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  1. 大厅里点着一盏孤灯,发出昏暗的光。

    A solitary light burned dimly in the hall .

  2. 阐述了氙孤灯耐光色牢度试验仪的结构与工作原理,以及目前国际通用ISO校准规程;

    The structure and work theory of xenon arc lamp apparatus are explained . The current international ISO calibration regulations are illuminated .

  3. 那所空房子里有一盏孤灯亮着。

    A single light burned in the empty house .

  4. 他的书房里仍有孤灯独燃。

    A light was still burning in his study .

  5. 孤灯夜守,等你回家。

    I 'll wait for you until you come home , every night with the light on .

  6. 凌晨两点半我赶到的时候,楼里除了第一层窗户那儿亮着一盏孤灯外,漆黑一片。

    When I arrived at 2:30 a.m. , the building was dark except for a single light in a ground floor window .

  7. 脱钩论已经寿终正寝,因此不要指望在世界其它地区都灯火黯淡的情况下,中国经济能够孤灯独明,无论美元变得多么廉价。

    Decoupling is dead , so do not expect China to be an economic bright spot as the lights dim throughout the rest of the world , no matter how cheap the dollar gets .