
  • 网络Scl;Safety Check List
  1. 基于安全检查表法的电动车安全分析和对策

    Analysis of electric bicycle safety and its accident countermeasures based on SCL

  2. 层次分析法在安全检查表中的运用

    Application of analytical hierarchy process in safety check list

  3. 如何编制和应用安全检查表

    How draw up and application of the safety check table

  4. 安全检查表在我厂的应用

    Application of safe and control table in a uranium mill

  5. 制定出切合实际情况、系统的、评价中易操作的安全检查表;

    Sets down practical , systematic and operational safety checklist ;

  6. 安全检查表法在剧毒化工厂安全评价中的应用

    Application of Safety Checklist Method for Safety Evaluation in Toxic Chemical Factory

  7. 基于灰色关联度的安全检查表评价法改进

    Improvement in the Safety Check Table Appraisal Based on the Gray Relational Grade

  8. 检查脚手架时,必须使用以下安全检查表和合格的检查人员。

    The following safety checklists and qualified personnel shall be utilized when inspecting scaffolds .

  9. 根据国家的法律法规和部门规章,进行安全检查表分析;

    Analyze the safety check list based on the national laws and regulations and departmental rules ;

  10. 评价结果表明,安全检查表的方法较为实用。

    The results show that the safety check list method is practical and risk matrix method is quantitative .

  11. 采用安全检查表和风险矩阵的方法,对某原油油库进行了安全评价。

    Safety assessment is implemented in a petroleum tank farm using safety check list and risk matrix method .

  12. 在安全检查表得分的基础上再采用定性的方法给出尾矿库安全度;

    Presents safety degree of tailing pond by determining the nature on the base of score of safety checklist ;

  13. 应用安全检查表的检查结果可确定工厂安全管理等级并提出相应的改进措施。

    Safety checklist can be used to determine the grade of factory safety management and come into corresponding improvement measures .

  14. 介绍了武山铜矿用安全检查表的模式进行安全卫生评价的技术和方法。

    The technology and method making safety and hygiene evaluation by using the model of safety in - spection table in Wushan Copper Mine are introduced .

  15. 最后针对道路和环境因素的道路安全检查表,利用以上两种道路安全评价方法并配合道路安全检查表的方式来彻底排查道路方面的事故隐患,以有效地减少道路交通事故的发生。

    Last the paper bring forward a road safety examining table , the examining table and the two methods can make a clean sweep of the hidden trouble of road safety , and reduce the traffic accident .

  16. 系统危险识别分为定性识别和定量识别。基本的和常用的方法包括安全检查表、危险性预先分析、事件树分析和事故树分析。

    Dangerous discernment method of the system is divided into qualitative discernment and quantitative discernment A basic one and commonly used method including safe check table , analysing dangerously in advance , event tree analysis and fault tree analysis .

  17. 介绍了安全检查表、预先危险性分析、故障类型和影响分析、事件树分析、事故树分析等系统安全分析方法。

    System safety analysis methods including SCL ( safety check list ), PHA ( preliminary hazard analysis ), FMEA ( failure modes and effects analysis ), ETA ( event tree analysis ) and FTA ( fault tree analysis ) were introduced .

  18. 在确定各个评价单元的评价方法的基础上,进行安全检查表的评价指标体系、安全检查表的内容、安全标准、目标分数的编制;

    On the foundation of the assessment technique of definite every appraisement unit , carry out the authorized strength of the appraisement index system of safe inspection table , the content of safe inspection table , safe standard and goal grade ;

  19. 结合企业管理的实际情况,应用安全检查表法对各指标的安全可靠程度进行了分析,采用模糊综合评价法对内燃机车运用一级、二级指标的各系统的安全性进行了评价。

    Through combining with the actual situation of company management , safety inspection table method was applied to investigate the reliability of each indicator , the fuzzy comprehensive evaluation method was used to evaluate the primary and secondary indicators of the security of each system .

  20. 承包商HSE经理将在项目期间或按照中华人民共和国的HSE规定要求把班前安全谈话检查表存档,作为法律依据。

    Contractor HSE Manager will retain TEAM TALK checklists on file for duration of the project or as required by PRC HSE regulations .

  21. 职工们进行该工作而主管将在班前安全谈话检查表上签字。

    The contractor workers performing the work and supervisor will sign the form .

  22. 主管负责确保这些班前安全谈话检查表填写适当并归还。

    The supervisor is responsible for ensuring that forms are properly completed and returned .

  23. 在完成班前安全谈话检查表的基础上,主管们将同职工一起复习检查表上的要求。

    Upon completion of the TEAM TALK form , supervisors will review the requirements of the form with the contractor workers .

  24. 主管要确保班前安全谈话检查表被交给区域经理供其审查、落实措施和签字。

    Supervisor to ensure that TEAM TALK card is handed to the Area manager for his review , action and signature .

  25. 详细讨论可预见的危险和计划的控制措施&参照班前安全谈话检查表并让职工参与讨论。

    Discuss in detail , the foreseen hazards and the planned control measures for these hazards – refer to TEAM TALK checklist and get contractor worker input and involvement .

  26. 介绍了煤矿安全评价中检查表法的基本概念及其在本次工作中的作用。

    The basic concept and function in the practical application of the method of safety check list are introduced in coal mine security evaluation .

  27. 制作了用于评价作业位置劳动安全卫生条件的检查表和采访表;

    A checklist for valuating the safety and health condition of workplaces in wood industry has been worked out .

  28. 介绍系统安全工程知识,包括安全检查表、预先危险分析、事故树分析等方法,并运用这些方法对宝鸡-汉中天然气管道工程可能遇到的危险危害因素进行分析。

    Introduce system safety engineering knowledge such as security table test . advance the hazard analysis and incident tree analysis o Which means are used for analysis the dangerous element about the Baoji-Hanzhong nature gas pipeline project .

  29. 针对电子商务中存在的经济安全和风险,可将工业安全检查表法应用于电子商务中以评价电子商务平台的安全性。

    In the light of the economic security and risks existing in e-commerce , the industrial safety checklist can be used in thee-commerce for estimating the security of e-commerce platform .

  30. 分析了2起因能量的意外释放导致的伤害事故,提出了具备多能源设备的锁定和挂牌的安全流程,并附有能源隔离安全检查表和流程图。

    In this paper two incidents that were caused by unexpected energy release are analyzed , lock out & tag out procedures are proposed for equipments with multiple energy sources and they are attached with energy isolation checklists and flow charts .