
  • 网络safety performance
  1. 结果表明,以HHI指数表示的市场集中度的提高对利润绩效和安全绩效的改善有着显著的影响;

    The regression results show that the increase of HHI index which represents the market concentration has notable effect to profit performance and safety performance .

  2. 为处理油气生产企业安全绩效考核体系中指标的多维性、非线性等问题,引入具有分类和回归预测能力的SVM模型,客观、准确反映油气生产企业安全绩效考核的结果。

    To deal with the problems of multi-dimension and nonlinear in safety performance appraisal index system , the support vector machine model has been introduced , which has the ability of classification and regression prediction to reflect oil and gas production enterprise safety performance results objectively and accurately .

  3. 建筑施工项目KPI安全绩效管理体系

    The Construction Project Safety Management System Based on the KPI

  4. 通过前导指标、现状指标和HSE危害指标的设置对HSE问题给予主动的标杆管理,有别于传统的被动的安全绩效评价方法。

    The approach can also initiatively measure the performances of HSE management by setting the leading , current and injury indicators , and it is different from traditional passive techniques of measuring safety-management performances .

  5. 第四章,作者以北京LH国际大厦为例,利用前面一章中所介绍的绩效管理方法和过程,在LH国际大厦施工项目中建立了一套以KPI为基础的安全绩效管理体系。

    Chapter four , having the LH international plaza as an example , using the methods and process introduced last chapter , the author has set up a set of construction safety management performance system based on the Key Performance Indicator .

  6. 基层空管机构安全绩效评价体系研究

    Research on Safety Performance Evaluation System for Primary Air Traffic Management Agency

  7. 地下金属矿山企业安全绩效评估研究

    Study on Safety Performance Evaluation of Underground Gold Mine Enterprise

  8. 矿井安全绩效管理系统的要素构成分析

    An analysis of major components of mine work safety result management system

  9. 完善的安全绩效考核指标体系是保证安全绩效考核科学、合理的关键。

    A reasonable indicator system is key for safety performance Scientific and rational .

  10. 建筑业一直因其不良安全绩效而倍受批评,行业发展也受到影响。

    The development of construction industry is affected by its reputation of poor safety performance .

  11. 职业停滞阻碍个体职业发展,而且影响组织安全绩效的提高。

    Career stagnation prevents the individual professional development , which affects the enhancement of group safety performance as well .

  12. 所有承担管理职责的人员,都应该表明其对职业健康安全绩效持续改进的承诺。

    All those with management responsibility shall demonstrate their commitment to the continual improvement of OH & S performance .

  13. 工程项目安全绩效的提高需要项目参与各方&项目业主、总承包商、分包商和设计单位等的共同努力。

    Some construction firms focus more on management than leadership , which limits the improvement of their performance of work safety .

  14. 标准并未提出具体的职业健康安全绩效准则,也不对管理体系的设计提出详细的规范。

    It does not state specific OH & S performance criteria , nor does it give detailed specifications for the design of a management system .

  15. 避免事故发生,提高企业的安全绩效不仅是企业追求的一个目标,也成为社会对企业不断要求的永恒的主题。

    To avoid accidents , improving safety performance is not only the goal of a corporation , but also become eternal theme of the whole society .

  16. 被动性的绩效测量,即监测事故、疾病、事件(包括未遂过失)和其它不良的职业健康安全绩效的历史证据;

    Reactive measures of performance to monitor accidents , ill health , incidents ( including near-misses ) and other historical evidence of deficient OH & S performance ;

  17. 在此基础之上,运用二八原则,选择二十个关键性指标建立了油气生产企业安全绩效考核指标体系。

    On These Foundations , the twenty key indicators were selected to establish oil gas safety performance evaluation index system by the using of two eight rule .

  18. 安全绩效指标体系分为结果性指标和过程性指标两大模块,既注重过程,又注重事后结果,综合全面反映公司安全水平和状况。

    Safety performance indicator system is composed of two blocks , process indicators and result indicators , which not only emphasizes on process but also on result .

