
  • 网络safety values
  1. 关于安全价值观的探讨

    A Probe into Safety Values

  2. 从管理学、心理学的角度研究安全的价值,探讨其时代性、广义性、差异性、观念性,进一步认识到安全的重要性,并用安全价值观来为安全生产服务。

    Safety values are probed from the viewpoints of management science and psychology to further promote the awareness of the importance of safety and the service for the production .

  3. 美国将强有力地保护我们的安全和价值观,只有这样我们都能更安全。

    America will vigorously defend our security and our values , and in doing so we will all be more secure .

  4. 我上任这一个月以来,一直重申我们要代表和保卫美国的利益、安全和价值观,但是我们乐意倾听。

    And what I have tried to do in the month that I have had this position is to make clear that we will represent and defend the interests and the security and the values of the United States , but we want to listen .

  5. 文件罗列出美国经久不衰的国家利益:安全、繁荣、价值观和国际秩序。

    It lists as the country 's enduring national interests security , prosperity , values and international order .

  6. 我已经告诉诸位我秉持的信念,我们的安全和我们的价值观要求我们不能对使用化学武器残杀无数平民的行为袖手旁观。

    Ive told you what I believe , that our security and our values demand that we cannot turn away from the massacre of countless civilians with chemical weapons .

  7. 人们的安全理念、安全价值观和判断标准也发生了深刻的变革,以关爱生命、关注安全为主旨的全社会的安全文化,正在逐步形成。

    People 's security idea , the security values and the judgment standard has also had the profound transformation , take " shows loving concern the life , the attention security " as the primary intention entire society 's security culture , is forming gradually .

  8. 安全文化体现为人类群体生活及生产中安全价值观和安全行为准则的总合。

    Safety culture reflects the combination of the safety value outlook and the safety code of conduct in human community life and work .