
  • 网络Hangzhou Wahaha Group
  1. 达能上周指责娃哈哈建立平行业务(paralleloperation),生产和销售与合资企业相同的饮料。

    Danone accused Wahaha this week of setting up a parallel operation that bottled and sold the same drinks as the joint venture .

  2. 在娃哈哈现在的广告中,韦恩??鲁尼(WayneRooney)的形象出现在功能饮料启力的一侧。

    Wahaha 's adverts now feature pictures of Wayne Rooney next to cans of Qili , an energy drink .

  3. 今年1月,它与曼联(ManchesterUnited)足球俱乐部签署三年赞助合同,根据交易,娃哈哈出资赞助,换取在中国的软饮料广告中使用曼联名称和肖像的权利。

    In January it signed a three-year sponsorship deal with Manchester United , paying for the right to use the football club 's name and images in its soft-drink advertisements in China .

  4. 在与中国合资伙伴娃哈哈集团(wahahagroup)的法律战中,达能(danone)已提出休战,希望借此解决双方旷日持久的争端。

    Danone has offered a truce in its legal battle with Wahaha Group , its Chinese joint venture partner , in an effort to resolve their long-running dispute .

  5. 在中国的企业家中,娃哈哈(wahaha)饮料集团创始人宗庆后是个不同寻常的人物。

    Zong Qinghou , founder of the Wahaha drinks group , is a rare figure among Chinese entrepreneurs .

  6. 围绕“娃哈哈”商标的使用权,宗庆后与他的合资伙伴达能(danone)斗争多年。

    Mr Zong fought for years with Danone , his joint venture partner in China , over the right to exploit the Wahaha trademark .

  7. 娃哈哈名字的寓意是“笑哈哈的孩童”。在1996年与法国达能(Danone)组成合资企业后,娃哈哈确立了中国头号饮料公司的地位。

    Wahaha , which means " laughing baby , " established itself as China 's top drinks company after it formed a joint venture with Danone of France in 1996 .

  8. 该集团最大的在华合资企业(贡献占集团运营利润的5%至6%),目前正受到中国大陆合作伙伴娃哈哈(Wahaha)经营的竞争性业务的侵蚀。

    Its biggest local joint venture , which contributes 5-6 per cent of group operating profits , is being sapped by a rival operation run by its mainland partner .

  9. 在与中方合作伙伴娃哈哈(wahaha)的争执中,法国达能集团(danone)昨日取得了部分胜利,因娃哈哈创建人宗庆后已经宣布辞去双方软饮料合资公司的董事长一职。

    Danone won a partial victory yesterday in its dispute with Chinese partner Wahaha when Zong Qinghou , the founder of the Chinese company , resigned as chairman of their soft drinks joint venture .

  10. 在上世纪90年代的中国企业界,跨国企业与本土公司合资失败的案例比比皆是,而达能(danone)与娃哈哈(wahaha)之间的合作,一直被誉为成功典范之一。

    Corporate China in the 1990s was littered with the wreckage of failed joint ventures between multinationals and local companies but the tie-up between Danone and Wahaha was held up as one of the great success stories .

  11. 通过其私人控制的饮料帝国杭州娃哈哈集团有限公司(HangzhouWahahaGroupCo.),宗庆后积聚了126亿美元的财富,他也因此成为了中国首富。周二,宗庆后明确指出,他不是靠中国股市发家致富的。

    Zong Qinghou climbed his way to the top of the list of China 's wealthiest by amassing a fortune of $ 12.6 billion through his privately listed beverage empire Hangzhou Wahaha Group Co. On Tuesday , he made clear he didn 't gain his wealth through the country 's stock market .

  12. 法国食品及饮料集团达能(danone)已对主要中方合作伙伴娃哈哈(wahaha)启动法律行动,宣称娃哈哈成立了竞争性企业,销售与合资业务相同的产品。

    Danone , the French food and drinks group , has launched legal action against its main Chinese partner , Wahaha , claiming it had set up a rival business to sell the same products as the joint operation .

