
Qī Jìguānɡ
  • Military leader famed for combat against Japanese pirate invaders
  1. 这刀出自东南,应该正应了戚继光抗倭的事。我认为是长刀。

    This Dao comes from southeast . I think it 's a long dao .

  2. 这里是戚继光的故里。

    This was Qi Jiguang 's hometown .

  3. 戚继光研究了地形之后。

    After studying the topography here .

  4. 高丽与明嘉靖时期的倭寇问题比较&兼谈戚继光剿倭

    The Comparison of the Japanese Pirates Problems during the Korean Koryo dynasty and the Jia-Jing Period of Ming Dynasty

  5. 戚继光对孙膑军队建设思想的继承和发展主要表现在三个方面。

    There are three aspects that Qi Jiguang 's making succeeding and development to the military building thoughts of Sun Bin .

  6. 公元1556年,年轻的将领戚继光被派到浙江东部沿海地区抗击倭寇。

    In1556 , he was assigned to deal with the problem of Japanese pirates in the coastal areas of Zhejiang Province .

  7. 这条整整齐齐大理石长城长约2公里,每块石重约千斤,为著名将领戚继光主持北边军务时所增修。

    The Great Wall of neat marble about two kilometers , each weighing about heavy rock , to the famous general Qi presided over by the amendment when the north side of military affairs .