
lián zuò
  • be punished for being related to or friendly with sb. who has committed an offence;implicate others related to the one charged or found guilty
连坐 [lián zuò]
  • [implicate others related to the one charged or found guilty] 旧时一人犯法,其家属、亲族、邻居等连带受罚

连坐[lián zuò]
  1. 他连坐了两天火车,显得很疲倦。

    He looked quite worn-out after a two days'train journey .

  2. 看,你的Ewing,漂亮他连坐在船上都投不进水里。

    Lydia : Look , look at your man , Ewing . Nice shot . You know what , he couldn 't hit water if he was standing on a boat .

  3. 虽然本高特和德霍曼-克里斯托都痴迷于《大门》(TheDoors)和《吉米?亨德里克斯》(JimiHendrix)这样的经典影片,并且会在图书馆连坐数小时观看旧摇滚杂志的缩微胶片,但多年之后他们才开始一起做音乐。

    And though Bangalter and de Homem-Christo both obsessed over vintage acts such as the Doors and Jimi Hendrix - and would spend hours at the library , looking at microfiche of old rock magazines-it would take years for them to make music together .

  4. 我国古代的保举连坐制度初探

    The System of Recommendation and Implication in Ancient China

  5. 我几乎连坐的时间都没有。

    I barely have time to sit down .

  6. 而且连坐他们旁边的人的手肘也没有放过。

    but they have successfully licked the elbow of the person sitting next to them .

  7. 保举连坐制度在中国古代职官管理制度史上具有重要的意义,对我国正在进行的机构改革以及干部铨选也有可鉴之处。

    The system can also be used for reference in the on-going institutional reform and official election .

  8. 在连坐三周票房冠军宝座后,《爱丽丝梦游仙境》终于来到了中国。

    Alice in Wonderland arrives in China after topping global box offices three weeks in a row .

  9. 我不得不在威尔士民间演唱会连坐3个小时-我厌烦到极点。

    I had to sit through three hours of Welsh folk singing – I was bored stiff .

  10. 这病人因发烧而一直很虚弱,以致于连坐起来的力气都没有。

    The patient had been so debilitated by the fever that he lacked the strength to sit up .

  11. 连坐制度虽然维护了社会的稳定,却严重地阻碍了社会变革。

    The Lian Zuo system has maintained society 's stability , but seriously has hindered the social transformation actually .

  12. 你为什么今天坐立不安呢?你连坐一秒钟都不行。

    Why do you have ants in your pants today ? You can 't sit still for one second .

  13. 在现代社会看来,连坐是一种残忍的、非人道的犯罪惩处手段。

    Looked like in the modern society that , Lian Zuo is one kind cruel , non-humanity crime punishment method .

  14. 他鞠躬时全场发出热烈的喝彩声,连坐在角落里的太太们也伸长脖子在看他。

    There was a loud burst of applause as he bowed and a craning of necks from the ladies in the corner .

  15. 韩国的官方形象非常正式。在这里,吃饭、喝酒甚至连坐着都要遵循儒家传统的等级规定。

    Official Korea is a formal place , where greeting , eating , drinking and even sitting are governed by hierarchical Confucian traditions .

  16. 如果我没有连坐二十小时飞机和计程车的话,明天我会让各位刮目相看的。

    I 'll make a much better first impression tomorrow when I don 't have 20 hours of cab and plane on me .

  17. 即使在连坐法实施时期,其反对者也大有人在,连坐法也因之一度被限制甚至取消。

    Even if in the Lian Zuo implemented time , there are plenty of its opponents , thus Lian Zuo also become limited even canceled once .

  18. 他可以乘这班飞机,到达目的地,叫人来接。他连坐公共汽车的钱都没有了。

    He can take the flight , call someone to pick him up at his destination-since he cannot even afford bus fare-conduct his business and fly home .

  19. 本文拟从三个方面来探讨这个问题。一、曹魏大逆不道罪中的妇女连坐问题大逆不道罪创制于汉,至曹魏时,又有所发展演变。

    This paper probes into this question from three respects . First , the problem of incrimination of women in the crime of treason and heresy The crime of treason and heresy was formulated in Han Dynasty .

  20. 在前文对唐代连坐制度进行从制度到具体实施进行论述评析的基础上,本文的第七章对于连坐制度进行了一个历史的评价。

    On the elaboration evaluation foundation of the Tang Dynasty ' Lian Zuo system from the system to the concrete implementation in the front article , the seventh chapter makes a historical appraisal regarding the Lian Zuo system .

  21. 不戴头盔或者不装反光镜的人是疯子,而装太多车灯和反光镜、甚至连坐的地方都快没有了的人,也是疯子。

    The person who wears no helmet or reflectors is mad , but so too is the person who has so many lights and mirrors on the bike that there is hardly room for a person on it too .

  22. 从国家统治者的角度来看,连坐制度所发挥的历史作用应该是积极的:它大大节省了国家的管理成本,却加强了基层控制力度;

    Looked from the national ruler 's angle that , the historical function which the system displays should be supposed to be positive : It has saved the national management cost greatly , strengthened the basic unit control dynamics actually ;

  23. 那辆四轮轻便马车虽说要坐三个人,可中间的凳子还没拉出来,他女儿的女仆在车里堆满了大包小包,莫兰小姐连坐的地方都没有了。

    The middle seat of the chaise was not drawn out , though there were three people to go in it , and his daughter 's maid had so crowded it with parcels that Miss Morland would not have room to sit ;

  24. 清代以连坐为主要内容的司法官吏责任制度,一定程度上防止和减少了错误裁判的发生,但同时又大大增加了错案纠正的司法成本。

    The liability system for judicial officials in Qing Dynasty take " is implicated " as the primary coverage , preventing and alleviating the occurrence of the misjudged case , but simultaneously increasing the judicial cost to correct the misjudged law case .

  25. 麦克尔?文比卡瓦略有更多的此类经历,本周他被排除在英格兰首发阵容之外这对卡瓦略来说就像连坐板凳的安慰性待遇都失去了。

    Michael Owen is much further down this road than carvalho , but this week the defender joined england 's unhappy striker in the limbo of exclusion from the first team-in carvalho 's case without even the consolation of riding the bench .