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  1. 更为重要的是,张骞出使西域,打通了汉朝通往中亚的贸易通道一丝绸之路。

    More importantly , Zhang Qian1 s westward travels also opened the very important trade route to the Central Asia , which later called Road of Silk .

  2. 公元前119年,汉武帝第二次派张骞出使西域,约居于伊犁河流域乌孙共击匈奴,以折匈奴如右翼。

    In 119 B. C. , Zhang Qian was sent to the West Regions again , inviting Wusun , who were settled in the Yili valley to form a common front to cut the right flank of the Xiongnu .

  3. 公元前119年,张骞再次出使西域。4年后,张骞带着乌孙等国几十名使者回到长安(今西安),完成了通西域的空前壮举。

    In 119 B. C. , he led a second expedition to the Western Regions and returned triumphantly with western envoys four years later .