directors ' duty of care in modem common law centers around the criterion in law .

  28. 严格责任是英美法系所特有的一项原则,对于犯罪可以有效控制。

    As one special principle of common law system , strict liability can control crimes effectively .

  29. 信托制度源自于英美法系的衡平法,是一种关于特定财产的信任关系。

    Derived from Anglo-American Equity , trust is a fiduciary relationship with respect to specific property .

  30. 大陆法系、英美法系刑事审前程序构造之比较

    A Comparison of the Pre-trial Penal Procedures Structure between Continental Law System and Anglo-American Law System