
  • 网络Safe fuel;safety fuel
  1. 美军在着火安全燃料方面的研究与应用

    Research and Application of Fire - safe Fuel in the US Army

  2. 一种安全的燃料供应系统

    A Safe Fuel Delivery System

  3. 甜高梁有高能植物之称,在保证粮食安全和燃料乙醇生产方面具有广阔的应用前景。

    Sweet sorghum is known as high-energy plant , and has a good prospect in ensuring food security and production of fuel ethanol .

  4. 本论文实作设计一氢燃烧器,可安全处理燃料电池之阳极尾(氢)气。

    This thesis studies experimentally to design a hydrogen burner that can be used in burning the anodic offgas ( H2 ) ejected from the fuel cell system .

  5. 为此,文章从大力节油、加强国内油气资源勘探、开展石油资源的国际化经营、保障运输通道安全、燃料替代和石油储备方面评述了我国的石油安全对策。

    In this article , China 's oil security policy is reviewed in terms of oil saving , enhanced hydrocarbon resources prospecting , international operation of oil resources , safety of transport channels , fuel alternatives and petroleum reserves .

  6. 简而言之,今后半个世纪左右全球必须接近完全摆脱化石燃料,只能继续使用那些能应用碳捕获与封存技术(CCS)的安全的化石燃料。

    In short , the world will need to get almost entirely out of the fossil fuel business in the next half century or so , except for what can be continued safely with the use of carbon capture and storage ( CCS ) .

  7. 氢能的安全性和燃料电池汽车的氢安全问题

    The safety of hydrogen energy and fuel cell vehicles

  8. 塞拉菲尔德方面表示,参与者属于拆除一个核反应堆和其他建筑工程的工人,他们的罢工对于核安全或核燃料加工没有影响。

    They are involved in decommissioning a reactor and other building work and the strike will not affect safety or fuel reprocessing at the site , Sellafield said .

  9. 总之,该系统的应用将有效提高车辆的远程监控及车辆运行安全,减少燃料消耗,减少废气排放、提高车辆、道路的利用率。

    In summary , the application of such a system would effectively contribute to the vehicle remote monitoring and operating safety , reduce fuel consume , also drop in waste gas , make full availability of vehicles and roads .

  10. 但是太空环境极其恶劣,送宇航员到太空的成本高、风险大,而空间机器人安全、节省燃料,因此引起人们的广泛关注。

    But due to badly space environment , high cost and risk of sending astronauts to space , the requirement for space robots is brought up . Free-floating Space Robots are much concerned since they are safe and consume less fuel .

  11. 几何形状安全的-核燃料核电安全问题国际会议

    Geometrically safe International Conference on the Safety of Nuclear Power

  12. 介绍了一种安全型覆膜固体燃料制备方法。

    A kind of safety coating solid alcohol fuel is introduced in this paper .

  13. 丙烯是一种天然的、安全又便宜的燃料。

    Propane gas is a safe , convenient and less cost fuel with worldwide use .

  14. 海上安全运输辐照核燃料和其他核材料工作组

    Working Group on the Safe Carriage of Irradiated Nuclear Fuel and other Nuclear Material by Sea

  15. 全球清洁炉灶联盟的目标是在2020年前,让1亿个家庭用上更安全的炉灶和燃料。

    The goal of the Global Alliance for Clean Cookstoves is one hundred million homes using safer cookstoves and fuels by twenty twenty .

  16. 但官方的观点是,燃料棒大体上仍然保持完好,放射性物质仍然安全地包裹在燃料棒以锆制成的外壳之中。

    But the official view was that the rods were still mostly intact – and radioactive material was safely contained inside their zirconium sheaths .

  17. 核聚变能源以其安全、清洁、燃料资源丰富等优点而成为未来首选能源。

    The nuclear fusion energy will be the first choice for future energy , since it is safe , clean and with abundant nuclear fuel supply .

  18. 最终要清晰地表示出一个特定的水池对可装入(符合临界安全标准)乏燃料组件的要求。

    To generate a clear spent fuel assemblies loading criteria ( to meet the criticality criteria of the safety analyses ) for a special spent fuel pool .

  19. 为降低车祸发生率,现在有很多研究将注意力放在行车安全和开发新型燃料上。而有些关于电动机车和生物燃料的研究旨在达到更快的速度。

    To reduce car crash rate , much research now is focused on safety and new fuels & though some electric vehicle and biofuel research aims at going faster .

  20. 这些问题还涉及一些违反直觉的选择,比如停止开采已被发现、但由于需要限制碳排放而无法安全燃烧的化石燃料储藏。

    And these issues involve counterintuitive choices , such as stranding fossil fuel reserves that have been discovered but cannot safely be burned because of the need to limit carbon emissions .

  21. 轮胎压力监测系统能增强汽车行驶的安全性,提高燃料的利用率,延长轮胎的使用寿命。

    The tire pressure monitoring system ( TPMS ) has provided the safety aspects , as well as the improvement of the fuel efficiency and the extension of the tire life .

  22. 固体燃料火箭发动机的构造更简单、分量更轻,而且相对更安全。在固体燃料火箭发动机里,燃料和氧化剂被预先混合成稳定的液态推进剂,然后被塞满火箭发动机的燃料箱里。

    Solid-fuel rockets , in which the fuel and oxidiser are pre-mixed into a stable , solid propellant and then packed inside the case of the rocket , are simpler , lighter and relatively safer .

  23. 世界性的能源短缺和能源危机促使学术界和工业界把目光投向清洁、绿色、安全的太阳能、燃料电池等可再生能源。

    With the shortage of the energy and ever increasing of the oil price , more and more researchers and industrial companies focus on the renewable and green energy sources , especially the solar arrays and the fuel cells .

  24. 价值观念、基础管理水平、组织机构、安全生产水平、燃料管理水平、营销策略是影响发电企业生产经营的内部因素。

    Values , the basis manage level , organization , safe level of production , fuel control level are the inside factor affecting enterprise . According to analytical result , writer have worked out a scheme based on Value Management .