
jié yí
  • the few survivors
孑遗 [jié yí]
  • [survivor] 残存者;遗民

  • 三陷之后,城中无孑遗。--《明史》

  1. 孑遗植物杜仲的遗传多样性RAPD分析和保护策略研究

    Genetic diversity of Eucommia ulmoides by RAPD analysis

  2. 莲(NelumbonuciferaGaertn)是一个古老的孑遗物种,在系统与进化研究中有重要意义。

    As an ancient relict species , lotus ( Nelumbo nucifera Gaertn ) plays an important role in system and development evolution studies .

  3. 珙桐(Davidiainvolucrata)是我国特有的珙桐科珙桐属植物,起源古老,为第三纪古热带植物区系的孑遗种。

    Davidia involucrata is a species that is specially distributed in China and belongs to Davidia and Nyssaceae . It has epibiotic origin and is relic species from tertiary palae-tropical flora .

  4. 南方红豆杉(TaxusChinensisvar.mairei),是我国特有的第三纪孑遗树种,为国家一级濒危珍贵保护植物,也是红豆杉属植物中分布最广泛的一种。

    Taxus chinensis var. mairei , being one of the state-protected one-grade rare and endangered plants , is one of the tertiary relic species and endemic to China . It is also distributed as one of the most wide plant in the taxus .

  5. 孑遗植物水杉种子萌发的生理生态特性研究

    Ecophysiological characteristics of seed germination of the relict plant Metasequoia glyptostroboides

  6. 鄂西晚三叠世几种古生代的孑遗植物及其意义

    Some Paleozoic relics from the Late Triassic in Western hubei , china

  7. 四川省珍稀濒危植物区成分复杂,特有、孑遗、单种科属植物以及高山植物较多。

    The compositions of the rare and endangered plants in Sichuan are complex .

  8. 孑遗植物沙冬青属的酯酶同工酶谱分析

    Spectrum analysis on the esterase isozymes of Ammopiptanthus

  9. 存在许多孑遗种;

    There were plenty of epibiotic species ;

  10. 特有性强,共有52种中国特有植物;起源古老,有41种古老孑遗植物;

    There are 41 species of relic plants and 52 species of Chinese endemic plants .

  11. 由于较少受到第四纪冰川的直接侵袭,加之复杂的地形,优越的气候条件,重庆地区保存了大量古老孑遗植物。

    Chongqing is rarely influenced by quaternary glacier . It has complex geomorphy and superior climate .

  12. 另外武陵源植物区系还有许多珍稀、古老、孑遗、原始植物成分。

    Furthermore , there are also lots of rare , precious , ancient , and primitive plant components .

  13. 仅仅是的穿梭如同穿越洋一样他们在此外的世界里依然孑遗。

    Death it but crossing the world , as friends do the seas ; they live in one another still .

  14. 现在还有踪迹可寻的祭孔乐舞,就是雅乐舞蹈的孑遗。

    The dances to pay tribute to Confucius that may be found today is just the last traces of the Elegant Dance .

  15. 古植物学资料和现存的古老、孑遗和特有成分说明福建裸子植物区系起源古老;

    The data of palaeobotany and age-old , relict , endemic compositions illustrates that the origin of gymnospermous flora of Fujian is age-old ;

  16. 南方红豆杉是我国第三纪孑遗特有树种,为国家一级濒危珍贵保护树种。

    Taxus chinensis var. mairei , being one of the state-protected one-grade rare and endangered plants , is one of the tertiary relic species an endemic to China .

  17. 在有影响的现代文学作品中,《月夜》恐怕是唯一一篇反映云南回族遭受兵灾之后孑遗生活的小说。

    In the influencing contemporary literature work , the Moon Night probably is a single novel that reflects the survivor living of Yunnan Hui after suffered in the war .

  18. 华中植物区系具有比中国其它地区更丰富的古老、孑遗和特有成分,被称之为中国植物区系的核心地区。

    The floristic region of central China is referred to as the core of the Chinese flora with more archaic , relic and endemic elements than any other places in China .

  19. 银杏是我国独存的孑遗植物,是我国特产的著名经济树种,集果用、叶用、材用、观赏及生态防护等多种功能于一体。

    Ginkgo biloba is the sole survival plant and famous local economic species in China with an aggregative function of fruit , foliage , timber , ornamental , ecology and shelterbelt .

  20. 长白山位于吉林省东南部,是整个欧亚东大陆北半球上一个重要的植物种质资源库,保存了大量的古老孑遗植物。

    Located in the southeast of Jilin Province , Changbai mountains are an important plant germplasm resources treasury in the Eurasia in the Northern Hemisphere , where many ancient endangered plants are conserved .

  21. 在中国,用龟这种文化现象从史前至史初贯穿始终,甚至至今仍有其孑遗,在中国传统文化中具有重要的地位。

    In China , the cultural phenomena associated with tortoise , which have survived till now , exist from the prehistory to the beginning of history and still have an important status in Chinese traditional culture .

  22. 银杏为第四纪冰川之后,只在我国保存下来的一科一属一种的孑遗植物,故有活化石、植物界的熊猫之称。

    Ginkgo biloba is the single species , single genus and single-family plant , only surviving in China after the Fourth Ice Period , so the living fossil and the panda in plant kingdom name it .

  23. 通过对大山峰18种珍稀濒危植物及国家保护植物区系组成的分析,得出该区系具有木本植物优势、区系起源古老、孑遗种多、地理成分复杂和特有植物多等特徵。

    By analysing the composition of the flora of18 rare and endangered plants and national conservative plants in dashanfeng , showed the result that this area has characteristics of dominant woody plants , old origin , rich remaining plants , complicated distribution types and many endemic species .