
méi jiè rǎn liào
  • mordant dye
  1. 本文通过实验对比、显微组织观察等方法来研究酸性媒介染料染兔皮的可行性并优选染色工艺。

    The feasibility of acidic mordant dye to rabbit skins and the optimization of the technology of dyeing were studied by means of constrast and observation under microscope in the paper .

  2. 采用盐酸做预处理,并采用阿白格B参与媒介染料染色的染色工艺。

    By pretreatment with hydrochloric acid and use of Albegal B in mordant dyeing .

  3. 固色剂PS可提高酸性媒介染料的摩擦牢度

    Improvement of fastness to rubbing of wool with fixing agent PS

  4. 新生态MnO2吸附剂对酸性媒介染料废水脱色特性研究

    Decolorization characteristics of acid mordant dyes wastewater with fresh MnO_2 as adsorbent

  5. 本文主要报道了一种用于染料废水处理的新型材料即新生态MnO2及其对三种酸性媒介染料染色废水的脱色作用及影响脱色效果的主要因素。

    In this paper , the decolorization of acid mordant dyes on fresh MnO 2 and the main effect factors were investigated .

  6. 酸性媒介染料染深色羊绒是较为常用的染色方法,采用微波消解法对媒介黑PV染色羊绒制品进行预处理,再通过原子吸收光谱测定法(AAS)测定样品的铬含量。

    Cashmere products in dark shade are normally dyed with acid alizarine dyes , chrome content in fabrics is determined by fabric pretreatment with microwave digestion followed by atomic absorption spectrometer ( AAS ) .

  7. 以各种水溶性染料,包括直接染料、酸性媒介染料、活性染料的废水为实验对象,系统研究了新生态MnO2在染料废水脱色过程中的作用。

    To study the characteristics of fresh MnO_ ( 2 ) for decolorization of different soluble dyes , experiments were conducted to treat water containing direct dyestuff , acid mordant and reactive dyestuffs .

  8. 改性高岭土处理含酸性媒介染料的印染废水

    Treatment of Dyeing Wastewater Containing Acid Chrome Dye Using Modified Kaolin

  9. 工艺条件对酸性媒介染料溶解度影响的研究

    Influence of technological condition on the solubility of acid mordant dyes

  10. 与媒介染料相比,用活性染料对拉细羊毛染色可获得更好的效果。

    Reactive dyes exhibited better dyeing properties than mordant dyes on attenuated wool .

  11. 酸性媒介染料染家兔皮的研究

    Studies on dyeing rabbit skin with acidic mordant dyes

  12. 氯化稀土用于酸性媒介染料羊毛染色工艺的再探讨

    More Studies on the Application of Rare Earth Chloride in Wool-Dyeing Technology With Acid Mordant Dyes

  13. 本文对酸性媒介染料散毛染色前后的羊毛性能做了测试和分析,发现纤维受到严重损伤,表现为强力、伸长、膨松度大大降低。

    In this paper tests and analyses were carried out on wool lots both before and after wool dyeing .

  14. 通过用酸性媒介染料染羊毛时工艺的筛选及助剂的选择,使羊毛纤维染后的摩擦系数降低,强力损伤有所减小,提高了羊毛纤维的可纺性。

    By optimizing process and auxiliaries when dyeing wool with acid mordant dyes , the spinnability of wool is enhanced .

  15. 研究了合成双联表面活性剂Gemini1及其复配助剂对酸性染料及酸性媒介染料溶解性、染深性、色泽鲜艳度等方面的影响。

    The effects of synthesized gemini surfactant Gemini-1 and its complicated agent G on the solubility , deepness and brightness have been studied .

  16. 研究结果表明:除煮呢沾色牢度外,染色羊毛的各项牢度均优于媒介染料。

    Results also showed that all fastness properties of the reactive dyes were better than those of mordant dyes , except for crabbing staining fastness .

  17. 染料的溶解度、匀染性、上色率、固色率均好于媒介染料,颜色的批差小。

    Solubility , levelness , uptake and fixation of reactive dyes were better than those of mordant dyes , and color differences between lots were smaller .

  18. 试验证明,采用金属盐对天然彩色棉进行固色处理相当于天然媒介染料的后媒染,可以提高其皂洗与汗渍牢度。

    Various experiments have indicated that the adoption of fixation by metal salts is equivalent to " post-mordant dyeing " in natural mordant dyes , which results in an improvement of color fastness to washing and perspiration .

  19. 使用媒介染料和马来酸与三价铬离子形成的络合物对羊毛进行染色可降低六价铬离子对环境的污染而得色率高于重铬酸盐媒染法染色。

    The environmental pollution caused by dyeing wool with Cr (ⅵ) has been decreased by use of a complex of mordant dyes and maleic acid with Cr (ⅲ), resulting in a color yield higher than that of dichromate dyeing processes .

  20. 以城市污水处理厂剩余活性污泥为原料,制取干污泥、热解污泥和改性污泥作为吸附剂,对直接深棕M和酸性媒介棕RH等染料进行了吸附试验研究。

    Adsorption of Direct Dark Brown M and Acid Mordant Brown RH dyes in water by dried activated sludge , pyrolysis activated sludge and modified activated sludge , which made from the material of discarded activated sludge of municipal wastewater treatment plant , was studied .

  21. 以化学法合成的新生MnO2为吸附剂,对水中酸性媒介黑T(染料之一)进行了吸附脱色研究,并探讨了影响吸附的因素。

    The decolorization efficiency of an aqueous solution of acid mordant blank T with fresh MnO 2 synthesized by chemical process as an adsorbent was studied , and various factors influencing adsorption were investigated in detail .