
shěn niáng
  • aunt;wife of one's father's younger brother;wife of father's younger brother
婶娘 [shěn niáng]
  • (1) [wife of father's younger brother] 〈方〉∶叔父的妻子

  • (2) [aunt]∶婶母,大婶

婶娘[shěn niáng]
  1. 请你们婶娘给你们做饭不行吗?

    Can 't you get your aunt to do the cooking for you ?

  2. 母亲有位婶娘,活到一百零六岁的高龄,直到老死,神智仍然清醒。塞特共活了九百一十二岁就死了。

    Mother had an aunt who lived to a hundred and six and kept her wits until the end . and all the years of Seth 's life were nine hundred and twelve : and he came to his end .

  3. 每一排坟墓属于同一代人,人们从最前面一排开始干活,一直到最近去世人的坟墓&那是他们的父亲,母亲,叔伯和婶娘。

    Each row represented a distinct generation , and the men began their work on the front line , tending the graves of the most recently dead & the fathers and mothers , uncles and aunts .
