
  • Along the River During the Qingming Festival;Riverside Scene at Qingming Festival;River of Wisdom
  1. 国宝级名画《清明上河图》被艺术地再现于展厅中,传达中国古典城市的智慧。

    The famous picture of Riverside Scene at Qingming Festival will also make its appearance in the China Pavilion to illustrate the charms of ancient Chinese cities .

  2. 想要浏览中国近来的头条新闻,只需要看看艺术家戴翔最新的摄影作品就行了,该作品受到了12世纪的卷轴画《清明上河图》的启发。

    For a visual survey of recent headline-grabbing events in China , look no further than the latest photographic project by the artist Dai Xiang , inspired by the 12th-century scroll painting Along the River During the Qingming Festival .

  3. 《清明上河图》与广告传播

    Riverside Scene on the Qingming Day and the Media of Advertising

  4. 清明上河图里面可以看到悲伤和幸福的结合。

    The Qingming Festival sees a combination of sadness and happiness .

  5. 《清明上河图》的艺术特色与历史文献价值

    Artistic Characteristics and Historical Values of Clear and Bright Upper River Picture

  6. 《清明上河图》与宋代市井家具。

    Qing Ming Shang He Tu and market furniture in Son Dynasty .

  7. 《清明上河图》题名质疑

    A Query on the title of On the Riverside Scene of Pure Brightness

  8. 总之,《清明上河图》具有极高的史料价值。

    In short ," Riverside Scene of Pure Brightness ," a high historical value .

  9. 超越考据:关于《清明上河图》研究方法的美学思考

    Surmount Textual Criticism : On Research Methods of On the Riverside Scene of Pure Brightness

  10. 《清明上河图》描绘出节日中的京城的繁华景象。

    Riverside scenes at the Qingming Festival depicts the bustling scene in the then capital during the festival .

  11. 其中,“清明上河图”长达8米,历史两年多方告成功。

    Among them ," Qingming Riverside " up to8 meters , two-year history , the success of multi-divisions .

  12. 中国古代名画《清明上河图》是一件真正的收藏品。

    The famous ancient painting " The Qingming Festival on the River " is a true collector 's item .

  13. 从清明上河图看现代城市滨水商业居住空间

    See the commercial living space along rivers in modern cities by the Picture of the Bian River on Qingming Day

  14. 《清明上河图》中的城门楼,是该图形象体系的组成部分;

    The city gate tower in On the Riverside Scene of Pure Brightness isa component part of its image system ;

  15. 今晚,让我们一起欣赏青年演奏家李彦歌的箜篌独奏:《清明上河图》。

    Tonight , let 's enjoy together the harp solo by the young performer Li Yange : Clear and Bright Upper River Picture .

  16. 《清明上河图》是一幅绢本设色长卷,高248厘米,长528厘米。

    Qingming Festival by the Riverside is a long colored painted scroll with a length of 528 cm and a height of 248 cm .

  17. 考据中的误区与误区中的考据&李白两入长安问题争论之反思超越考据:关于《清明上河图》研究方法的美学思考

    Reflections on the Arguments Concerning Li Bai s Twice Going into Chang an ; Surmount Textual Criticism : On Research Methods of On the Riverside Scene of Pure Brightness

  18. 戴翔借用了《清明上河图》的视觉及概念框架——当然还有名字——创作了记录中国社会市井百态的精美拼图。

    Mr. Dai borrows the visual and conceptual framework of that painting - not to mention its title - to produce a patchwork of meticulous vignettes of everyday Chinese society .

  19. 真丝织锦画《清明上河图》取材原作中以虹桥为中心的高潮部分,采用高精度彩色真丝织锦技术,历经多道高难度工艺精心制作而成。

    Silk brocade painting " qingming riverside seene " original materials in hongqiao center for the climax , color silk brocade technique with high precision , high technology elaborate more difficult .

  20. 古老的清明上河图描述了另一个时期巨大的变迁和发展,通过技术的魔力转眼间展现了新中国生机勃勃的形象。

    The ancient Riverside scroll , which depicts another period of dramatic change and development , has been transformed through the magic of technology into a vivid symbol of the new China .

  21. 《清明上河图》中所描绘的热闹非凡的景象在向人们展示了一个生气盎然的传统桥空间之余,也向我们传递了桥在当时城市生活中的重要社会地位。

    One of the most famous Chinese paintings from Song Dynasty describes a vivid scene of a traditional bridge space , and it also shows us bridges important social status in the city life at that time .

  22. 2010年上海世博会的中国国家馆是一个建筑杰作,而其数码艺术展示的宋代画家张择端(1085-1145)《清明上河图》的大幅再现是极其辉煌的。

    the Chinese pavilion of the Shanghai World Exposition in 2010 was an architectural masterpiece , while its techno-artistic display of the recreation of the scroll " Along the River during the Qingming Festival by " Zhang Zeduan ( 1085-1145 ) was simply brilliant .

  23. 不像大部分游客,这一小队人来这里只有一个目标:观看《清明上河图》。这幅创作于12世纪初的画轴极具代表性,被称为中国的《蒙娜丽莎》。

    Unlike most visitors , this small army had come with only one goal : to see " Along the River During the Qingming Festival , " an early 12th-century painted scroll considered so iconic that it is often called " China 's Mona Lisa . "

  24. 此外,画家张择端的《清明上河图》描绘了汴京的风物,使近600人跃然纸上,成为中国绘画史上不朽的佳作。

    Still , the painter of the Northrn Song , Zhang Zeduan , described the flourishing Dongjing in his picture , Qinming ShangHeTu ( the Scene on the Pure Brightness Day ) . Accommodating more than 600 people in vistas , his picture was a treasure of arts in Chinese history .