
nǎi chá
  • tea with milk;milky tea
奶茶 [nǎi chá]
  • [tea with milk] 搀和着牛、羊奶沏的茶

奶茶[nǎi chá]
  1. FIZZ感官品评软件在奶茶粉感官评价中的应用

    Application of FIZZ software for tea with milk powder sensory scoring

  2. 奶茶有解除疲劳,促人兴奋,增强食欲,帮助消化等作用。

    Tea with milk can alleviate fatigue , stimulate appetite and help assimilation .

  3. 我们来听一下他们的对话。A:小宋,我打算周末去试试那家新开的奶茶店。

    A : Xiao Song , I ’ m going to check out that new bubble tea shop this weekend .

  4. 经过分析,最终得出奶茶粉中的Ca、Fe、Zn吸收要优于普通奶粉。

    The result showed that the absorption of milk-tea powder was better than common milk powder .

  5. 他们可能没注意到去年6月开张的台湾原创便当店(TaiwanBearHouse),它的标识是一个泰迪熊,让人觉得它可能又是一家生气盎然的珍珠奶茶店。

    They may not notice Taiwan Bear House , which opened last June , with its teddy-bear logo suggesting just another perky bubble-tea shop .

  6. BobaGuys餐厅用有机牛奶和自制糖浆制作珍珠奶茶;

    the Boba Guys , who use organic milk and house-made syrup in their bubble tea ;

  7. 此番他接受了《华尔街日报》(TheWallStreetJournal)的采访,一边用如恩的杯子喝着港式奶茶,一边谈论了重新定义“中国制造”、与妻子的合作以及成为当代博才多学之人等问题。

    Over a cup of Hong Kong-style milk tea served in a Neri & Hu cup , Mr. Neri spoke to the Journal about redefining ' Made in China , ' collaborating with his spouse , and being a modern-day Renaissance man .

  8. 多因素Logistic回归分析:哈萨克族:多因素Logistic回归分析显示男性、超重肥胖、中心性肥胖、糖尿病、吸烟是血脂异常的危险因素;饮奶茶量、蔬菜水果类是血脂异常的保护因素。

    Multivariate Logistic Regression Analysis . 3 . Kazakh population : Multivariate Logistic regression analysis showed that male , overweight and obesity , central obesity , diabetes , smoking are risk factors for dyslipidemia ; the amount of drinking tea , vegetables and fruits are protective factors of dyslipidemia .

  9. 从落花生到花生绿奶茶的研制

    Developing Process of the word peanut Research on green tea milk

  10. 花生奶茶的研制

    The Development of the Milk Tea Production of peanut tea milk

  11. 重要的是奶茶烧制的过程。

    What 's important is the process of making milk tea .

  12. 哟,你怎么知道我爱喝奶茶?

    Hey , how do you know I like milk tea ?

  13. 奶茶对大鼠体重和血清胆固醇含量的影响

    The Effect of Milk-Tea on Rats ' Weight and Serum Cholesterin

  14. 马克:我出去给咱俩买点儿奶茶怎么样?

    Mark : How about I go get us some milk tea .

  15. 可惜她并不是他的那杯奶茶。

    Unfortunately , she was not his cup of tea .

  16. 把放凉的奶茶过滤一下,倒入蛋黄白糖混合物。

    Filter the cooled milk tea and pour it in .

  17. 第五道茶是茶与纯牛奶调饮,即奶茶。

    The fifth tea is tea-drinking with pure milk , milk tea .

  18. 这些哈萨克人请我们吃了他们最好的奶茶。

    The Kazakhs treated us to their best cream tea .

  19. 黑加伦果汁奶茶的加工技术研究

    Study on the processing technique of black currant milk - tea juice

  20. 我可以要一杯中杯的珍珠奶茶吗?

    May I have a medium sized pearl milk tea ?

  21. 点中杯奶茶,不点大杯。

    Order a medium-size milk tea instead of a large .

  22. 奶茶是早餐中永远的主角。

    Milk tea is always a must for breakfast .

  23. 奶茶是蒙古人每餐必不可少的食物。

    Mongolians never have meals without tea with milk .

  24. 柠檬奶茶加工工艺研究

    Studies on the Processing Technics of Lemon Milk Tea

  25. 这就是一碗香喷喷的奶茶。

    And there you have it , a bowl of fragrant milk tea .

  26. 喝茶的方式入乡随俗&加很多糖的奶茶。

    We take it Indian style : milky , with plenty of sugar .

  27. 超高压技术在胡萝卜-花生奶茶生产中的应用研究

    Research on application of ultra pressure technology to processing of carrot-peanut milk tea

  28. 美式咖啡可换奶茶,蜂蜜柚子茶,冻柠乐。

    Americano canbe changed to Milktea , Fruit Honey Tea , Cold Lemon Cola .

  29. 生活条件较好的人家,接待客人的牦牛肉排,饼子和奶茶。

    The rich family receive guests with Yak meat , biscuit and milk tea .

  30. 错。我觉得像奶茶。

    No.I think it looks like milk tea .