  13. 他的娃哈哈(Wahaha)帝国价值数十亿美元。在讨论接班计划时,他提到31岁的女儿宗馥莉已经接手企业的部分职责,随后补充道:“如果她出了问题,我会去帮她擦屁股。”

    When discussing the succession plans at his multibillion-dollar Wahaha empire , he notes that Kelly Zong , his 31-year-old daughter , has already taken over some of the corporate responsibilities , before adding : " If she has any problems , I 'll go and wipe her butt . "

  14. 达能今年4月开始在中国针对娃哈哈采取法律行动。

    Danone began legal proceedings in China against Wahaha in April .

  15. 宗庆后表示,娃哈哈可能还会从海外采购糖。

    Mr Zong said Wahaha might also source sugar overseas .

  16. 全国人大代表、娃哈哈集团董事长宗庆后

    Zong Qinghou , NPC deputy and chairman of beverage giant Wahaha Group

  17. 娃哈哈今年确实做出了进军海外的努力,在英国进行了一笔投资。

    Wahaha did make a foray of a kind into Britain this year .

  18. 娃哈哈称,关于商标权的有效合同已在两年内到期。

    The valid contract for the trademark expired in two years , Wahaha said .

  19. 杭州的裁定将娃哈哈商标的所有权留给了娃哈哈集团。

    The Hangzhou ruling left ownership of the Wahaha brand with the Wahaha Group .

  20. 我今天从南京到宁波参加第三次娃哈哈慈善活动。

    I travelled from Nanjing to Ningbo today to attend the3rd Wahaha charity event .

  21. 达能已经在中国启动了对娃哈哈的法律行动,并已在瑞典申请仲裁。

    It has begun legal action against Wahaha in China and requested arbitration in Sweden .

  22. 娃哈哈表示,双方已达成协议,该公司“无意作出更多评论”。

    Wahaha said both parties had reached an agreement and it had " nothing more to comment " .

  23. 咨询顾问常称娃哈哈是在华运营的所有中外公司中最具创新力的公司之一。

    Consultants routinely cite Wahaha as one of the most innovative companies , local or foreign , operating in China .

  24. 娃哈哈于1988年起家,曾当过农民的宗庆后当时在一家学校商店里开始销售奶制品。

    Wahaha began business in 1988 when one-time farmer Zong Qinghou started to sell milk products out of a school shop .

  25. 而中国最大的饮料生产商娃哈哈,将成为曼联在中国的第一家官方软饮料合作伙伴。

    While Wahaha , the largest beverage producer in China , will become the club 's first official soft drinks partner .

  26. 娃哈哈拥有8000余人的销售团队,与10000余家经销商在全国形成了一张遍布神州大地的独特的营销网络。

    The success of Wahaha has been achieved through its unique nationwide marketing channel composed by an8000-people sales team and10000 distributors .

  27. 事实上,这也是宗庆后实现他最终目标&将国有的“娃哈哈”集团私有化的关键一步。

    In fact , this was a key step for Zong to achieve his ultimate goal – privatization of state-owned Wahaha Group .

  28. 宗庆后否认了达能的所有指控,并表示娃哈哈的成功得益于他对市场的了解。

    Mr Zong denied all of Danone 's allegations and said Wahaha 's success was thanks to his understanding of the market .

  29. 英格兰足球超级联赛曼联俱乐部正式与中国建设银行以及中国饮料生产商娃哈哈集团签订一份为期三年的赞助协议。

    English Premier League side Manchester United has agreed to two three-year sponsorships with China Construction Bank and soft drinks manufacturer Wahaha .

  30. 之后,1791年《加拿娃哈哈》把加拿大分为上加拿大和下加拿大,前者是英国人的定居地,后者是法国人的居住点。

    The Canada Act of 1791 divided Canada into Upper Canada where the British had settled , and Lower Canada populated by the French .