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jì jūn
  • second runner-up;third place;bronze medalist;third winner in contest
季军 [jì jūn]
  • [bronze medalist] 第三名,专用于体育等竞赛中

季军[jì jūn]
  1. “美国小姐”的亚军和季军分别是来自得克萨斯州的史拉·菲利普和来自佐治亚州的阿曼达·柯萨克。

    Shilah Phillips , the first black Miss Texas , was first runner-up , and Miss Georgia , Amanda Kozak , was second runner-up .

  2. 一旁的季军美国小姐与她耳语了几句,她才恍然大悟:冠军给错人啦!

    Miss USA , the second runner-up , is seen whispering something to her , and then it finally clicks . The wrong person was crowned .

  3. 他在托特黄金大奖赛中获得季军。

    He finished third in the Tote Gold Trophy .

  4. 这是世界杯决赛首次用抽签的方法来决定亚军和季军。

    For the first time in a World Cup finals , lots had to be drawn to decide who would finish second and third .

  5. 曾经因成功押注于美国房地产泡沫破裂而一举成名的约翰•保尔森(JohnPaulson)位居季军。

    The third highest hedge fund earner was John Paulson , who made his name successfully betting against the US housing bubble .

  6. 第一个是历史上不怎么成功的莱斯特城(LeicesterCity)和托特纳姆热刺(TottenhamHotspur)在上赛季令人意外的表现,它们分获英超冠军和季军。

    The first was the surprising performances of historically less-successful Leicester City and Tottenham Hotspur last season , who finished first and third in the league .

  7. 最近发布的KindlePaperwhite以及69美元Kindle则分列销量亚军和季军。

    The recently released Kindle paperwhite and $ 69 Kindle are the number two and three bestselling products , respectively .

  8. 从2012年发布至2015年1月,任天堂共售出920万台WiiU游戏机。不过相比索尼PlayStation4(2100万)和微软XboxOne(1300万)的销量,WiiU这个季军显然差了不是一点半点。

    Nintendo has sold just over 9.2 million Wii Us globally since its launch in 2012 through January 2015 , and the console still lags a distant third to Sony 's 21 million PlayStation 4 and Microsoft 's 13 million Xbox One sales .

  9. 西班牙服装零售商阿曼西奥·奥特加,以旗下的ZaraZara时装连锁店最为著名)连续第二年位列季军,并且扩大了对第四名沃伦·巴菲特的领先优势。

    Spanish clothing retailer Amancio Ortega ( best known for the Zara fashion chain ) retains the No. 3 spot for the second year in a row , extending his lead over Warren Buffett , who is again No. 4 .

  10. 朱莉娅·曼库索在女子高山滑雪超级混合赛中夺得季军。

    Julia Mancuso took third in Woman 's super-combined alpine skiing .

  11. 首先恭喜您获得“世界先生”季军的荣誉。

    First of all , my congratulations for your victory in the Mr.

  12. 巴西队是一支非常好的球队,他们是上次奥运会的季军。

    Brazil is a very good team and they were runners-up in the last Olympics .

  13. 东道主德国队夺得季军,这让国内观众为之欢呼喝彩。

    Hosts Germany gave the home crowd plenty to cheer about to capture the bronze .

  14. 坚持到最后的“呆神”冠、亚、季军均是小朋友,比起大人,他们似乎更能抗干扰。

    The top three places were all won by children , who seemed to be more noise-proof than adults .

  15. 在与英格兰队争夺第三名的比赛中他再次得分,使得意大利队至少获得了季军的称号。

    In the play-off for third place he scored against England , giving Italy at least the bronze medal .

  16. 她击败了哥伦比亚小姐和秘鲁小姐,她俩分获亚军和季军。

    She beat out Miss Colombia and Miss Peru who came in as the runner-up and third place holder .

  17. 亚锦赛是亚洲篮球最高级别的赛事,菲律宾获得了该项赛事的亚军,而卫冕冠军伊朗队的获得了季军。

    The Philippines finished as runner-up while defending champion Iran placed third at the highest-level competition in Asian basketball world .

  18. 获得桂冠的丹妮尔·劳埃德与亚军27岁的安德丽亚·克雷(右)和季军23岁的路易丝·怀特。

    Crowned Danielle Lloyd with runners-up Miss St Helens Andrea Clay ( right ), 27 , and Miss Basildon Louise White , 23 .

  19. 作为宝莱坞片酬最高的女演员之一,迪皮卡·帕度柯妮是2015全球十大美女榜的季军。

    One of the highest-paid Bollywood actresses , Deepika Padukone hold the third position in the list of 10 most beautiful women of 2015 .

  20. 在团体比赛中,北京林业大学和对外经济贸易大学分别获得了亚军和季军。

    In the team competition , Beijing Forestry University took second place , and the University of International Business and Economics came in the third .

  21. 山西女选手焦灵花获得亚军,季军被一名法国选手摘得。

    Jiao Linghua , a female player from China 's Shanxi province won the runner-up and the third place was taken by a French player .

  22. 季军艇上的运动员,两人年龄差异比较大,比赛中配合次数比较少,运动成绩波动比较大。

    Second Runner-up boats on the athletes , the two are great differences in age , race with the number of relatively small sports results more volatile .

  23. 这位单身母亲曾是咸安区唯一的省级优秀会计师,早年离婚,独自将儿子季军(化名)带大。

    The single mother was the only provincial Xian'an good accountant , early divorce , her son alone in the third ( not his real name ) brought .

  24. 季军艇运动员年龄比较大,四年参赛次数比较多,年度比赛密度比较大,奥运会上并没有发挥最佳竞技状态。

    Second runner-up boat athletes ages relatively large number of entries are more four-year , annual competitions density is large , the Olympics did not play in top form .

  25. 当时还是非种子选手的费德勒在男单季军争夺赛中输掉三盘,而米尔卡在女双第一轮就战败。

    While an unseeded Federer lost in three sets in the men 's singles bronze medal match , Mirka suffered defeat in the opening round of the women 's doubles .

  26. 奚梦瑶在2010的精英世界模特大赛中以季军的身份脱颖而出,之后便成为了中国最炙手可热的模特。

    Ming was discovered after placing third in the Elite Model Look competition in 2010 and has since gone on to become one of China 's most sought after models .

  27. 尽管之前她是澳网决赛的常客&2003年时,她同小威分别夺得季军和冠军,但自那之后她常常止步于墨尔本赛事的四分之一决赛。

    Though she is a former finalist here , as she was the runner-up to her sister in 2003 , she has since gone no further than the quarter-finals in Melbourne .

  28. 由浸大学生和校友组成的队伍,最近凭杰出的市务推广意念,在大专联校市务传讯比赛中夺得季军。

    The innovative ideas created by a group of HKBU students and alumni for promoting a " home spa " have won them the second runner-up prize in the recent joint university marketing communications award competition .

  29. 其中有获得4×100米接力冠军的尤里娅·切尔莫莎斯卡娅,获得标枪比赛亚军的玛丽娅·阿巴库莫娃和获得跳高比赛季军的安娜·奇切洛娃。

    It said that among them were Yulia Chermoshanskaya , who won gold in the 4x100m relay team , silver medallist javelin thrower Maria Abakumova and Anna Chicherova , who won bronze in the high jump .

  30. 澳大利亚统计局建议采用人均得奖牌数统计金牌榜,这样牙买加就是世界第一,亚军季军分别为斯洛伐克和澳大利亚。

    In Australia , the Board of Statistics reckons a better guide is medals per head of population , which makes Jamaica the world 's top nation , followed by Slovakia and then , erm , Australia .