  19. 在唐熙华领导下,报告的安全绩效指标多数都取得了改善,但内部人士承认,改变企业文化可能需要几十年时间。

    Most of the reported indicators for safety performance were showing improvements under Mr Hayward , but insiders admit it can take decades to change a corporate culture .

  20. 考核模型的选择直接影响着安全绩效考核结果的客观与公正,也是安全绩效考核中的关键,对提高油气生产企业安全绩效考核的效果,确保企业安全生产有着十分重要现实意义。

    The choice of assessment model directly affects the objectivity and impartiality of the performance appraisal result . And it is also the key of the safety performance appraisal .

  21. 对企业进行安全绩效评估可以使企业了解自身的安全管理现状,找出问题所在并进行改进,是企业安全管理的有效工具。

    It makes the company know the safety management situation and then figure out the problems . So , safety performance evaluation system is a very useful tool to the safety management .

  22. 通过分析发现,中小企业安全绩效差的主要原因是企业未落实安全生产的主体责任、安全生产水平低,表现在企业及其内部员工未采取安全生产行为。

    The key reason of bad safety performance of SMEs is that they have not implemented the main responsibility for production safety . SMEs and their employees failed to take safe production behavior .

  23. 通过实证研究,表明员工组织公民行为和安全绩效的各量表具有较好的信效度,并验证和修正了航空公司员工组织公民行为与安全绩效的关系模型及研究假设。

    Empirical research show that organizational citizenship behavior and safety performance scale has good reliability and validity , and verification and correction of the relational model and the hypothesis of organizational citizenship behavior and safety performance of airlines employees .

  24. 最后,本文在训练测试样本基础上,选取中石油下属三家企业,考核其安全绩效水平,对模型的实际效果进行实证研究。

    Finally , based on the training and testing samples , this paper chooses two oil and gas production enterprises , subordinated to CNPC , to evaluate safety performance level , empirically research the actual effect of the model .

  25. 爆破工胜任力可有效预测安全绩效的好坏,不仅帮助个体认识自我,充分发挥与岗位匹配的胜任特征,而且为组织选人、用人提供了理论依据。

    The competence can predict safety performance effectively , which can not only help the individual make self-understanding , and make use of the potential competence match to the post , but also provide a theoretical basis on recruitment and evaluation .

  26. 即不同性别、年龄、教育背景和服务年限的员工在组织公民行为和安全绩效上存在一定的差异性,航空公司员工组织公民行为对安全绩效呈显著正向影响。

    Different gender , age , educational background and length of service of employees in the organizational citizenship behavior and safety performance there are some differences , the airline employees ' organizational citizenship behavior on the safety performance was a significant positive effect .

  27. 提出,提升中小企业安全绩效,关键是强化中小企业组织安全生产行为和员工安全遵守行为。(3)明晰了中小企业组织安全生产违规行为形成过程、内外因及其作用机制。

    So to improve safety performance , it is key to strengthen enterprise organization safety behavior and employee safety compliant behavior . ( 3 ) The formation process , internal and external causes of SMEs ' safety violation behavior and their action mechanisms are clarified .

  28. 已有的研究表明,工程项目施工安全绩效差的主要原因是企业未落实安全主体责任、安全管理水平低,企业及其员工的安全意识和安全行为亟待提高。

    Previous studies have shown that the main reasons for the poor performance of project construction safety control is enterprises have no responsibility for the implementation of the security principal , the low level of safety management , safety awareness and behaviors that enterprises and their employees must be enhanced .

  29. 通过运用层次分析法(AHP)法,合理准确地确定各评价因素的权重,在此基础上运用模糊数学基本理论构建职业安全培训绩效定量评估模型;

    Based on which , the quantitative assessment model for the performance of safety training is set up .

  30. 建筑施工企业提升安全生产绩效的六项领导策略

    Six Leadership Tactics for Improving Safety Work Performance of Construction Enterprises