
  1. 孤独啊,张大嘴巴俺不愿意坐上一棵柠檬树可以。

    Isolation * I don 't want to sit on the lemon tree .

  2. 如今,我有四个老婆相伴左右,可一旦我死去,她们都将离我而去,我将是多么的孤独啊!

    Now I have 4 wives with me . But when I die , I 'll be alone . How lonely I 'll be !

  3. 我是不是要孤独终老啊?

    Tina : Am I bound to be dying alone ?

  4. 这样怎么算啊?我到底会还是不会孤独终老啊?

    So what is it ? Am I or am I not gonna die old and alone ?

  5. 我不想离开我的童孤独地走啊!

    I do not want to leave my child alone walked !

  6. 孤独的人啊蝙蝠侠看来你还真的很喜欢看爱情电影

    For a loner , Batman , you sure like movies about relationships !

  7. 我但求孤独一死啊。

    I am dying to die alone .

  8. 他们的骨灰在那里,弗洛伦斯不论哪一天散步——唉,多么孤独多么孤独的散步啊!——

    Their ashes lie where Florence in her walks - oh lonely , lonely walks ! -

  9. 他们的骨灰在那里,弗洛伦斯不论哪一天散步唉,多么孤独多么孤独的散步啊!随时都可以经过那里。

    Their ashes lie where Florence in her walks oh lonely , lonely walks ! may pass them any day .