
jiānɡ zhī
  • ginger juice
  1. 前几天,就在《财富》(Fortune)杂志社,当几位记者绘声绘色地描述他们颤颤巍巍地品尝Chapul椰子、姜汁、酸橙或花生酱和巧克力棒样品的经历时,有好几位编辑都露出了惊恐万分的表情。

    Some of that trepidation was on display the other day at Fortune when several reporters said they were scared to even try samples of the Chapur coconut , ginger and lime or the peanut butter and chocolate bar .

  2. 对以米醋、姜汁等为原料制作的保健姜醋饮料的配方进行了研究。

    Studies were carried out on the formulas of ginger-rice vinegar health drinks .