
  • 网络clearing heat and resolving dampness
  1. 治疗上采用补肾健脾、清热化湿、活血化瘀的方法。

    Treatment by kidney and spleen , clearing heat and dampness , promoting blood circulation method .

  2. 清热化湿通络法治疗痛风性肾病35例湿法氨纶

    Gout kidney disease treated by method of holding the law in place with a net openly Wet-process Spandex

  3. 方法采用清热化湿通络法治疗痛风性肾病患者35例,评价其疗效。

    Methods 35 patients with gout renopathy were treated by method of holding the law in place with a net openly .

  4. 清热化湿复方治疗脾胃湿热型肠易激综合征21例的临床观察

    The Clinical Observation of the Compounds of Clearing Heat and Dissipating Dampness in Treating 21 Patients with Spleen-stomach Dampness-heat Syndrome of IBS

  5. 凉血解毒、清热化湿和凉血解毒、健脾温阳法治疗慢性重型肝炎的临床观察

    Clinical Observation on Chronic Severe Hepatitis B Treated by Principles of Cooling-Blood and Detoxicating Combined with Clearing-Heat and Resolving-Damp or Combined with Strengthening-Pi and Warming-Yang

  6. 益气养阴清热化湿治疗慢性萎缩性胃炎50例体会

    Experience in the Treatment of 50 Cases of Chronic Atrophic Gastritis With Benefiting Qi and Nourishing Yin and Clearing Away the Heat-evil and Excreting Wetness

  7. 清热化湿方药对以消化不良为主要表现的脾胃湿热证患者血清胃肠激素及细胞因子的影响

    Effect of QING RE HUA SHI Decoction on Serum Gastrin , Motilin , TNF - α 1 and IL-10 in the Dyspepsia Patients with Spleen-stomach Damp-heat Syndrome

  8. 吉林俊宏-清热化湿,醒脾消滞,用于脾胃伏火引起的消化不良,脘腹胀痛,不思饮食、口苦口臭等症。

    Ji Chun-Hung Lin-heat Huashi , Xing Pi Xiaozhi , V for stomach indigestion caused by the fire , abdominal pain , abdominal distension , no appetite , I suffer bad breath embolism .

  9. 治疗以清热解毒,化湿通络为原则。

    Treatment of heat-clearing and detoxifying , dampness and dredging collaterals on the principle .