
  • 网络Zingiberaceae;Zingiber;Renealmias
  1. 姜ZingiberofficinaleRoscoe属于姜科姜属一年生或多年生草本植物,原产于太平洋群岛和我国南部,现广布于世界各地。

    Zingiber officinale Roscoe , belonging to Zingiber of Zingiberaceae , is a perennial or annual training herb . It initially originated from Pacific isles , and now it is widely distributed in regions of the world .

  2. 姜科闭鞘姜属植物根状茎中薯蓣皂甙元的分析

    Analysis of Diosgenin in the Rhizomes of Constus ( Zingiberaceae ) Plants

  3. HPLC测定闭鞘姜属3种植物中甾体皂苷的含量

    Determination of steroidal saponin in three species of Costus by HPLC

  4. 这些结果表明山姜属植物花柱卷曲运动是感性运动,它运动的方向与外界的刺激方向无关,只相对于花药位置做向上/向下卷曲。

    These results indicated that the style curvature of Alpinia was nastic movement , because they just curved upward or downward relative to the position of anther .

  5. 对四川省木姜子属药用资源的初步调查研究发现,6种植物在四川省分布广泛,且疗效确切,它们是:山鸡椒Litseacubeba(Lour.)

    A survey of the botanical resource shows that 6 species with accurat effects are widely dispersed over Sichuan province , including Litsea cubeba ( Lour . )

  6. 姜花属Hedychium是姜科唯一一个从热带到高海拔地区分布的大属,属内不同种类植物的花寿命差异很大。

    Hedychium J. Konig is the only large genera distributed from tropical area to high elevation area in Zingiberaceae . Members of this genera vary greatly in floral longevity .

  7. 木姜子属主要药用植物的品种品质研究

    Studies on the Botanical Origins and Qualities of Medicinal Litsea Lam

  8. 樟科木姜子属群的起源与演化

    The origin and evolution of Litsea genera group ( laureae ) in Lauraceae

  9. 姜花属杂交育种的亲本选择中,除了考虑性状搭配之外,还应考虑该属的自交不亲和性带来的生殖障碍。

    In the cross breeding of Hedychium , parental selection is related not only to the parental morphologic characters , but also to the reproducing barrier of self incompatibility .

  10. 木姜子属植物的根、叶、果均可入药,具有疏风散寒、温中理气、活络祛淤和镇痛之功效,用于治疗肠胃炎、胃寒腹痛、水肿、风湿关节痛及跌打损伤等疾病。

    Its roots , leaves , fruits can be medicine , with a wind-dispersing cold , warm the qi , activate the effects of stasis and analgesic for the treatment of gastroenteritis , stomach cold abdominal pain , edema , rheumatism and joint pain bruises , and other diseases .

  11. 姜科姜黄属植物的质量评价体系及其抗肿瘤活性研究

    Study on the Quality Controlling and Anti-tumor Activity of the Plant of Curcuma Genus

  12. 在热带森林生态学方面,姜科和榕属植物传粉的进化生态学研究取得了积极的进展。

    In tropical forest ecology , highly successful projects are now in progress on the evolutionary ecology of pollination and dispersal of gingers and figs a well as ecosystem function .