
  1. 历史中曾有过黄巢,张献忠,太平天国的民族,会挨杀,也爱看杀人。

    The nation that had produced Huang cao , Zhang Xianzhong and the Taipings in the past not only had submitted to slaughter , it also enjoyed watching slaughter .

  2. 张献忠在中国历史上备受诟病,在他统治期间,90%的四川人惨遭杀害。

    Zhang Xianzhong is a rather reviled figure in Chinese history mainly due to the fact that , under his rule , a reported 90 percent of the population of the Sichuan province met their untimely demise .

  3. 1645年,李自成在湖北通山县九宫山遭到地主武装的袭击,壮烈牺牲,1646年底,张献忠壮烈牺牲。

    In 1645 , Li Zicheng was attacked by the landlord force in Jiugongshan Mountain of Tongshan County , Hubei and died a hero , s death . At the end of 1646 , Zhang Xianzhong died and the peasants uprising at the later period of Ming failed eventually .

  4. 张献忠也被称为“黄虎”,他定期将死刑犯的头或手砍下来,以便于将这些残肢断体堆积起来,计算自己到底杀了多少人。

    Xianzhong , who was commonly referred to as " Yellow Tiger , " engaged in unspeakable acts of cruelty during his reign . He would regularly cut the hands and heads off people he 'd executed just so that he could pile them up to keep count of how many people he 'd killed that day .