
qīn shǔ ɡuān xì
  • kinship;family relationship;kindred;domestic relation
  1. 民间社会中的拟亲属关系研究

    A Study on the Imitated Kinship of Folk Society

  2. 亲属关系至关重要:富裕的父母更有可能养育出富裕后代。

    Kinship plays a big part : rich parents tend to produce rich kids .

  3. 在美国,他们把休·格兰特吹捧为第二个加里·格兰特(两人并无亲属关系)。

    In America they are touting Hugh Grant as the next Cary Grant ( no relation ) .

  4. 他和市长有亲属关系。

    He called cousin with the mayor .

  5. 对42例无亲属关系的IDDM患者和40例健康对照者采用PCR方法对HLA-DQ基因进行了分析,42例皆为曾在本院诊断和住院患者,并一直用胰岛素注射治疗。

    HLA-DQ gene was analysed by PCR in 42 insulin treated IDDM patients and 40 healthy controls .

  6. 警方后来追查到了另外两名嫌犯——明图?萨卡尔(MintuSarkar,与阿尼玛没有亲属关系)和拉祖?比斯瓦斯(RajuBiswas)。

    Police later tracked down two other suspects , Mintu Sarkar ( no relation to Anima ) , and Raju Biswas .

  7. 该书由刘宇昆翻译,他同样是一位获奖科幻小说作家,现居美国(两人没有亲属关系)。目前被译为英文的中文科幻小说非常少见,本书将于周二由托尔图书出版社(TorBooks)在美国发行。

    Translated by Ken Liu , an award-winning science-fiction writer in his own right who is based in the United States ( the men are not related ) , it is one of the few Chinese science-fiction novels to be translated into English . It will be released in the United States on Tuesday by Tor Books .

  8. 各个阶层包括商人都看重亲属关系。

    Kinship was cherished by all levels of people including merchants .

  9. 探索了阿拉伯民族与被征服民族的历史渊源、阿拉伯语与闪含语系及其他语言的亲属关系及其对传播阿拉伯语的影响。

    It explores historical origins of Arabic nations and conquered nations .

  10. 这种血缘亲属关系是联盟的真实基础。

    This bond of kin represented the real basis of the confederacy .

  11. 虽然他们两人同姓,但他们没有亲属关系。

    Although their surnames are identical , they are not of kin .

  12. 依附者还是构建者?&关于妇女亲属关系的一项民族志研究

    Dependant or Constructor : An Ethnographical Study of the Women 's Kinship

  13. 亲属关系存在于每一个社会中,在历史上具有稳定性。

    Kinship exists in every society with stability in history .

  14. 略论近代早期英国商人亲属关系网络的作用

    The Role of the Merchants ' Kinship Network in Early Modern England

  15. 萨默森小姐和这个案子的任何一方都没有亲属关系。

    Miss Surmmerson is not related to any party in the cause .

  16. 非正式组织、亲属关系组织的存在必然要对正式组织的活动及其效率产生影响。

    They interfere with activity and efficiency of formal organization .

  17. 亲属关系证明:配偶提交婚姻关系证明;

    Certification for Relative Relationship : Spouse shall submit marriage relationship certification ;

  18. 跟一个大毒枭有密切的亲属关系。

    Has close family ties to a major drug cartel .

  19. 这两者之间有着兄妹的亲属关系,这点决不是没有可能的。

    and that the two myths are related as brother and sister .

  20. 婚姻状况、亲属关系、收养关系;

    Marriage status , kindred relationship , adoption relationship ;

  21. 复等位基因平衡群体中亲属关系的信息学研究

    Informatics study on the kinship in alleles equilibrium population

  22. 亲属关系作为一种普遍的社会现象,早就引起人类学家的关注。

    People tend to make sense of relationship by viewing them as kinship .

  23. 分析亲属关系的连续性和历史变迁。

    Illustrating the continuity and changes in kinship relationship .

  24. 亲属关系:我们和谁有亲属关系?

    Kinship Patterns : To Whom Are We Related ?

  25. 她与普尼塔并无亲属关系。普尼塔的父母在2010年将她嫁给了阿克沙伊。

    Ms. Devi 's parents arranged her marriage to Mr. Singh in 2010 .

  26. 首先,核心亲属关系在本次个案中是夫妻关系。

    Firstly , the core of kinship in the case is conjugal relation .

  27. 婚姻是人类学/民族学关于亲属关系研究领域的一个核心主题和重要分支。

    Marriage is an essential issue and a branch in anthropology and ethnology .

  28. 唐代文人亲属关系考

    On the Relationship of Literati Relatives in Tang Dynasty

  29. related:有亲属关系的我们没有血缘关系吧?

    Dan : There 's no chance we 're related , right ? -

  30. 夫妇彼此是亲属关系。

    Husband and wife are relative to each other .