
  • 网络P & G;P&G;Procter & Gamble;Procter&Gamble;Proctor and Gamble
  1. 9月22号宝洁公司停止在中国地区销售SK-II护肤品,也撤销了他们的美容专柜。

    On September 22 , Procter Gamble suspended the sale of its SK-II skincare products in China and closed counters selling the beauty line .

  2. 举例来说,宝洁公司(ProcterGamble)找到了减少烘干衬衣起皱的办法,而其起点是欧洲一所大学的计算机芯片专家所发明的聚合物。

    Procter Gamble , for instance , found a way to reduce the wrinkles in shirts fresh out of the dryer by starting with a polymer invented by a computer chip expert at a European university .

  3. 宝洁公司为它的饼干申请专利权。

    P & G applied for a patent on its cookies

  4. 宝洁公司(Procter&Gamble)首席执行官(CEO)兼董事长麦睿博经历了充满挑战的一年。

    Procter & Gamble CEO and chairman Robert McDonald has had a challenging year .

  5. 两年前的伦敦夏季奥运会期间,宝洁公司使用了相同的广告策略:这段名为“最佳工作”(BestJob)的广告描述了母亲含辛茹苦抚养运动员的艰辛历程,同样获得很好的反响。

    P & G took the same tack two years ago at the London Olympics with " best job , " a campaign about the hard work mothers do to raise an athlete .

  6. 部分《财富》500强公司,比如IBM和宝洁公司(Proctor&Gamble),已经意识到,公司需要一位“秘密守护者”,于是便设立了首席隐私官职位。

    A number of Fortune 500 companies such as IBM and Proctor Gamble have realized the need for a gatekeeper and have created CPO positions .

  7. 麦克纳尼同时在IBM和宝洁公司董事会任职,乘坐公司商务机参加董事会议的费用便达到约68000美元。

    McNerney sits on the boards of IBM and Proctor Gamble , and travel to board meetings represented almost $ 68,000 of the total cost .

  8. 举例来说,早在10多年前,宝洁公司(Procter&Gamble)就创设了一种名为“产品类别经理”(categorymanagers)的新管理岗位,其职能是管理多种品牌。

    It is more than a decade , for example , since Procter & Gamble created a new cadre of " category managers " to oversee multiple brands .

  9. 宝洁公司(Procter&Gamble)正计划“瘦身”。

    Procter & Gamble is planning to slim down its product slate .

  10. 他就是50岁的宝洁公司北京分公司总经理RichardCarpenter。

    The 50-year-old businessman is Richard Carpenter , general manager of Beijing 's branch of Proctor and Gamble Technologies .

  11. 去年,宝洁公司(Proctor&Gamble)在这一点上大获成功。当时,宝洁公司邀请演员以赛亚•穆斯塔法为公司的OldSpice男士香水推出了一个互动社交媒体宣传活动。

    Proctor & Gamble ( PG ) struck gold with this last year , when they created an interactive social media campaign for Old Spice around actor Isaiah Mustafa .

  12. 宝洁公司(Procter&Gamble)正在采用这种广告手法,以期赢得母亲们的注意。

    Procter & Gamble ( PG ) is following that recipe by appealing to mothers .

  13. 在加入ADM之前,伍尔兹之前曾从事石油业达30年之久,她现在还是宝洁公司的董事。

    Woertz , who spent three decades in the oil industry before joining ADM , also sits on the Procter & Gamble board .

  14. 我们最近与一个芬兰人进行了会面,他为宝洁公司(P&G)效力了18年,主要负责销售洗衣粉和SunnyDelight牌的饮料。

    We recently met a Finnish guy who spent 18 years at P & G ( PG , Fortune 500 ) selling laundry detergent and Sunny Delight .

  15. 消息首次曝光是在大约一年半之前。当时,古普塔突然辞去高盛集团董事一职【他也从宝洁公司(ProcterGamble)董事会辞职】。

    News of this story first broke almost a year and a half ago , when Gupta abruptly stepped down from Goldman 's board .

  16. 这导致宝洁公司(Procter&GambleCo.)和通用电气公司(GeneralElectricCo.)等一些西方企业纷纷提高旅行和福利等其他待遇。

    That has led some Western companies , such as Procter & Gamble Co. PG - 2.05 % and General Electric Co. GE - 0.15 % , to ramp up perks such as travel and benefits .

