
  • 网络matrimonial property;marital property;Marital Assets
  1. 如果配偶双方立有婚前合同,则婚姻财产关系适用当事人在合同中约定的法律;

    However , if they are signed , the laws that are contracted can be proper to the marital property relations .

  2. 本部分是对全文的一个小结,并且也提到了婚姻财产约定对未来社会的作用。

    This section is a summary of the full text , and also mentioned the marital property agreement on the future of social status .

  3. 主要介绍了婚姻财产契约的概念和性质。

    It mainly introduces the concept and the nature of the contract .

  4. 人们试图以这种办法在离婚后守住自己婚姻财产。

    In this way , people try to hedge their marital bets .

  5. 内地与澳门婚姻财产制度比较研究

    A Comparative Study of the Matrimonial Property Systems in Inland China and Macao

  6. 第五章,论述了婚姻财产制度理论的几个重要问题。

    The Chapter Five expounded several significant problems in the marriage wealth system theory .

  7. 他们很容易就对婚姻财产的公平分割达成了一致,那也是好的。

    It was also good that they could easily agree how to fairly divide up the marital propertyz .

  8. 婚姻财产制度是婚姻法学领域一项十分重要的制度,是婚姻中夫妻权利义务关系的重要组成部分。

    Marriage contract is an important part in the sector of Marriage Law , stipulating the right and responsibility of husband and wife .

  9. 在配偶双方之间不存在婚前合同时,婚姻财产关系由婚姻住所地法支配。

    If the prenuptial contracts not signed between the spouses , the property relations of the marriages should be dominated by the laws of the inhabited regions .

  10. 这一套制度的建立和发展充分体现了公平和正义的罗马法理念,并对现代婚姻财产立法产生着深远影响。

    The establishment and development of this set of system has fully manifested Roman law idea - fair and just , and greatly influenced modern marriage property legislation .

  11. 在理论分析的基础上明确婚姻财产契约的性质,为下文各项具体制度的阐释打下理论基础。

    Based on the theoretical analysis , it gives the nature of marital property contract clearly , which lays a theoretical foundation for the following explanation of the specific system .

  12. 第四部分:关于立法中婚姻财产制度完善的建议。这部分针对前一部分提出的立法中存在的不足之处提出了完善的意见,是本文的价值所在。

    This part put forward some improve opinions of legislation of marital property system according to the deficiencies pointed out in the former part . Such are the value of this paper .

  13. 除了他自愿给她的,多一美元她也绝对要不回来,他们那该死的异教婚姻财产处理法规定得明明白白。

    She 'll never get back a dollar more of her money than what he 's voluntarily returned to her : their damned heathen marriage settlements take precious good care of that .

  14. 本文重点梳理分析了我国婚姻财产契约的现状,在借鉴外国先进经验的基础上结合我国的实际情况提出了一些建议。

    This article analysis the inadequacies of the marital property contact system in our country and make some legislative proposals based on the advanced experience of foreign countries and the actual situation in China .

  15. 婚姻财产契约正是给了当事人自由支配财产的机会,能有效地减少家庭矛盾和纠纷,稳定家庭关系,符合婚姻长久共同生活的目的。

    Marital property contact system gives marriage couple more opportunity to dispose their property freely and can reduce family conflicts and disputes effectively , stable family relationships . It is consistent with the purpose of a life-long marriage .

  16. 这部分对我国立法中夫妻财产制度存在的不足之处进行了概括,对社会生活中婚姻财产纠纷进行了实证分析,为提出婚姻财产制度的完善意见做好了铺垫。

    Basing on this discussion , the legislation of marital property system deficiencies were summarized , which are prepared the way for proposing improvement views of marital property regime . Part ⅳ: a sound system of matrimonial property legislation .

  17. 倘若我在任何早期西方父权时代出生,我将被视作父亲的财产,直到他把我交付给我的丈夫,成为婚姻财产。

    If I 'd been born during any other century of Western patriarchy , I would 've been considered the property of my fath-er , until which time he passed me over to my husband , to become marital property .

