
nǎi shuǐ
  • milk
奶水 [nǎi shuǐ]
  • [milk] [口]∶乳汁

  • 她奶水足不足?

奶水[nǎi shuǐ]
  1. 她奶水足不足?

    Has she got enough milk to nurse her baby ?

  2. 因为由吃竹子而供给的奶水产量少的可怜。

    For milk produced on a diet of bamboo is wretchedly poor .

  3. 奶水牛血清碱性磷酸酶(ALP)同工酶研究

    A study on the serum ALP isozymes in buffalo cows

  4. 奶水牛β-酪蛋白启动子的克隆及其序列分析

    Cloning and sequencing analysis of buffalo β - casein promoter

  5. 奶水牛预混料筛选及全混合日粮饲喂效果

    Premix Milch Cow Screening and Total Mixed Ration Feeding Effects

  6. 骆驼的奶水不会凝固。

    The fermentation of milk causes it to curdle .

  7. 水牛感染结核病,成为制约奶水牛发展的潜在威胁。

    Buffalo TB has been the potential threat of the development of milking buffalo .

  8. 有一天,贝琪没有奶水了。

    One day , Betsy has no milk .

  9. 妊娠期和哺乳期的肥胖,是为了为婴儿积蓄更多奶水的需要。

    Obesity during pregnancy and lactation , to savings for the baby needs more milk .

  10. 从看见基督之美而产生的渴望,都是自由而自然的渴望,就好象婴孩渴望奶水一样。

    The desires that come from this sight of Christ 's beauty are natural free desires , like a baby desiring milk .

  11. 据路透社9月12日报道,柬埔寨一18个月大的小男孩每天直接吮吸母牛的奶水已经有一个多月了,目前小男孩身体状况良好。

    An 18-month-old Cambodian boy who has suckled milk directly from a cow daily for more than a month is in fine health .

  12. 最后,宝贝终于睡着了,嘴边挂着冒泡的奶水睡着了。

    Till at last my baby sleeps , my baby sleeps with a bubble of white milk at the corner of his mouth .

  13. 来自受灾地区的新闻故事通常有关于刚分娩母亲的报道,说她们“奶水不足”。

    News stories from devastated areas often include reports of mothers who have given birth and are " not producing enough breast milk " .

  14. 尽管如此,玫思出生时还是很健康,只是太轻,仅重5磅7盎司,而且她的妈妈也没有奶水喂养她。

    Nevertheless , Maisy was born healthy , but small at 5lb 7oz , and her mother couldn 't produce milk to feed her .

  15. 这些动物和以前的任何生物形式都不同,因为它们产仔并用奶水喂养它们。

    These animals were different from all life forms in the past , because they gave birth to young baby animals and produced milk to feed them .

  16. 她将双胞胎命名为难民营两位长官的名字,以获取他们的照顾,从而用红茶来喂养他们,因为她的奶水并不充足。

    She names the twins after the camp 's commanders to gain their favor , and feeds them with black tea because her milk cannot sustain them .

  17. 而且,既然我打算在上班时间把奶水吸出来保存,有了路上这几分钟的哺乳时间,就可以保持自己的奶水量。

    And this extra few minutes of nursing each day would help keep my milk supply up , now that I would be pumping my milk to fill bottles .

  18. 如果您的奶水不足或者因为服药或其他的原因的原因不能哺乳,请向你的保健医生咨询。

    Ask an independent consultant of the health care if you do not breast-feed or if you do not give breast milk for reasons of medicine intake or other important reasons .

  19. 据台湾媒报道,一位58岁的保姆被解雇了,因为她偷偷的喝掉了她的雇主挤出的奶水,而不是将大部分奶水喂给女婴。

    Not for this greedy 58-year-old nanny in Taiwan who was fired for stealthily glugging down her employer 's pumped breast milk instead of feeding most of it to her newborn daughter , reported Taiwan media .

  20. 母亲没有奶水,新生儿濒于死亡,我一点也不知道,但请你察看一下显微镜下枞树的截断面所形成的奇妙的圆花形!

    The mother has no more milk , the new-born babe is dying . I know nothing about that , but just look at this wonderful rosette which a slice of wood-cells of the pine presents under the microscope !