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méi shuò
  • matchmaker
媒妁 [méi shuò]
  • [matchmaker;go-between] 媒:指男方的媒人;妁:指女方的媒人。笼统地说,都可以泛指媒人

  • 媒妁誉人,而莫之德也。--《淮出子.谬称训》

  • 父母之命,媒妁之言

  1. 明清才子佳人小说中的媒妁形象研究

    A Study of " Matchmaker " Image of Scholar Beauty Novels in the Ming and Qing Dynasties

  2. 青海婚俗中的媒妁文化浅析

    On the matchmaker 's culture of marital customs in Qinghai

  3. 楚婚俗不拘礼法,不重媒妁,择偶缔婚形式多样而且具有自由开放的情韵。

    The Chu marriage custom was free and open .

  4. 你们是媒妁婚的吗?还是真爱?

    Is it an arranged match ? Or love ?

  5. 晚明白话小说中塑造了大量栩栩如生的职业媒妁形象。

    There are a lot of vivid professional match-makers in Baihua novels in late Ming dynasty .

  6. 第三章重在探寻明清才子佳人小说中的媒妁形象塑造对后世小说创作的影响。

    Chapter 3 is related to the influence of the image of Matchmaker on the future novel composition .

  7. 媒妁是中国古代婚姻制度中的重要一环,其中职业媒妁尤为引人注目。

    Match-maker is the important part of marriage system in ancient China ; professional match-maker is a noticeable phenomenon especially .

  8. 苏联成立后,这种古老传统被打破,男女开始自由恋爱。但如今,媒妁婚姻这种传统似乎再次复活。

    The old tradition , however , was broken after the Soviet Union was founded and more value was placed on free love .

  9. 难道相爱者的这种权利不是高于父母、亲属以及其它传统的婚姻中介人和媒妁的权利吗?

    Did not this right of the lovers stand higher than the right of parents , relations , and other traditional marriage-brokers and matchmakers ?

  10. 第二部分考察了媒妁的历史演变及官媒、私媒的区别,结合其它文学作品中的三姑六婆分析了《金瓶梅》中的媒婆形象,并探究媒婆大行其道的历史原因。

    Through carding the history variance of matchmakers and distinguishing official matchmakers and private matchmakers , the second part analyses the matchmakers in Gold Bottle Plum combining other literature works .