
  • 网络Andean Community;CAN;la comunidad andina;ANCOM
  1. 理论上CELAC将试图协调贸易块,诸如南方共同市场、安第斯共同体(虽然UNASUR也应该这样做)。

    On paper CELAC will try to co-ordinate among trade blocks , such as Mercosur and the Andean Community ( but UNASUR is also supposed to do that ) .

  2. 浅析中国与安第斯共同体互利双赢的贸易机制及其启示

    An Analysis of the Trade Relations between China and the Andean Community

  3. 南美国家联盟取代了2004年建立的南美国家共同体,而且还要把两个已存在的自由贸易区&南方共同市场和安第斯共同体合二为一。

    Unasur ( or Unasul in Portuguese ) replaces a South American Community declared in2004 and supposed to unite two existing free-trade areas , Mercosur and the Andean Community .