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  • woman matchmaker
媒婆 [méi pó]
  • [woman matchmaker] 旧时以说合婚姻为职业的妇女

媒婆[méi pó]
  1. 媒婆打了一个大喷嚏,只见那粒花生米从媒婆的鼻孔呼啸而出,直奔老丈人的酒杯!

    Woman matchmaker hit a big sneeze , see that pignut goes out from the nostril howl of woman matchmaker only , go straight towards the father-in-law 's goblet continuously !

  2. 她找过灵媒婆,那灵媒婆预测了整件事

    She went to some psychic lady who predicted the whole thing .

  3. 你是来商量结婚的事?你是媒婆吗?

    Have you come to talk about marriage ? Are you a broker ?

  4. 为什么木兰去见媒婆时感到紧张?

    Why was Mulan nervous when she was going to meet the matchmaker ?

  5. 媒婆没问题,我会有办法的。

    Matchmaker No problem . I have an idea .

  6. 她是村子里的长舌妇和媒婆。

    She is the village gossip and matchmaker .

  7. 今天,媒婆的角色已被光缆与半导体芯片取代。

    The little old lady has been replaced by fiber cable and semiconductor chips .

  8. 凯思公司同时也在欧洲和中国之间扮演着一个重要的“媒婆”角色。

    Cisema also plays a prominent role as a major matchmaking in Europe and China .

  9. 广告公司是媒婆

    Advertising Agencies are Matchmakers COMPANY

  10. 因此,执行翻译活动的译者自古便被看作了无关轻重的配角,例如仆人、媒婆、传声筒和翻译机器等等。

    Therefore , translators have been considered to play such unimportant roles as the servant , matchmaker , mouthpiece and translation machine .

  11. 尽管媒婆制和现代婚姻中介制度在形式上尽管存在很多差异,但都是解决婚姻过程中信息不对称的制度安排。

    Despite a lot of differences between Matchmaker System and Modern Marriage Intermediary System , they are methods to resolving information asymmetry of marriage .

  12. 影片开头,木兰和家人一起吃饭,饭桌上父亲告诉她,媒婆已经给她找到了一个良配。

    It starts with Mulan joining her family for a meal as her father tells her the matchmaker has found her a suitable husband . '

  13. 通常媒婆是已婚妇女,知道年轻男子想和什么人结婚,她为他找一个合适的新娘。

    An intermediary , usually a married lady , learns that a young man wishes to get married and she undertakes to find him a suitable bride .

  14. 第二部分考察了媒妁的历史演变及官媒、私媒的区别,结合其它文学作品中的三姑六婆分析了《金瓶梅》中的媒婆形象,并探究媒婆大行其道的历史原因。

    Through carding the history variance of matchmakers and distinguishing official matchmakers and private matchmakers , the second part analyses the matchmakers in Gold Bottle Plum combining other literature works .

  15. 北方的高跷秧歌中,表演者扮演的人物通常有渔翁、媒婆、傻公子、小二哥、道姑、和尚等。

    In the north of China stilt-walkers always dress themselves in different costumes , such as like a fisherman , match-maker , young boy , Taoist nun and Buddhist monk .

  16. 中国的婚介现象有趣又有意义,尤其是媒婆制,吸引了民俗学、社会学等众多学者的关注,但却鲜有从经济学角度对此进行深入研究。

    Intermediary agent phenomenon in Marriage is interesting and significant . It has attracted much attention from sociologist and so on , while it rarely has been studied in-depth from the perspective of economics .

  17. 研究表明,大小制度是匹配的,媒婆制本身符合封建制度,以婚姻介绍所为主要载体的现代婚姻中介制度也适合现代社会的制度背景。

    My research indicates that marriage intermediary system matches with the background of specific social systems , as Matchmaker System is efficient in feudalistic society while Modern Marriage Intermediary System is also efficient in our society .