  17. 如宝洁公司化妆品品牌SKI工遭到消费者起诉,品牌形象受到影响,但对其玉兰油化妆品牌没有任何影响。

    For example , the cosmetics brand SKI of P & G was indicted by consumers and affected brand images , but there isn 't any influence on Olay brand .

  18. 全美橄榄球联盟(NFL)和宝洁公司(Procter&Gamble)等客户给他的员工支付的平均付费标准为每小时125到150美元。

    Clients such as the NFL and Procter & Gamble pay rates averaging $ 125 to $ 150 an hour for his employees .

  19. 但今年的招标会境况不同,包括可口可乐公司(Coca-ColaCo.,KO)和宝洁公司(Procter&GambleCo.,PG)在内的很多企业都在重新思索:在中国公众上网时间越来越长的情况下如何向他们推送广告。

    But this year 's comes as companies ranging from Coca-Cola Co. and Procter & Gamble Co. are reconsidering how to reach out to a Chinese public spending increasing amounts of time online .

  20. 宝洁公司首席财政官乔恩默勒(JonMoeller)表示,宝洁在中国、沙特阿拉伯、印度和巴西的出货量出现了两位数增长。

    Jon Moeller , PG chief financial officer , said his group had seen double-digit growth in shipments in China , Saudi Arabia , India and Brazil .

  21. 据尤妮佳的数据,国际纸尿裤市场有一半的市场份额由宝洁公司(Procter&GambleCo.)和金佰利(Kimberly-Clarkco.)占据,尤妮佳则位居第三,市场份额为10%。

    Half the international market is taken by P & GPG + 0.01 % and Kimberly-ClarkKMB + 0.86 % , while Unicharm comes in at No. 3 with 10 % , according to Unicharm figures .

  22. 本文以宝洁公司洗洁品广告创意及销售业绩为典型范例,分析节USP理论的应用价值和继续发展的空间。

    The author analyses the functional value and the continuous development leeyway of USP theory with the help of the typical examples of P & G companys advertisement originality and its sales achievement .

  23. 美国个人洗护用品巨头宝洁公司宣布将在未来的几周内恢复SK-II品牌护肤品在中国大陆地区的销售。

    US consumer products giant Procter & Gamble Company announced it would resume sales of SK-II skincare cosmetics in the Chinese mainland in the coming weeks .

  24. 在加入TBL管理咨询公司之前,你在宝洁公司工作了14年,先后在商品制造、商务统筹和人力资源管理等方面担任要职。

    Before joining TBL Leadership Partners , you worked for Procter & Gamble for14 years where you held a variety of positions in manufacturing operations , business leadership , and human resources .

  25. 举例来说,宝洁公司(Procter&Gamble)找到了减少烘干衬衣起皱的办法,而其起点是欧洲一所大学的计算机芯片专家所发明的聚合物。

    Procter & Gamble , for instance , found a way to reduce the wrinkles in shirts fresh out of the dryer by starting with a polymer invented by a computer chip expert at a European university .

  26. “我也不想挑出宝洁公司,但它就在我们的后院儿里,”Lobo在一次采访中曾如此说道。

    " I don 't want to single out Procter & Gamble , but they 're right in our backyard ," Lobo said in an interview .

  27. 宝洁公司宣布要停止出售其在日本生产的SK-II系列产品。在作出这一决定后的仅一个小时,宝洁公司上海办事处的前门就被一群愤怒的消费者踢开了。

    An angry group of consumers kicked down the front door of the Procter and Gamble office only hours after the company said it would stop selling its Japanese-made SK-II line .

  28. 去年,由于中国官员指责SK-II产品含有铬和钕,美国宝洁公司(P&G)被迫将日本制造的这一系列产品撤下了中国货架。不过,宝洁坚称这些化妆品是安全的。

    Proctor & Gamble pulled its Japanese-made SK-II products from Chinese shelves last year after officials said they contained chromium and neodymium , although the US group insisted the cosmetics were safe .

  29. 早在9月14号,中国广东出入境检验检疫机构就检测出由宝洁公司日本地区生产的SK-II护肤品含有钕和铬。

    The administration announced on September 14 that the Entry-Exit Inspection and Quarantine Bureau in South China 's Guangdong Province had detected chromium and neodymium in nine types of SK-II cosmetics produced by Procter and Gamble ( Japan ) .

  30. 他们指责宝洁公司破坏热带雨林。

    They accuse the company of contributing to tropical forest destruction .