
  • 网络Ginger Beer;Ginger Ale
  1. 虽然说我当时完全不知道姜汁啤酒是什么东西。

    Never mind that I had no idea what ginger beer was .

  2. 小贴士:用姜汁啤酒替代酒。

    Tip : Replace alcohol with ginger beer .

  3. “白啤酒,姜汁啤酒,”乔治说。

    " Silver beer , bevo , ginger-ale ," George said .

  4. 这款鸡尾酒叫做莫斯科的驴子,配方是伏特加、姜汁啤酒和青柠檬角。

    Moscow mule ; a highball drink made with vodka , ginger beer and a lime wedge .

  5. 野餐时我们总要带许许多多姜汁啤酒。

    We would always take lashings of ginger beer with us when we went on a picnic .

  6. 事隔多年,我一直都怀揣着一个深切的渴望,想尝尝姜汁啤酒的味道。

    And for many years afterwards , I would have a desperate desire to taste ginger beer .

  7. 姜汁啤酒的研制

    Development of Ginger Beer

  8. 他把豌豆一扫完毕后,呷着姜汁啤酒,安坐一会,遐想着科利的艳遇。

    When he had eaten all the peas he sipped his ginger beer and sat for some time thinking of corley 's adventure .

  9. 我故事里的人物们也常喝姜汁啤酒,因为我所读的那些英国书中的人物们常喝姜汁啤酒,

    My characters also drank a lot of ginger beer , because the characters in the British books I read drank ginger beer .

  10. 把大块食物,如牛排或排骨,一次切成若干小块。还是老菜谱&苏格兰姜汁啤酒和牛腰排骨。

    Cut large pieces of food , such as steak or chops , into small pieces all at one time . Stay on the same - a Scotch highball and a sirloin steak .

  11. 针对冬季啤酒市场,开发姜汁保健啤酒。

    The Healthy Ginger Beer was developed according to the winter beer market .

  12. 这款鸡尾酒没什么特别的,就是威士忌和姜汁麦芽啤酒,再加点儿柠檬,盛放在高球杯里,不过在这里它的做法无关紧要,提到它只是为了引人发笑。

    The drink is nothing great , only whiskey and ginger ale with a twist of lemon , served in a highball glass , but it doesn 't have to do much here - just raise a laugh .