
  • 网络Safety stock;Safety inventory;safe stock
  1. 供应链环境下TQ公司安全库存的设置

    Research on Safety Stock Setting for TQ in the Supply Chain Environment

  2. 基于GRNN神经网络的供应链安全库存预测

    Forecasting Safety Stock of Supply Chain Using Artificial Neural Network

  3. 本文试图选取BP神经网络预测模型对安全库存进行预测。

    This paper uses BP network to forecast safe inventory .

  4. 最后,介绍了青岛LX公司降低安全库存和囤积库存的实际应用验证。

    At last , this thesis introduced the result of inventory reduction of Qingdao LX company .

  5. 应用人工神经网络,建立BP神经网络模型,用多个影响安全库存的指标及安全库存对网络进行训练,以达到对安全库存量预测的目的。

    The goal of forecast Safety Goods Stockpile can be achieved by using Artificial Neural Networks to structure BP model and training the net with Safety Goods Stock-pile and many elements which affect the Safety Goods Stockpile .

  6. 首先从库存成本入手,引入了最佳批量规模(EOQ)方程式后分析循环库存和安全库存;接着考虑影响运输决策的多种因素;

    Introducing EOQ equation , the paper analyzes cycle inventory and security inventory and gives out the best choice of cost .

  7. 同时,分析ERP安全库存的计算模型,认为ERP系统的安全库存计算和半导体需求特点不一致,为此解决安全库存与实际安全库存有较大差距的问题。

    Meanwhile , the calculation of safety stock model ERP , ERP system that the safety stock calculation and characteristics of semiconductor demand , are inconsistent , this address safety stock and safety stock a large gap between the actual problem .

  8. 在计算过程中涉及到销售量的预测,本文综合运用双指数平滑法模块及BP神经网络两种方法进行预测,保证了预测的准确性,从而确保设计出的关键零部件的安全库存量接近实际。

    It relates to sales forecasting in the calculation process . this paper uses two kinds of method to calculate including exponential smoothing method and BP neural network , which ensures the design of key parts of the safety stock is close to the actual .

  9. 哈蒙德库存模型,计算和确定了LX公司的安全库存,提高了原材料安全库存的管理水平;

    He counts and confirms the safety inventory Level of LX Company , and improves the management of raw material safety inventory Level by adopting Shapiro-wilk Robert Hammond Inventory Model ;

  10. 模型中的目标成本包括:RDC的设立成本、RDC成本、RDC安全库存成本以及从RDC到分销商的配送成本四部分。

    The model incorporates fixed costs of locating RDCs , working inventory and safety stock inventory costs at RDCs and transport costs from the suppliers to the RDCs .

  11. 研究了发生在供应链中订货的牛鞭效应和安全库存放大问题,其需求模型是ARIMA(0,1,1),而所用的预测方法是简单的指数平滑。

    This paper studies that the bullwhip effect of order releases and the amplifications of safety stock arise within the supply chain even when the demand model is ARIMA ( 0 , 1 , 1 ) and the forecast method used is a simple exponentially weighted moving average .

  12. 具有逆向物流的供应链系统安全库存的一种计划方法

    A Strategic Safety Stocks Planning in Reverse Logistics Supply Chain Systems

  13. 模糊环境下提前期对安全库存的影响

    Impact of Lead Time Uncertainty on Safety Stock under Fuzzy Environment

  14. 基于系统动力学方法的安全库存水平控制研究

    Study on Safety Inventory Control Based on System Dynamics Safe Inventory

  15. 供应链不确定性与安全库存研究

    The Research on the Uncertainty and Security Stock of Supply Chain

  16. 分销系统安全库存策略及研究

    The Study of Coordination Strategies for Safety Stock in Distribution System

  17. 服务培训支持,确保代理安全库存的合理化。

    Support on service Training , safety stock belong to distributor !

  18. 准备安全库存零件,避免缺乏零件更换。

    Stock enough spare parts to and avoid rush part orders .

  19. 零售连锁企业安全库存神经网络模型预测

    Safety Stock Forecast by Neural Network of Retail Chain Enterprise

  20. 为研发所用的常规料件备安全库存。

    Set up safety inventory in CHK plant for the common parts .

  21. 倒排计划和安全库存计划相结合的物料需求计划与控制方法&用于非定型产品制造业

    An Efficient Method of Planning and Control for Materials Demands

  22. 聚集效应对安全库存的影响研究

    A Study on How Aggregation Effect Impact on Safety Inventory

  23. 确定安全库存量的效用值法

    Method of Utility Value of Determining the Safe Stock Quantity of Goods

  24. 基于神经网络确定安全库存量的研究

    The research of safe volume of stock based on eural network model

  25. 空间需求聚集下安全库存模型及其实证

    Research on Safe Stock Model and Its Instance under Agglomerating the Space Requirement

  26. 人工神经网络在预测服装企业安全库存的应用

    Application of artificial neural networks in forecasting safety goods stockpile of dressing corporations

  27. 减少备品的最小安全库存。

    To minimum inventory spare parts to save cost .

  28. 考虑供给与需求波动性的安全库存定量研究

    Integrating Demand and Supply Variability into Safety Stock Evaluations

  29. 随机存货决策中的安全库存研究

    A Study on Safety Stock of Stochastic Stock Decision

  30. 基于提前期的通用件安全库存管理

    A Study on Safety Stock Management of Component Commonality Based on Lead Time