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  1. 超越与持守&论郁达夫小说的独特价值与不足卸荷式与悬臂式挡土墙受力分析比较

    Comparison of force balance analysis between relieving and cantilever retaining wall

  2. 墙背卸荷式搅拌桩挡墙在基坑工程中的应用超越与持守&论郁达夫小说的独特价值与不足

    Application of unloading retaining wall using mixing pile in excavation

  3. 安身而守正:论潘尼人生道路与人格精神

    On the Life and Personality of Pan Ni

  4. 持守与革新&论意识形态与林纾翻译策略的博弈

    Tradition and Reformation & On Combats between Ideologies and Lin Shu 's Strategies for Translation

  5. 老子守中论和涤除论的审美内涵和意义值得探讨。

    It is worthy discussing on aesthetical connotation of Lao Tzus the golden mean and elimination .