
hánɡ kōnɡ rán liào
  • aviation fuel;aircraft fuel
  1. 这个过程可以产出可再生柴油、可再生航空燃料(SAF)和可再生汽油,同时不会大幅提高成本。

    That process produces renewable diesel , sustainable aviation fuel ( SAF ) and renewable gasoline without greatly raising costs .

  2. 航空燃料水反应试验条件对试验结果的影响

    The Influence of Aviation Fuel Water Reaction Test Condition on Test Result

  3. 分析了航空燃料系统铝合金的微生物腐蚀(MIC)产生的原因,以及引起油箱腐蚀的微生物种类。

    The causes of microbial corrosion of aluminum alloy in jet fuel system and the microbial types responsible for the corrosion of the fuel tanks were analyzed .

  4. 采用连续流动反应装置研究了国产航空燃料RP-3在超临界热裂解条件下焦炭形成的规律和性质,总结了焦炭的形成机理和形成过程。

    Study of coke formation in thermal cracking of home-made jet fuel RP-3 under supercritical conditions was carried out in a continuous flow reactor system . Mechanism and process of coke formation was stated .

  5. GB/T6539-1997航空燃料与馏分燃料电导率测定法

    Standard test methods for electrical conductivity of aviation and distillate fuels

  6. 航空燃料中硫醇对铜合金的腐蚀行为

    Corrosion Behaviors of Copper Alloy in Jet Fuel Containing Mercaptan

  7. 提高航空燃料热安定性的研究进展

    Progress in research of improving thermal stability of aviation fuels

  8. 航空燃料超临界热裂解过程中焦炭的形成

    Formation of Coke in Thermal Cracking of Jet Fuel Under Supercritical Conditions

  9. 航空燃料高温裂解条件下热稳定添加剂的研究进展

    Recent progress of thermal stabilizers in pyrolysis of jet fuel at elevated temperature

  10. 航空燃料系统铝合金的微生物腐蚀

    Microbial Corrosion of Aluminum Alloy in Jet Fuel System

  11. 航空燃料氧化安全度测定法(残留量法)

    Testing method for oxidation stability of aviation fuels ( potential residue method )

  12. 我国航空燃料精制工艺装备技术进展

    Development of aerial fuel refining equipment in China

  13. 航空燃料耐水性测定法

    Testing method for water tolerance of aviation fuel crown closure measurement in aerial photo

  14. 航空燃料凝固点测定法

    Testing method for freezing point of aviation fuels

  15. 陆军的航空燃料评价方法

    Army rating method of aviation fuels

  16. 测量航空燃料中燃料系统结冰抑制剂(醚型)的试验方法。

    ASTM D5006-02 Standard Test Method for Measurement of Fuel System Icing Inhibitors ( Ether Type ) in Aviation Fuels .

  17. 而简化合成气生产工艺是生物质气化合成生产生物航空燃料的关键所在。

    Simplified synthetic gas production technology is the core of the process for synthesizing bio-jet fuel by gasification of biomass .

  18. 但是,铅也可以来自其他方面,如冶炼厂,铁和炼钢业,航空燃料。

    But lead can also come from other sources such as smelters , the iron and steelmaking industry , and aircraft fuel .

  19. 航空燃料在不同国家禁止销售的产品,他们必须获得这种燃料是更困难。

    Aviation fuel in various countries are banned sales of products , they have to get this fuel is even more difficult .

  20. 预计航空燃料成本的激增将使全球航空业陷入连续第四年亏损。

    The surge in the cost of jet fuel is expected to plunge the global airline industry into a fourth successive year of losses .

  21. 加速发展我国生物航空燃料产业的主要问题是原料来源和技术来源。

    The main problems China needs to resolve to accelerate the development of its bio-jet fuel industry are the sourcing of raw materials and technology .

  22. 同时,加速发展我国生物航空燃料产业也离不开政府有关部门的重视和支持。

    In addition , the author says , accelerating the development of the bio-jet fuel industry requires the attention and support from the relevant governmental bodies .

  23. 该消息人士告诉路透社,埃克森美孚正在研究其处理50%以上生物原料的能力,以生产可再生航空燃料。

    The sources told Reuters that Exxon is working to understand its ability to process up to 50 percent of some kinds of bio-feedstocks to produce SAF .

  24. 在美国,霍尼韦尔的绿色航空燃料产自于亚麻籽油,亚麻是一种不可食用的杂草,与旱地小麦轮流栽培。

    In the U.S. , Honeywell makes Green Jet Fuel from oil of camelina seeds , an inedible weed , that is grown in rotation with dry-farmed wheat .

  25. 航空燃料、二酯类合成润滑油和类似用途要求对膨胀特性进行控制,则可以根据相关标准对用于这些用途的垫片进行规定。

    Gaskets should be specified to an appropriate standard when required for aviation fuels , di-ester type synthetic lubrication oils and similar duties where control of swell characteristics is required .

  26. 介绍了供氢剂和结焦抑制剂两类热稳定剂抑制航空燃料高温(>400℃)热裂解期结焦的研究进展。

    The research progress of two kinds of thermal stabilizers , hydrogen donors and coke inhibitors that retard coke formation in pyrolysis of jet fuel at a temperature above 400 ℃ is summarized .

  27. 航空燃料的临界温度和临界压力数据是燃料性能评价的重要参数,直接影响着燃料在未来的航天飞机及高超音速飞行器中的使用状态及应用范围。

    Critical temperatures and pressures of fuels are important parameters for rating of merit , which define the phase behaviors , performance and temperature range of fuels applied in the airplanes and hypersonic aircrafts .

  28. 分析师表示,在目前汽油、柴油以及航空燃料需求疲弱的背景下,石化工厂削减产量可能引发石油消费的进一步下降,从而导致能源价格进一步下跌。

    The cuts during petrochemical plants ' troughs are likely to trigger a further drop in oil consumption on top of current weakness in gasoline , diesel and jet fuel demand , resulting in a further drop in energy prices , analysts said .

  29. 项目采用杭州能源工程技术有公司开发的新技术,将地沟油中的杂质清除,使其转化为航空燃料,当前日产量可达160加仑(约650升)。

    It will use a technology developed by Hangzhou Energy & Engineering Technology Co. , Ltd. ( HEET ) to clean contaminants from waste oils and convert it into jet fuel at a rate of 160 gallons ( 650 liters ) per day .

  30. 霍尼韦尔正与中石油、中国国航以及波音公司(Boeing)合作,在中国建立航空生物燃料基础设施。

    Honeywell is working with PetroChina , Air China and Boeing to create an aviation biofuels infrastructure in China .