
zī tài bǎo chí
  • attitude hold
  1. 由于运输机超低空空投属于C种飞机阶段,需要极高精度的航迹跟踪和姿态保持。

    Because the transport aircraft flies in C phase while Ultra-Low Altitude Airdrop , high-accuracy flightpath tracking and attitude hold are required .

  2. 以某大型飞机为例对飞机纵向、侧向飞行模态(俯仰姿态保持、高度保持、纵向着陆、协调转弯、航向保持、侧向偏离修正和给定航迹控制)进行了设计与仿真。

    Some aircraft modes , such as attitude hold , altitude hold , automatic landing , turn coordination , heading hold and lateral bias modification are designed and simulated .

  3. 仿真计算表明,具有H∞控制器的直升机横航向姿态保持系统,其指令跟踪性和鲁棒稳定性都有了明显的改善。

    The simulation results show that the ability of command tracking and robust stability in the attitude holding system of the helicopter lateral directional channel with H ∞ controller can be obviously improved .

  4. 结合经典的PID控制理论,对导航平台的控制原理进行研究,并设计出姿态保持与控制回路、高度保持与控制回路、航向保持与控制回路的具体实施方法。

    Combined classic PID control theory , the control principle of the navigation platform is studied , and the specific implementation measures of altitude control loop , height control loop and heading control loop are given .

  5. 结合模糊PID控制器,对PETREL的航行控制策略进行了研究,包括航行轨迹跟踪策略、姿态保持策略以及意外处理策略。

    Based on fuzzy PID controller , the control strategy of PETREL is studied , including trajectory tracking strategy , attitude control strategy and exceptions handling strategy .

  6. 另外,研究了小型飞机的飞行控制算法,利用Riccati法设计了小型飞机的纵向与横向姿态保持控制律和跟踪控制器。

    In addition , studies the flight control of light aircraft , the Riccati method applied to the design of the flight control law of the light aircraft .

  7. 然后,针对纵向控制系统,研究了其组成和控制方案,分别用常规PID和智能PID方法设计了纵向俯仰姿态保持、高度保持模态的控制律,并对两种控制方法的控制效果进行了对比。

    Thirdly , the constitute and control scheme of the lognitudinal control system is studied . Then , traditional PID control and intelligent PID control is respectively used to design and simulate the laws of pitching pose holding mode and high holding mode .

  8. Turn-Run-Turn方法处理过程是小车先转动一定角度,然后跑到目标点,再调整角度和目标点的姿态保持一致。

    In the Turn-Run-Turn method , the robot car turns a certain angle first , then runs to the target point , adjusts its angle according to the attitude of the target point .

  9. 卡梅伦法官非常赞赏该条款,因为它引导社会行为与该条款的道德姿态保持一致。

    Justice Cameron applauds the law because it guides social conduct to be consistent with the moral stance underlying the law .

  10. 通过横侧向控制需求,对无人机的倾斜姿态保持和航向保持模态进行设计与仿真。

    Through the demand of cross-lateral control , slope gesture maintain mode and course holding mode of UAV are designed and simulated .

  11. 旋翼式飞行器因其起飞和降落所需空间较少,在障碍物密集环境下的操控性较高,以及飞行器姿态保持能力较强的优点,在民用和军事领域都有广泛的应用前景。

    Rotary-wing aircrafts have many military and civilian applications due to their requiring small areas for taking off and landing , great maneuverability in obstacle-heavy environment and great ability to maintain the position and orientation .

  12. 对于存在动力学参数不确知的机器人系统,算法保证了系统的渐近稳定,在完成目标捕获任务的同时,控制基座姿态保持在期望范围之内。

    When the dynamic parameters are unknown , the algorithm can keep asymptotic stable of the system , and the attitude of base is remained when the end effector is tracking the desired trajectory to capture the object .

  13. 研究了无人机的飞行控制技术,利用根轨迹法设计了无人机的纵向与侧向姿态保持控制律,设计了高度保持、航向保持、自动油门及速度保持控制律。

    The control laws of longitudinal and lateral-directional autopilot modes are designed based on root locus theory . The control laws of altitude holding mode , heading holding mode , auto-throttle control and air speed holding mode are designed as well .

  14. 在空中的位移中,优秀副攻手的身体姿态始终保持良好,并主动的进行身体姿态的调节。

    In the air of displacement , the excellent middle blockers always keep good posture , and take an active in adjusting the posture .

  15. 由机头朝向操控者的倒飞停悬,将升降舵拉升舵使直升机翻滚为机尾朝向操控者的正立停悬姿态,保持静止停悬5秒钟。

    From this inverted Nose-In hover , add backward cyclic and flip the helicopter back to an upright Tail-In hover , hold for five ( 5 ) seconds .

  16. 卫星应用任务要求卫星姿态在空间保持高精度定向,为此有必要研究精确的递推非线性姿态估计算法。

    The stringent attitude orientation accuracy demanded by the satellite flight omission motivate the development of recursive nonlinear filters for precise attitude estimation .

  17. 分析认为PPT是一种先进的小推力动力装置,特别适合于微小卫星的轨道转移、姿态控制、位置保持以及星座编队飞行。

    It was showed that PPT was a kind of advanced propeller with small thrust , which was suitable to orbit transfer , attitude control , station keeping and formation flying for small and micro satellite .

  18. 通过对UH-60直升机的姿态命令/姿态保持响应模式的解耦飞行控制器设计,验证了H∞控制理论对直升机解耦控制,以及所提解决控制器运动模态过快方案的有效性。

    Employing the above design method , the decoupling flight control system of UH 60A helicopter is designed for attitude command attitude hold ( ACAH ) response type . The simulation results show that the validity of the decoupling control design method with too fast mode of controller being limited .

  19. 推力矢量作为火箭发动机的关键性能参数,在飞行器姿态控制、位置保持、减速着陆等方面具有重要意义。

    As the key performance parameters of rocket motor , thrust vector is significant in the aircraft attitude control and control precision .

  20. 对于全球重力场测量卫星而言,其姿态和轨道的保持精度直接影响着全球重力场测量的精度。

    For the gravity field measurement of satellite , the maintained precision of the gravity field measurement satellites attitude and the orbit affect the measurement precision directly .

  21. 霍尔推力器以其体积小,重量轻,比冲高,寿命长等优点广泛应用于小卫星的姿态控制和轨道保持等方面。

    Hall thrusters have been used widely in orbit correction and station-keeping of geostationary satellites for the advantage of small size , light weight , high specific impulse , and long life .

  22. 按此方法设计诱饵,可使得在整个再入段,诱饵即使不带小型发动机调整姿态,也能保持与弹头相同的运动状态,以此达到掩护弹头突防的目的。

    The decoy designed by the method , even if there is not small engines with it to adjust its posture , will keep the same motion with the missile along the whole reentry trajectory so as to shield the missile to break through the defense .