  18. 婚姻财产契约是婚姻财产制度的一个重要内容,它允许婚姻当事人以契约的形式自由约定适用的财产制度,自由约定家庭财产的归属、管理、适用和处分。

    Marital property contract system is an important component of the marital property system . It is the property system which allows both parties of the marriage make contract freely on the family property ownership , management , application and disposal .

  19. 希望能完善我国的婚姻财产契约制度,使这项制度发挥作用,调节家庭财产关系,对婚姻当事人处理家庭财产关系时起到有效地指导作用。

    Hope this thesis can make some improvement on our marital property contact system and make the system play a role in regulating family property . Hope it can give some directions on disposing family property relations for both parties of the marriage .

  20. 本文以婚姻财产关系为分析题材,结合具体司法实践,对民俗习惯与国家强制法在民事诉讼中的博弈作出实证分析。

    This paper , analysis based on the relationship of marital property , analysis of the relationship between marital property subject matter , combined with specific judicial practice , aims to make an empirical analysis of the state law and the folk customs in civil game proceedings .

  21. 婚姻财产协议(结婚时一方向配偶转让财产的协议).债权人可以组成债权人会议,讨论通过破产财产的处理和分配方案或者和解协议。

    A marriage settlement , ie one made by a spouse in favour of his / her spouse when they get married Creditors may form a creditors ' conference to discuss and approve the disposal of the bankrupt property , the distribution plans and the agreement of settlement .

  22. 美国其他州及大多数大陆法国家都没有明文规定把人力资本作为婚姻财产,而是以承认家务劳动的经济价值,通过离婚经济救济制度给予贡献的一方一定的补偿。

    The most other states of the United State and many Europe counties do not recognize that human capital is the marital property . They recognize the economic value of housework , and then they use the economic compensation system to make up the time and the opportunity .

  23. 英国上议院裁定,帕梅拉•怀特在婚姻财产的积累过程中发挥了作用,甚至在家族农场上扶犁耕地,对她所做贡献的这一评价使她获得了丈夫的一半财产。

    The House of Lords ruled that Pamela White had been instrumental in building up the assets of the marriage to the point of pushing the plough on the family farm . This assessment of her contribution entitled her to 50 per cent of her husband 's assets .

  24. 通过学习、借鉴法国民法典中关于婚姻财产制度的设置,以使我国的夫妻财产制度得以不断修正和完善:首先,在宏观方面,建议将夫妻财产制度作为专章,并增设通则性的规定。

    Hence , by studying the establishment of matrimonial property system in Code Civil des Francais , matrimonial property regime in China will be modified and improved constantly : Firstly , at the macro aspect , to make matrimonial property regime as a special chapter and set up nomothetic rules .

  25. 第三节论述涉外婚姻与财产继承法律。

    The third section discusses the foreign-related law of marriage and succession .

  26. 本部分主要对涉及婚姻约定财产制度的法律法规进行分析解读。

    This part of the marital property agreement involving the main system of interpretation of laws and regulations .

  27. 本文主要对教会法所反映的中世纪西方女性在家庭婚姻、财产继承等方面的权利,以及对女性的暴力犯罪的处罚进行了考察。

    This article mainly discusses the rights western women had in the aspect of family marriage and property inheritance , etc.

  28. 1905年,即他提出相对论的那年,爱因斯坦住在一间狭窄不堪的公寓里,忙着应付难以为继的婚姻和财产所带来的诸多问题。

    In1905 , the year he discovered relativity , Einstein was living in a cramped apartment and dealing with a difficult marriage and money troubles .

  29. 婚姻、财产继承、权利和利益分配、军事、宗教等级甚至游戏,无不被包括在这个体系交换中。

    Marriage , inheritance of property , right , distribution of interests , military , religious grade even playing , including exchange , in the system all without exception .

  30. 由于尼日利亚普通法仲裁存在的缺点,使得普通法仲裁现在已很少使用,而习惯法仲裁主要适用于农村地区,它解决的主要是农村社区中当事人有关土地、婚姻、财产等方面的纠纷。

    On the other hand , the customary law arbitration is mainly used in the rural areas , what it settles are mainly about the disputes from land , marriage and property .